A Merkava Mk.3D for Israel?

Nono. It could be modeled to withstand hits without exploding and once it is hit with a powerful enough munition it would then explode like ERA
However I am uncertain how tandem munitions would perform against this since they seem to be hard coded to ignore ERA

İn theory this idea is nice.

However, which type of ammunition should trigger the armor?

For example if Merkava’s armor should better then this then any type of Apfsds shouldnt trigger the armor since penetration on turret would be impossible.

On the other hand there are footages that shows how armor reacts after getting hit by Kornet missiles.


Despite getting hit by kornet missile turret armor still intacts.

So in practise this idea will cause more problem then actual solution.


yeah thats true
its a weird situation

İn terms of KE protection they should just make the turret armor level similiar to other top tier tanks while making hull armor protection level equals to Leopard2a6 while keeping the reload time same.

That way Merkava 4 series will be much more valiable for any player and Israel can attract more players.

Because despite the addition of Barak-II and Chapparral, i never saw more then 2 Merkavas at top tier mm (including my Merkava).

Well this might be realistic after all

No, that’s not how ERA works. If even weakest M735 is hit ERA, ERA will explode.

In that picture, it looks like NERA layer is still there to give protection, but it’s shattered debris after the ERA exploded, so it’s not really providing any protection.

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İ know how ERA works that not what im saying.

The thing is Merkava 4 does have NERA armor rather then ERA armor and i didnt saw single source that shows otherwise.

However if you have sources that shows armor contains ERA layer i would like to see it.

In a composite armor like the one used by Merkava, the only part of the armor that provides KE protection is the ERA, not the NERA.

The big problem with this is that the ERA, which is responsible for KE protection, can be destroyed very easily: any round that penetrates the outer NERA layer can trigger the ERA, and as soon as the ERA explodes, the NERA layer is also destroyed, reducing protection.

In game, this should be implemented as follows

Cover-NERA-ERA-NERA-ERA-Main Armor

As shown above, there are multiple layers, and when the ERA layer is destroyed, all the layers above it should be destroyed.

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Thanks for the images that shows details. İ always thought they were NERA only.

But if we assume that KE protection is equal to Leopard2A6 or M1A2 turret then what you’re saying is shouldnt be possible in the first place.

Since rounds cannot penetrate the armor ERA will never get triggered in the first place.

That assumption is not possible because NERA does not provide KE protection. The NERA layer is easily penetrated by KE and the real protection is provided by the ERA.

On other tanks, DU or RHA plates are placed between the NERA layers to protect against KE, but in the case of the Merkava, the ERA layer is responsible for this.


Oh that’s neat. Do you know the approximate level of protection against KE the entire package offers?

And which source states NERA doesnt provide any KE protection?

Cause saying NERA offers zero KE protection doesnt sound right.

İ can understand it offers less protection then other NERA types of but offering zero is a quite claim.

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NERA offers very minimal protection against KE in general so it is negligeble

Not really.

Strv-122’s NERA armor provides solid protection against KE munitions for example.

Not to mention most Nato tanks actually using NERA elements on their main armor, it does offer solid protection by it is own and combining with other elements, it offers great protection in main armor.

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cough cough
It’s composite, not pure NERA
Same here, it is composite with NERA

Add-on armor is not just composite armor, that just gaijin laziness.

İt contains NERA elements.

Also i stated that NERA offers best protection when its combined with other materials on my previous comment.


Also here.

This report provides suffuicent information for Merkava 4 series, our beloved David Bowie forgot to mention that Merkava4 series doesnt have regular ERA, it does have self limiting ERA which should not act like regular ones, not to mention Merkava4’s turret armor does also have composite and titanium elements which boosts its protection level.

But for some reason he completely ignored those parts.

İ dont understand why he acts like Merkava’s armor should be like this but in game Merkava 4 does not represent the real performance of Merkava’s protection by any means.

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I am aware. I have made a post about it before.

i honestly think that an howitzer would be great for israel as well, i know this is kinda offtopic of the post, but the sholef would be a great addition


I want IDF Paladin too
