A list of the current issues with war thunder, I want your opinions

I know I’m going to sound like a troll and likely get banned, but calling people the N word is a wholesome tradition in gaming. It keeps people sharp and helps everyone involved maintain an edge. Enforcing the non-use of the word has infected and plagued society as a whole and caused many unjustified murders because people think they have permission by the state to enact immediate retaliatory violence against the speaker if they are white. Your attitude has aided in killing white people.

Huh? what the heck, i do agree that society is way too easily triggered but I do feel the African-whatever have the right to their own term, since it was us white people that forced them into slavery… well there were coloured folks that had slaves too but, anyhow.

Besides that, i just feel like there could be other slurs that could be used instead of that, it is very unoriginal.

Then you support the death penalty for whites for saying a word. You are the evil you seek to banish but have been brainwashed by slavery movies and other propaganda.

What the heck are you on, I’m not saying people should be killed for saying something like that! I’m just saying its not right,

Idk how saying I don’t personally want people saying this, means automatically to you that they should be killed. What kind of extremist bs is that,

If you support the policy while knowing about its fallout, you support the fallout.

I would add an important one, wich i think is widely shared: “laziness”.
Gaijin developers very often ignore all the cool/normal vehicles that could be added to the game (take a look at the italian suggestion space, Planes suggestions, Ground suggestions, Heli suggestions, Navy suggestions), mostly for “minor nations”, even tho those vehicles would fix a gap in a certain part of that particular techtree.
Instead of adding useful domestic designs Gaijin prefers straight up copy- pasting vehicles wich were not needed or asked for. (yes i am referring at Hungary).


LMAO! What?!? This has got to be one of the funniest things I’ve seen on these forums. Please don’t take it personally

I cant help having a opinion about something that happens on the world. I live in Sweden here people just say hey, stop that. We don’t shoot each other. Or stab, here that world is just offensive both to coloured people and other races. we don’t use that word anymore. And people who do get a slap on the wrist


Before chat filters and censorship in video games, gaming was in its purest form, and it has not been allowed to exist in years. If you don’t know what it was like, you can’t comment.

or Finland but i agree Hungary really is worse

You have a very naive view of your own country. Racial violence because of perceived racial insults happens everywhere there is mixed societies.

i find it embarassing that italy has the most suggestions made and still is being brutally ignored.
I personally made 7 planes suggestions wich are waiting to be added to the forums, and i know oher guys wich have suggested tons of other aircrafts, tanks and helis that are yet to be put on the forums

Well Sweden has a crime spike right now as a result of immigrants so that is mostly the news, but we have local news then national news covering that mostly right now. So other things take a back seat.

Back to the point. Saying the N-word in public is a Hate crime here and you get a fine. Saying it repeatedly can land you in court.

Again I’m not ignorant I’m just saying its rare to hear people get killed here for simply saying that. And since we have a 0 tolerance of carrying any kind of knife, firearm, blunt weapon. Even just in your vehicle. It will land you in jail, And recently New Swedish laws permit the police to search people suspected by them to carry any sort of weapon. This is not related to anything race related just the gang problem.

Yea, same with Sweden kind of. We have Landsverk and we rarely also receive domestic non event stuff.

Now that I’m thinking of it, Gaijin reserves unique vehicles for events and premiums. only rarely adding them to TTs

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No, you’re not, which is a double standard which means white people are not allowed to exist like their counter-parts.
If racial tensions are so bad, how do you know letting off steam in video games and having unrestricted chat wouldn’t help with these problems? Has society gotten worse or improved since chat restrictions? It has gotten worse. It is not a hate crime to target any of this hatred against whites or native people to the nation, and history is being rewritten to obfuscate who is native. What we have is tyrannical social engineering against what is supposed to be a prominent race that constructs and maintains elevated societies.

Yea, most political parties in Sweden is leaning more and more to kick the immigrants that cant adapt out again.


I don’t but I doubt games advertising that behaviour would sit well with people.

Second point is that humans are just naturally hating anything that is different, I guess this falls under that rule, so I agree that I’m being a hypocrite for saying that allowing people to say this could maybe help while also saying people shouldn’t.

Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. That is a thing we here in Sweden are thought from a young age, Its like cooking. You don’t have to go overboard to make good food.

You can give patchnotes because I have never seen they explain about invisible missiles since AAM was implemented in the game?

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This is nonsense - a short reminder:

I saw this the other day and it was hysterical. Anyhow, its just the way it is. Im not saying its right but what should i do. walk out into the street and wave a sign saying that white people should say the N-word. the police would have me in cuffs real quick.

Anyhow. Funny video. Good performance

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