~7.7 heavy tanks desperately need a reload buff

I’ll do that, but I’ve really had shots on the barrel and just yellowing.

This is a game about realism (the infection machine cannot be broken) and without any bias towards a particular country (to give something that the technicians never had). If there is evidence that they could do this, then let them reduce it, otherwise a topic without evidence should be in the trash.

Thats not exclusive to either the 75mm or HEAT. I’ve had 152mm shells hit T92 barrels directly and it getting barely yellow. The game code is just ass we have to deal with it.

This game isn’t about realism. Reload rate is a means to balance vehicles and they themselves said that. You claim this game is “realistic” and reload rates should be backed up by historic evidence yet the Sturmtiger reloads in under a minute when it should be around 10 minutes IRL.

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Gaijin uses reload rate as a balancing tool, and its easy to find tanks that have slower and faster reloads than what they achieved in real life.

Shermans, both 75 and 76 mm variants, are stated to have a maximum of 20 RPM, or 3 second reload. Obviously they dont have this reload otherwise they would be far higher in BR.

The Panther II has a reload of 7.5 seconds aced in game. In reality that configuration of turret and cannon would be literally impossible to reload. The Schmalturm turret required modifications in order to make the 88 mm KwK43 work, modifications that are not present in the ingame model.

The Panther II has been “removed” from the game, but as previously mentioned there’s the Sturmtiger.

Do you have a source for the 20 rpm claim? That sounds impossible to sustain for more than a few shots loaded from the lap. I’ve heard 4s reload for the Tiger 1 as well but no sources were listed either.

I did state maximum. It likely isn’t sustainable, and in the case of the 76 mm Shermans they only have 6 ready rounds (in real life, not in game, but the ready round is the 6 rounds that are separated from the rest of the ammunition).

Either way, Hunnicutt makes mention of this in the vehicle data sheets at the end of his Sherman book, and aswell the Pershing book which has vehicles like the T20 and T23s.

Hunnicutt example


Beyond that there’s this bug report which states that TM 9-2300 and TM 9-7018 state this maximum reload rate. Unfortunately don’t have these technical manuals myself.

It happens often with the 75mm HEAT.

why was the Panther 2 removed form this fantasy based game that has the Maus in it and tanks from the 80s fighting WW2?

The Panther II that is in-game is an entirely fictional vehicle, a combination of multiple projects that never was even thought of during the war.

That’s something entirely different from the Maus fighting vehicles that otherwise it wouldn’t fight in real life.

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First of all thanks for the information. I’m glad they decided against a ready rack for Sherman. Do you know if the firing trials where done with the gun itself or performed in a combat loaded sherman?

Gaijin.net __ Issues

Just putting this in here for this guy:

This is a game about realism (the infection machine cannot be broken) and without any bias towards a particular country (to give something that the technicians never had). If there is evidence that they could do this, then let them reduce it, otherwise a topic without evidence should be in the trash.

The concept 3 was entirely fictional during WW2 but there it is facing T34s and Panzer IVs in this game as well as prototypes for Sweden who are legendary for not fighting at all.

War Thunder is a world of fiction now so who cares? You can’t just wave the realism wand when you feel like it and neither can Gaijin if they want any respect.

They created a fake vehicle to fill a gap back when there were few postwar tanks. They removed some tanks in 2019 without a proper replacement. They could add a real Panther 2 at 6.3 which is basically the Panther 2 hull we have in game with either the G or the F turret. The latter being the better option for balance reasons.

But the Concept 3 is an actual vehicle that was built. Beyond that everything else is just balance. The in-game Panther II is not even a project that existed.

It’s not fictional at all and the Concept 3 is the worst example for BR compression. Yes it’s a postwar tank but it fits the WW2 meta perfectly fine.

Regarding WW2 prototypes I’m not against adding partially built vehicles that were possible to construct. For example the Flakpanzer 341 shouldn’t have been removed.

Either way it’s a completely different subject. This topic is about giving the heavy tanks around 7.7 a faster reload for balancing reasons.


Fantasy is fantasy .that’s all. We either do real or we don’t do real not flit between the two as it suits the Devs.

Sorry ,game is full of fakes and silliness. This is the Anime pillow game remember, don’t talk to me about real.

Not really as the fake out of era overkill is the reason Heavies need a buff to survive. Think outside the obvious for a moment.

We will never get historic matchmaking so we have to find other ways to balance the 7.7 heavies. Also the T-10, M103, T32 and Conqeuror won’t benefit from a WW2/Coldwar seperation as their reload is simply too long right now.

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There has to be a sacrifice of realism in order for the game to be fun.

Sacrificing realism for the sake of better balance (the Concept 3 is completely fine at 4.3) is perfectly acceptable.