A moment of silence for the Strela

Saying from a player who never played Helis in RB and have over 200 kills on Strela.

How unironically and manifestations of vested interests


Weird how I see it all the way up to 11.7

Yeah it is a skill issue.
You’re too bad to spawn a tank and kill it.
Also boohoo a SPAA is able to effectively do its job.

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The strela is definitely OP. If it weren’t in the russian tree it would be higher. Even if you don’t play CAS you should be able to tell that. If you can’t you’re just blinded by your emotions.

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It’s fine where it is and every other SPAA should be moved to reflect a similar BR.
You’re just too much of a CAS/helispammer to admit it.
So just spawn a tank.

you mean down right


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Why don’t you go to WoT?

Without aircraft there would be no WT grb.

Maybe you should take your own advice since you don’t want to play a combined arms game since you hate SPAA being effective and refuse to spawn a tank to kill it.
Go play WoT bro.

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I use plenty of SPAA myself, I’m just not blinded by emotions into thinking the strela isn’t overperforming for a 10.0 vehicle.

Combined arms game.
Spawn a tank and kill the SPAA or go play WoT.
He has a 7mm machine gun, skill issue.

I don’t think it would be a problem to put Strela-10M2 on BR 10.3, but it would be nice to give it passive detection. Historical feature and would reduce a bit the main problem with target searching.

I do? The difference is no other vehicle can spawn and get 5+ kills that easily. It’s unbalanced regardless of what side of the fence you are on.

The difference is no other vehicle can spawn and get 5+ kills that easily.

Those exists, they’re called helicopters/CAS.
Stop crying just because SPAA get the same power for once.
Just spawn a tank and kill it, it’s actually defenceless if you play the game properly.
Or just play any of the air vehicles that outrange it and don’t play them like an idiot.

Lmao, “You need to spawn a tank and kill it” Did you know what are you saying?

t seems that I need to go to your spawn point and kill you which needs to kill most of your teammates. so what is supposed to use CAS?

Yes I have skill issue because I can’t rush to spawn point each battle, How is your skill? It seems that you are an ACE in tanks right? Show us.

The CAS is OP, so must nerf, the SPAA is OP, “it is able to effectively do its job”

What a vested interest. In 10.3, you are still able to use or it is your skill issue as well.

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Probably any tank that’s forcing you to use more than a single braincell to defeat. Remember, thinking isn’t allowed in this game.

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There you go again with your ridiculous “go play something else” argument that can be used to shut down literally any discussion. What’s the point of the forums there anyways ?

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Yeah, the Strela definitely requires a lot of brain power, right? So you think grb, especially top tier, would be well balanced if it was just MBTs? The 2a7 and 122B+ aren’t dominating?

Ridiculous to you maybe.
I personally find it ridiculous that people would download and play a combined-arms game for years, whilst simultaneously complaining about combined-arms, and requesting CAS be made irrelevant by SPAA. If you want to only play tanks, why are you not playing a tank only game?
It’s as stupid as someone going onto the WoT forum and complaining why there isn’t a mode with CAS.

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It’s not about the usage of Strela, how can’t you see that ?
ULQ asked you to name a tank that will be OP in the environment without CAS, implying there are tanks that can only be effectively countered by CAS, which is so wrong.

Yes, most tiers (especially higher up you go) without CAS would most likely be a much less of a cesspool than they currently are, which is completely logical. It’s sometimes hard to balance out ground vehicles between themselves, so introducing a couple of other variables to the mix surely won’t help and is most likely a recipe for disaster.

The same thing can be applied to you buddy.
You played this game for literal years while being absolutely sure there’s bias involved in it, but yet somehow, you’re still here complaining about it in every single thread you can.

Why don’t you leave and play some game without bias out there ?
Why are you sticking around ?

It’s not.
Adding aircraft to battles in WOT would take much more balancing and hard work to accomplish than simply adding a TO mode in WT in which everything stays the same and spawning aircraft is simply outlawed.

You see, WOT devs would have to jump through multiple hoops to make that wish happen, meanwhile TO in WT would almost be plug&play for Gaijin.
That’s a big difference.

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The difference is I don’t make a new thread every day demanding a bias-free version of the game. I know GJN are basically never going to change, and I have accepted RussianBias is part of the game by grinding the entirety of the Russian trees so I can also enjoy the bias. Pointing out that the bias exists to shills on the forum who deny it, is not quite the same thing.

But just to really drive home how faulty your logic is - another key difference is that there is no other combined-arms game on the market quite like war thunder, but there is literally a game designed specifically just for tank-only combat already.

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