A discussion about Tungsten Cored Ammunition (APCR/HVAP, and APDS)

As far as I know those aren’t tungsten carbide, rather just hardened steel.

Indeed. But same principle.

I’d take one formula that reasonably replicates most rounds. The odds of that happening are zero but maybe Gaijin ground devs will wake up one day and choose to consider maybe they can listen to the players.

Alright, here is a simple model I came up with:


Core Plug schematic

The effective mass of the penetrator is a sum of the actual core’s mass and some extra mass that pushes on it, until the moment it enters the target to a depth greater than its length. If the penetration process is finished before then, the effective mass of the penetrator, and therefore its penetration, is simply the sum of both parts.
In most situations of interest here the tungsten subcaliber shell is penetrating thickness of armor much greater than that, therefore the effect will be cosiderably smaller.

Let’s do the math:


Since we are comparing two projectiles of the same Diameter attacking the same target, the variables D, T and K are equal and will cancel out resulting in this equation:



Eq 2


Eq 3

Let’s look at a schematic of the 3.7cm PzGr.40, since its most similar to the soviet 45mm APCR of which I dont have a detailed schematic:


37cm pzgr40

so, if we take the m_p variable to equal 83g, then the mass ratio in the equation will equal 0.62 and the ballistic limit of the full shell against a target of thickness less that the core’s length, will be ~79% of that of a naked core.

Against a reasonably thicker target the effect might be about half of that, or ~10% increase in ballistic limit.

Applying this adjustment to the 45mm APCR limit we get 840 * 1.1 = 924m/s BL for a naked core. Using this as reference to estimate the BL for the .40cal core in the US testwe get 2970fps, very close to the actual obtained limits of 2990fps and 3040fps.


Interesting fact: the diameter of the tungsten core in this shell is incorrectly labeled as being 16mm in “Geschossringbuch D 460/1”

While, in actuality it cannot be such, as can be seen here:

37mm german APCR shells captured by the soviets also have their core diameter listed as 15mm.

Does somone has the tungsten core production table?

Idk, maybe manufactory issues. Why can it not be?

My gut feeling tells me: Because nobody, especially the Germans, will accept a ±10% dimensional tolerance spread on manufacturing of anything this important.

See: Pak 38 Pzgr.40 and 40/1 - Page 2 - Axis History Forum

Yeah but why do you think it’s wrong based on a 18g differences in weight?

I see. Then probably an error based on the fact that 5 easily turns into 6 based on the fact they are so close toghether and can easily be misidentified in print.

Makes little sense to produce both 15x58 and 16x58mm cores.

Crazy how they produced 910t of 7.92mm cores. What was the plan with that? 😂

I believe that German tanks used this tungsten core ammo in their MGs in order to help them perforate the gunshields of anti-tank guns better.

Don’t quote me on this though.

Nah that sounds unlikely. Theres some German manual on the usuage of the tungsten ammo and it says it only provided better arrmor penetration up to 150m.
The bullet has a less aerodyanmic flat base design copared to the the AP round, probably to save weight. But that reduces the effective range.

So for a tank it seems rather impractical. Most AT gun shields just provide some protection from fragmentation or maybe SMG rounds.

I guess if you give every rifleman and machine gunner a bunch of rounds, you just end up with a lot of tungsten ammo.

But the listed 16mm cores are of 150g, so it would fit again?


You wrote 16mm cores with 155g weight, as far as i know, they are indeed 150g, so it does add up and i havent seen 15mm cores.

From the link I posted earlier:

As you can see, there were no “150 g” cores manufactured by the German industry.

Hmm, then i suppose the british or american source had a rounding discreptancy, duo different mesure.

So in game 37mm Pzgr 40 should have 230g core.
Can i have the cover of that source?

No, that one (230 - 231g) is the core from Stuka 37mm ground attack canon.

Idk, can you? :P

I have posted a link to the thread where I got this page. As you can see these several pages are all he posted, I’m not hiding anything from you.

I have found such, in the suggestion i also put the page and by that doc it seems that some got S.m.K.H

And the core is that 135 or 155g?

It’s a 15x58mm core weighing 135g (±4g)