A Merkava Mk.3D for Israel?

I completely agree with you about the cannon, so it certainly doesn’t need any or any significant space inside the turret.
As far as I know, the spikes should be fired indirectly, as shown in the picture - for firing a guided missile, you generally don’t need too much space (except for exhaust gases and the like) and the turret of the Pereh looks very elongated towards the rear. A bit like a Magach-based SPAA.

What makes you think that Namer will have good armor judging how Gaijin treats Merkava 4 series.

Merkava 4 series are butchered in many ways:

Reload is wrong

Armor is garbage

Still lacks LAHAT

Trophy charges amount is wrong

Turret rotation is also not accurate if im not mistaken.

Looking at those problems, i dont think Gaijin will show mercy to Namer.

  1. Reload speed is a balance factor, not a bug

  2. The data on armor is very limited, it turns out that the data previously used in internal reports did not actually apply to Merkava 3/4. We need more material.

  3. Modifications to the FCS are required to guide LAHAT, but none of the Merkava series used by the IDF have received modifications to guide LAHAT.

  4. Do you have the materials?

  5. Turret speeds are accurate. Merkava Mk.4 uses the same turret drive as the Mk.3 and has an operating speed of 34° horizontal and 15° vertical. The reason for the slower horizontal speed than Mk.1/2 is the change from hydraulic drive to electric drive.

Would be cool to get an upgraded version to spice things up


Reload speed is balance factor:

Then why Merkava is the only top tier tank getting punished by this factor? İt doesnt have good armor like Strv122 or T80BVM or doesnt have fancy mobility like Type-10 and T-80 series, yet its the only tank that has 7.1 seconds reload time with human loader.

Other tanks that has human loaders can reach 6 or even 5 seconds in this case.

Other tanks does also have classified armor values yet only Merkava and Leclerc series suffers most in this area.

İt seems like those things you mentioned are nothing but lame excuse from Gaijin who doesnt want to make these tanks competetive.

So spare me with this bullsht excuse next time please, cause nobody is trusting Gaijin’s twisted policy at this rate.


Because Israel players are simply cracked
Same reason Merkava 3s are at 11.0 and Merkava 2D is at 9.7

Merkava is also slow to reload in IRL. Merkava has very little space for loader, and due to the high position of the cannon, it has a slow reloading speed compared to other vehicles.

To work around this, the loader must open the hatch to make space.

Shows fast reloading speeds when the hatch is open


However, with the hatch closed, loading is very slow.

Other tanks show reload times of up to 2-3 seconds in similar conditions.

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Do you have any clips from the Merkava 3 reloading? I’m curious to see how long the reload takes with its first stage ammo placement

Also the loader on the second clip looks kinda short (taking into consideration that the shell is almost 1m long and it looks huge when he’s holding it)
Compared to someone like this

And another thing, do you know if there are plans to give the Merkavas their IRST?

First you said loading time is balance factor, now you’re showing me loader that is reloading casually instead of pushing his limits, not to mention he’s actually short compare to average loader which will affect his loading performance by large margine.

İ can also show dozens of footage from abrams and Leopard where loader do his job slowly, but i dont see any of them getting balanced by this factor.

This cherry pick footage proves nothing besides a twisted policy from Gaijin.

Also im still waiting for an proper answer why Merkava’s armor are so trash.


Loader looks short because the camera is mounted quite high up, and it’s a stereotype that short people are slower to load. On the contrary, being short gives you more space, which is an advantage when loading.

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I don’t know about this

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Yes, however the merkava as you said has the gun placed really high up so a taller loader would benefit, being able to reach the breech easier

If the loader is taller, the tight space will be tighter, so they will bump into each other a lot when reloading, wasting time.

On the Gif you posted, it seems like the loader is somewhat struggling to raise the round into the breech compared to the video… It would’ve been much better if there was more footage but it is what it is

There is also the issue of the revolver ammorack, on other vehicles you just need to open the door of the ammorack to load ammo, but on the Merkava you have to wait for the ammorack to rotate until it gives you the ammo you want.

Yeah that is fair but if the round is selected before the round is fired it could benefit the loader by having the round sticking out when the gun is fired without having to make him pull it out all the way by himself

This is not a good rationale as other vehicles can be solved similarly

While other vehicles only have 1-2 of the above issues, the Merkava has 3. Tight space, high chamber position, and revolver ammo rack.

I disagree that the Merkava should have a fast reload, the Merkava sacrifices too much to carry a lot of ammo.

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That’s fair. I am personally fine with the current reload as long as it gets more reliable armor, especially on its turret


That would be actually a good tradeoff, a selling point of Mark.4.