~7.7 heavy tanks desperately need a reload buff

Not interested in that in a pure term just enough realism for us to enjoy the game and turn a blind eye to the crimes.

The ugly juxtaposition of old and more modern what makes 7.7 unplayable for me and just a level that I don’t even want to play even though I would like to play it.

Ask yourself why 7.7 should be such an issue when the 1-6 is mostly fine and the happy place for GRB

BS,sorry where did you ever get that? How does FIFA and Grand Turismo work?

Its all a pursuit of realism or a pretense of realsim as a core purpose.

Warthunder started peddling that realism as its reason for being.

I have only been playing for around3 years but I have been seeing the adverts around since the game started.

Ask yourself why 7.7 should be such an issue when the 1-6 is mostly fine and the happy place for GRB

HEAT/HE tanks shouldn’t be moved up due to their time of introduction but their performance. Tanks like the M51, Sturer Emil or M109 don’t fit the game and should never be added. This issue doesn’t start at 7.0 BR.

Tanks breaking down randomly - realistic, not fun;
Tanks running out of fuel - realistic, not fun;
Tanks facing vehicles that heavily outclass them - even with your complaint about the “juxtaposition of old and more modern”, this would still absolutely happen with vehicles like early Pz.IIIs facing KV-1s in real life. In other words, realistic, not fun.

But sure, it’s BS.

Edit: Btw I’ve been playing for 8 years.


BS,sorry where did you ever get that? How does FIFA and Grand Turismo work?

This is a milsim not a racing game you can’t compare the 2.

Its all a pursuit of realism or a pretense of realsim as a core purpose.
Warthunder started peddling that realism as its reason for being.
I have only been playing for around3 years but I have been seeing the adverts around since the game started.

It’s not the job of the playerbase to punish false advertisement.

Can we return to arguing about the 7.7 reload buff? I don’t want this thread going nowhere and achieving nothing because it’s labeled “offtopic”.


I agree that Gaijin killed the game when it went for the idea of must having every tank and nation in game regardless to whether it even fitted in the game or ruined it.Haste? Greed? I don’t know.

The era issue is more than just immersion its game mechanics clashing as far as I can see and it makes 7.7 an unenjoyable place to be in a heavy. You need faith in your Armour to a degree.

Too much of this game is governed by computers and people who can only see numbers. The game play is getting unbearable and people are going as a result.

your crew reloads are just not maxed out, put some points into weapon reloading and you shave 4 seconds off the reload on tanks like the conqueror, exporting and acing the crew will also give you more of an edge

Using crew skills alone is not enough for a 4 second difference on the Conqueror. In fact you need an aced crew with maxed out skills to get 4.47 seconds.

Missing the point here. The era mix is the reason 7.7 collapses for me and some others.
The game was sold on being this amazing slice of realism but that is secondary.

The Irony is that it’s the realism of fast AFV with modern ammo and speed acting against obsolete WW2 Armour that is the issue or rather the basis for it.
Hence why battle doctrine was altered at that time.

This is to me the basis for the OP and the suggestion.
You have to take these things to the route cause to cure these issues and make the game work not just glance at the obvious.

Im back on topic and gave you a deserved like anyway.

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I literally said in the post those are the stock reload times I know about crew skill. The aced reloads are still way too long and it takes months if not years to get aced crews.

I have over 1000 kills in the IS-4M and I’m still missig 100k xp for the aced crew.

War Thunder 05.03.2024 01_17_05
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War Thunder 05.03.2024 01_22_57

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I get your point but the reason those vehicles are too low is NOT because of their date of introduction but their performance. They should be moved up but we all know that won’t happen so the reload buff is one way to help 7.7 cope with HEAT spam.

Please keep this thread about the reload times and how those HEAT tanks make it necessary. I agree that some tanks are way too low but that’s a different topic.


Thats cool but remember that 7.7 tanks face 8.7 and this a different game if you are asking for a faster reload to compete with stuff those tanks were never made to face.

If that is not an issue then OK.I will leave it there.

Yes and again I’m in favor of limiting BR spread from ±1.0 to ±0.7 and moving most cold war tanks up but that’s not the point of this post. Even in an 8.0 match a 15s-22s reload is extremely long and those tanks are unplayable in 8.3/8.7 uptiers.

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I don’t want to become OT or the star of the show but you talk of faster meta in your OP which is pretty much what I am saying.

If your selection of 7.7 tanks faced only similar of their own era would you still make such a request or just suck up the differences as we do in the lower WW2 BRs?

I don’t think they can face similar tanks of their own era as there are none. They are in a similar state to superprops and they could only fight each other in a fair matchup so they are forced to fight newer tanks. This wouldn’t be such a big issue if they only faced tanks like the M48, T-54 or Leopard 1 but even against those tanks the reload sucks.

Decompression at BR 6.0+ is a huge deal and Gaijin unfortunatly doesn’t have plans for it at the moment so the best thing we can do is demand a reload buff to all 7.7 heavies. That’s the only thing we can right now to help those tanks. Anything else has to be pushed aside and discussed at a later date when the decompression finally gets approved by Gaijin.

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The Conqueror is so goddamn trash, that it would still struggle with an 8s expert (not even aced) reload.

Great stuff. I fully support as a heavy tank enjoyer.

Are these reloads based on historical reload rates?

To be fair, reloads are not really based on irl reload times