A Merkava Mk.3D for Israel?

Despite i dont agree with opinion on reload time im still waiting for an answer about armor.

You stil didnt give me an proper answer why it does have trash armor.


I think he said it earlier, source issue

What source?

He claimed they didnt have any sources about how they should model it, then im asking why did they chose to make it so bad?

İrl Merkava 4 turret armor can withstand against kornet missiles while in game kornet does not have any issues penetrating it.

This is just a one simple example shows how badly they butchered Merkava’s.

I don’t know either

I wrote a report on this, but the problem is that there is no source that claims high KE protection for the composite armor for Merkava.

I actually consider the current armor durability of the Merkava to be excessive, if you look at the armor of a Merkava that has been hit, most of it is excessively damaged. This is because the inner ERA layer explodes, destroying the NERA layer above it. However, in the game, the armor remains intact no matter how many hits it takes. This needs to be fixed.


I’m pretty sure that the add-on armor will fall off after a number of hits

Actually I just found this

It falls of completely, but armor values stay the same.

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Understandable, I was thinking of turret modules.

Except it doesnt.

This is the result of one single unguided rocket from Ka-50.


Still this doesnt explain why Merkava’s composite armor does offer less KE protection level then Russian T-80’s rubber skirt.

Gaijin thinks Russian rubber does offer better KE protection then latest model of Composite armor.


If ERA layer is hit by APFSDS/HEAT/Missile and explodes, all layers above it should be neutralized.

Right now, armor packages stay protected until they drop, which is wrong, they should be broken down into multiple layers.

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That seems to be the case but on a more extreme scale
Appears to be kinda buggy tho

İm not saying it should stay intact after getting hit.

İm saying your claim is actually wrong, armor does get Fall off if you hit with CE type of ammunition.

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No, armor will remain “same” protective until it falls off. This should not be.

I think that is just a game engine limitation with how the armor on the Merkava is modeled currenty

No, if it’s implemented like ERA, it can

Actually yeah that could work. Have you made a report on this yet?

Except its not just ERA.

İt contains multiple layers that offers NERA protection. What you’re asking is basically making the armor even worse.