A list of the current issues with war thunder, I want your opinions

Stop trying to police society because you obviously don’t care about the consequences, nor are you aware of where your urge to police society comes from.

I’m not saying people should or shouldn’t use racial terms, I’m simply saying what I and people around me can and cant do here in Sweden. Of course that is going to rub off on my opinion of how these words should be used. If it were up to me we would cease the use of any racial slur and just refer to people as people.

Not divide. but allowing racial slurs to be flung around is not the path there in my opinion

Well, I am saying it hurts the game, but its equal part wrong and right

I have seen many acts of violence because people think they have permission to be violent with someone because they said a bad word. It comes from governing bodies dictating which words are right and wrong.

By imposing on blacks that the N-word victimizes them, they will perceive themselves as victims when they hear it, so it actually does more harm than good. It actually reinforces the power of the word. It might even create it entirely. Anti-N-word propaganda has been around for several generations now, and tensions have only gotten more and more enflamed.

If someone says it under threat of reprimand, it has even more power, wouldn’t you say? I think the state and the censorship campaign has failed, and it’s possible it failed intentionally to enflame division. It can be argued that they are pushed to western countries to cause problems for natives while they are scammed from taxes and inflation. Enflaming the divisions would amplify their ability to scam people.

I’m a little bit confused here.
Why “stat-shame” me for having many games in tier 3? You yourself have only around 100 games in tier 4 and none above. I have around 4000 in tiers 6-8.
Or is it that I prefer Arcade? Well each to their own. I just find Realistic to be kinda boring.


Okay, but that’s not how it is here in Sweden, people just simply don’t use it.

Here is a interesting fact.

One traditional name for a pastry in Swedish is negerboll (negro ball). Due to possible racist connotations, this name has fallen out of favour in recent decades, with chokladboll (chocolate ball) now being the most commonly used name. When made with shredded coconut, it is also known as kokosboll (coconut ball).

This is a example of the outlawing of the N-word. Best way according to politician’s here to stop the aggression related to the N-word is to simply ban the word.

Is it really that simple no, but it worked really well. It doesn’t matter if its a black person saying it to another black person they still get fined.

So its not perfect but it worked.

I just mess around in test flights and do silly things like bring a BT-42 to 5.7 to troll a enemy hellcat.

Ok, so now you take a harmless pastry word, and now you create a new pastry word that has its very foundation in racial consciousness. It’s a profoundly stupid strategy for removing racism. hahaha

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Sure it is stupid, but it worked to reduce hate crime related deaths or assaults greatly. Nowadays there is little fear of Swedish born black people. Mostly only immigrants are feared today.

Not to say there isn’t prejudice against coloured folks but its greatly reduced. Heck my aunts Husband is from Kongo, and their children aren’t treated unjustly, they have never been targeted by police or regular people or other children for having dark skin.

Are you seriously suggesting that renaming pastries aided in reduced racial deaths?
This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. If anything it breeds resentment because a pastry had to be changed. They will always be aware of this change until the newer generations forget and it’s normalized. I hope you banned all books mentioning the old pastry names, or racism will rear its ugly head anew someday.

Look up “irony” - and check what i wrote again.
Then you might see that you fell into a trap :-)

Btw: My most played plane (SM 92) was downranked as a result of the economy changes, same with B-18 B, P-47 etc. So you might add 4-6.000 rank IV battles to your list. And idc what modes other guys play :-)

The word is made fun of today, by most people its been made into a meme. Like “What is this things name?”

Its light spirited, and my aunts husband found it really funny that we wanted to make coloured people feel safe enough that we changed the word of a pastry.

So in short yes it did help and influence then de-normalisation of the N-word, and now today we have marked the word as a thing of the past.

White People or other races who say it aren’t targeted by society just told “hey, don’t say that its rude”

Your statement about me being a “volunteer in the tyrannical army” is unfounded and paranoid. I’m solely discussing issues with War Thunder, not promoting any hidden agenda. Also, I have no intention of policing your speech. If you choose to use certain words, that’s your decision. Let’s stick to addressing the game’s problems.

I’m only stating how its like living in my part of Sweden, I have moved around and the relation to that word is the same in the majority of areas.

You are condemning the playerbase and label them as toxic, wishing for penalties and loss of players for the match queue.

please elaborate further, how am I being all this:

I legitimately don’t know what you are trying to prove, that I’m inherently bad? or that me having a opinion against a racial slur makes my opinions invalid. I could care less if this game actually stops it or not, I’m just voicing my opinion.

Having a personal opinion or moral standpoint = genocide against a group of people?

Its not like I’ve centred my thread around a racial argument?!

I am not continuing this conversation. This conversation leads to nothing, and I want to continue the discussion about the game itself.

Your opinion on racial slurs is based on thinking that it’s for a good reason in a vacuum where you don’t process the consequences because you think the consequences of there not being the restrictions, are bad. This is called being a reactionary. Reactionaries are easily manipulated using monopolies of information, press, education, funding, violence (law enforcement), etc. So you are a pawn of the people in power of these things, and you embrace it like a volunteer, attempting to spread it to whichever environment you can thrive in, attempting to spread the seed for them, and you aren’t even aware of it because you think you are doing good.

It’s fine. Game is meant to be pickup and play and fun at all BR.

No. The grind is still a fair bit too bad imo, especially for stuff like modifications. Honestly dont think a 2x increase in sl/rp gains would be too unwarrented, though I digress. (At least in ground, air isnt quite as bad.)

What i see is the same old game, 10 years playing War Thunder. What he need is new modes, just copy some modes from other games like BF1 Operations, bring World War mode without Historical MM.
War Thunder has good graphics but the modes have lack of creativity. About realism that is it’s bullshit a lot of things are secret and the vehicles are already implemented in the game. GG :D

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