A moment of silence for the Strela

Your countless, repeating posts about bias over and over again is more than enough. You know bias is there, you know Gaijin won’t change anything but you’re still here.
Why is that ?
Go find a bias-free game and play that instead, you can do it. Any more posts about bias are irrelevant, go play something else.

Accept it and move on, no need to write countless posts about bias, no one cares, Gaijin doesn’t care, so why should you spend any time discussing it ?

Make your own game or support someone else. This also applies to everyone else complaining about bias. You and others that are literally throwing money at clearly biased devs to buy clearly biased vehicles suggests people have more than enough money to spend on ridiculous things.

WT being the only combined-arms game doesn’t stop you from quitting the game completely because you feel like you’re being done dirty intentionally by the devs themselves.
Simply put, if you don’t like bias just stop playing the game, no one is forcing you to be here, so all this crying on the forum is simply ridiculous.

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I think this might be the first time I’ve seen you admit to RussianBias in WT, so at least you’re making progress. Baby-steps. Although I did just explain clearly to you why I continue to play WT - it’s fun and it’s the only combined-arms game on the market. It isn’t the only tank-only game on the market. Is your English really so bad that you couldn’t understand that? I don’t know how to explain it any simpler I’m afraid so you’ll just have to make do.

Simply put, if you don’t like CAS just stop playing the game, no one is forcing you to be here, so all this crying on the forum is simply ridiculous.

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In a full downtier vehicles like the T28(6.3), T95 and Maus (though mostly the former, since it sits at @ 6.3) would be very hard to remove due to the sheer quantity of frontal amour (and the potential maps layout leading to it being difficult / impossible to flank, let alone if they were in a supported position or had attentive teammates / squad members) and the lack of sufficient pen within the 5.3 ~ 6.3 bracket (e.g 90mm M431 HEAT has exactly 305mm of pen & can be found on the M36B2) and the limits on the absolute count of top BR players in any given match make encountering those few vehicles with sufficient ammo in their effective range a crapshoot.

Let alone what may happen due to squads abusing prior mentioned factors.

I was speaking from your POV, since it’s pretty clear that you know for a fact there’s bias in this game and that Gaijin won’t change anything regarding that, but yet here you are crying your eyes out at every possible opportunity you get.
You definitely seem as someone who’s still malding about it, not someone who accepted it and moved on with his life.

So it’s fun being intentionally shafted by the devs time and time again just to make one nation happy, all the while throwing money their way as a “job well done” sign. Are you a masochist by any chance ?

By the way, looking at BF2042 it seems you can play both ground and air units in the same lobby, practically making it a combined-arms game.
Yes, it isn’t the same experience but the same can be said for WOT vs WT.

Yeah, you’ve been using that one for a while and I just showcased how a clown argument like that works against you as well ?
You don’t like something ? → Stop playing → End of discussion

Honestly, forum doesn’t even need to exist if everyone’s going to use this type of crappy arguments.

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Yeah, you ignored the part where I said I’m not making threads every day to whine about russian bias, like the CAS-haters do. They clearly aren’t enjoying the game in its current state. Me enjoying the game whilst pointing out the hypocrisy of GJN in their own Dev blogs is not quite the same thing. As for “throwing money their way”, you need to realise that not everyone is in a tough economic situation like you. I’ve spent peanuts on WT considering how many hours I’ve played it.

Keep trying, you might make a good point by accident eventually.

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Sounds like a lot of cope for someone who can’t kill a strela who has a 7mm machine gun with a tank.
Combined arms game buddy.
Git gud.

is that your argument it not a really good spaa as it can die by a machine gun
You know where SPAA usually are at which is spawn
do you know what in between spawn and you
it the whole enemy team
The strela was the best SPAA due to its missile being miles better then everyone else’s

Good, vehicles that put most of their eggs in one basket should be really strong in that field.
T28 and T95 havepretty exposed cupolas that can be penned by even APHE slingers.
Maus is a joke, it can be OHK’d by M109 which sits at 6.3 and there’s like dozen vehicles at the 6.7 - 7.7 range that can front pen that thing.

As I said, I don’t see the issue with super heavy tanks having great frontal armor at their BR, they’re designed to have just that. One could argue that planes (and helis in some cases) will cause those vehicles much more harm than they would to other vehicles in a TO setting.

Let me get this straight, anything that can’t basically lolpen those doesn’t have sufficient pen ?

If T28 gets abused by the squads it’s a normal thing to expect other squads countering that by using 6.3 vehicles of their own.

No my argument is the same asinine argument that CAS/heli morons use when people complain that getting bombed by someone from 10km away in a ground vehicle is unfair and unfun and the only response they have is “just spawn a plane”.

You cannot reason with CAS/heli spammers because they don’t care that they’re ruining the ground game for the whole enemy team when they wipe half of it in under a minute with fire and forget missiles. They only care when suddenly something appears that can shut them down with as much ease (and even then there are planes/helis at or below the BR that can kill it from outside its range).

CAS/heli spammers are selfish and entitled and do not want SPAA to be effective, that’s all this boils down to as much as they will cry and cope and pretend otherwise.

So they should just spawn a tank and kill the strela or go play WoT.

Also as I’ve said other SPAA should be moved downwards and balanced around where the strela is currently sat so they are all equally useful instead of trying to make them all equally shit.

You missed the part where I said that isn’t important since you are somehow finding and then posting in most (if not all) threads about USSR equipment crying your eyes out about bias.
This behavior is indicative of someone that still hasn’t accepted it and moved on, and is a clear sign of coping and seething where you have to vent your frustrations somewhere.

I mean, what’s the issue here ?
You know WT is a biased game and that thing won’t change anytime soon, so either play the game as it is or leave it completely. Malding about it non-stop will change absolutely nothing and at this point it’s nothing more than spam.

You enjoy the game that is willingly sabotaging and literally disrespecting plenty of it’s players (you included) just to satisfy their IRL goals and agendas ?
As I said, you might be a masochist.

Only thing that’s a fact here is you giving money to a shady company that’s obviously under influence of IRL political agendas. Not only that, you’re giving away that money to buy obviously biased and OP vehicles, basically supporting the devs for all that bias they implemented in the game.
Sorry buddy, but this behavior isn’t something a healthy individual would do.

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Oh no, the Russian says my point isn’t important! What an astute deconstruction of my argument!

You keep ignoring the part where I said I enjoy WT, and my sensible solution to RussianBias was just to play Russia. I recommend everyone plays Russia and experiences it. The CAS complainers should do the same and just abuse CAS if they think it’s so easy.

No it isn’t, making a new thread about the same thing every day would be spam.

You would have a point if I were barred from playing Russia myself.

If some GJN devs can afford bread for another week after I throw the company some of my pocket change, I won’t lose any sleep. If anything you can consider it charity giving money to those less fortunate.

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The strela is fine. It’s just that other SPAA should be BR balanced accordingly.

For a healthy ground RB SPAA should be strong. Tanks have difficulty dealing with aircraft, so it’s not a problem that aircraft have difficulty dealing with AA, in turn AA can have difficulty dealing with tanks.

The problem in this situation isn’t the strela being too strong, it’s SPAA from other nations being too weak.


You’re still crying about bias in most threads, that’s a fact buddy.

You also keep ignoring the part where I said only a masochist would enjoy playing a game he knows it’s taking the piss on it’s own players (you included).
Again, are you a masochist ?

Nice, somehow the bias isn’t really working for you considering your performance in USSR vehicles are in line with your account average.
Honestly, I would be mad to not experience some of that literal handholding and bias myself.

It is, you’re flooding threads with literal spam about something that’s not changing, ever.
Doing that for months and years is pointless and has no real value.

You have 192 spaded vehicles and only 32 (16.6%) of those are from USSR, which means you’re getting screwed over by the game most of the times.
It’s okay if you enjoy getting screwed over most of the times when you’re playing a video game, not everyone is the same, but please don’t think that behavior is normal.

Ah, what a humanitarian, helping others that are actively sabotaging his enjoyment in favor of their IRL agendas, all the while he’s throwing shade at them on the forums.

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Seems like Strela need to 1.0, becuase it only has 7mm mg, and you can use 35T or m2a4 to kill it, if you can’t, skill issue buddy.

A sad Russian bias enjoyed lol

Hey you’re the one with the skill issue that refuses to spawn a tank.
Your words not mine.

I haven’t denied that I talk about it a lot. Just like you shill for russian vehicles in every thread. The duality of man.

Despite me telling you multiple times I enjoy playing WT, you keep telling me that I’m not allowed to enjoy it, and I’m actually a suffering masochist?


I was really disappointed you didn’t go for this argument straight away like I expected, but I smiled seeing you eventually resort to it. You’re really grasping at straws when you are trying to infer my enjoyment from lifetime player card statistics in a non-competitive online game.

From my perspective, you also flood the forum with valueless posts. I still get entertainment from you though, so please continue.

Charity involves looking past people’s flaws and helping them anyway. Not surprised that’s an alien concept to you.

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To be honest this is really bad argument. It is same like say, to some OP CAS (for example F-16C), just spawn fighter and kill it.

I don’t say I refuse to spawn a tank, that’s you said you need spawn a tank to kill it because strela only has a MG, don’t want to make a mess

Oh, also the fact a smart strela player sits in their spawn, the only way to kill them is to get in their spawn and “camp” them

Buddy, I struggle to even get a bomb off when I try to CAS, and guess what kills me, almost every time, if you said Strela 10-M2, your correct!