~7.7 heavy tanks desperately need a reload buff

On the 5.7 T-34-85, only the rear sides of the turret can be penetrated by the M109’s HE.

You could’ve just shot the hull.


Trust me, I’ve tried that too before.

As RNG as hitting the turret.

You’re obviously trolling but I’ll try to explain it anyway.

Tell that to the T-34-85 that ate 3 direct hits to the turret side, with no damage, last weekend from my Paladin.

I said a decently aimed shot would kill. You shot the worst possible spot as the T-34 has more armor on the turret than on the hull itself. The fact you didn’t learn anything and tried it again 2 times doesn’t help your case.

Wrong. Low/Mid caliber HEAT can fail to do anything even on a post-pen.

Do you even play the game?


Who are you to judge its APCR you probably haven’t even unlocked it. T32s APCR is great against any Maus, Ferdinand and Ho Ri.

GNDM Panzer@live _ War Thunder player statistics

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I don’t need an explanation from you. I know you’re full of shit and trying to gaslight me. Simple as.

I know you’re full of shit and trying to gaslight me.

Did you learn a new word or why do you keep bringing that up? How old are you?

Seeing how you lack the maturity to not lie like some swine politician I can guarantee I’m older than you, not that age is even relevant to this discussion in the first place.

You’ve made it clear you’re just trying to waste my time with this drivel, though. So we’re done here.

Shouldn’t even be in the game. How are you ever going to place that in the game when it had no place in reality? Why is it even in the game when Gaijin took other fantasy vehicles out.

Seems to be that Gaijin don’t give a moment’s thought to whether any vehicle is even right for the game they just want to include every vehicle even if it screws the game up.

The issue for 7.7 to me is its the nasty Cold War tier that the top end of WW2 get thrown into and its full of tanks and AFVs from a different canon. That is a mess they will never sort out because its inherently wrong and now feels more and more wrong as more modern vehicles are added.

C’mon the random nature of HE in this game isn’t even up for debate. Even the Brumbar gets snagged on the gun barrel of a Walker Bulldog and does nothing on occasion.

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Least obvious forum troll

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Shells getting caught on random objects is a server issue the desync in this game is horrible and it affect all rounds not just HE. I never had problems with HE at low to mid tier it’s only at the higher tier where armor layout starts getting weird and HE damage is random depending on what pixel you hit.

Maus/E100 23.6 → 21s
Shouldn’t even be in the game. How are you ever going to place that in the game when it had no place in reality?

It’s a game it doesn’t matter if it worked IRL. If that was the case half of the vehicles would need to be removed. The Maus can be balanced just like the other 7.7s.

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No and that is why so many long term veterans are leaving in droves and letting the new breed take over. You can read all the complaints on here about that elsewhere no doubt. Its become a silly game indeed and many are slowly losing respect for it.

Not finding that and we have agreed on some things and not on others ,it’s a forum.

No disrespect that is not the game I am playing. How many mentions of random HEAT do you need to read on here on this forum. Check out the debate about the M51 ,its full of discussion regarding the random nature of HE.

Its, dare I say it, part of the game not something that even requires a chat about whether it exists or not. It’s kind of obvious.

I don’t think Gaijin would commit to making HEAT as deadly as it should be so they randomized it for BR sake. More fake physics to appease the kids maybe?

Not finding that and we have agreed on some things and not on others ,it’s a forum.

Does this seem like a serious reply to you?

No and that is why so many long term veterans are leaving in droves and letting the new breed take over. You can read all the complaints on here about that elsewhere no doubt. Its become a silly game indeed and many are slowly losing respect for it.

That has nothing to do with tanks like the Maus. Veterans have been leaving the game for ages and if anything these heavy tanks were a lot less balanced when they were still around. This game has been getting worse every year with new features nobody asked for and them ignoring the community.

No disrespect that is not the game I am playing. How many mentions of random HEAT do you need to read on here on this forum. Check out the debate about the M51 ,its full of discussion regarding the random nature of HE.

Are you mixing up HE and HEAT? Yes HEAT sucks at times and I’d rather have it fixed and their BRs adjusted but HEAT is still extremely dangerous to heavy tanks if you can aim.

Also I was talking about HE not HEAT.

War Thunder — official forum3

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How did some germen hate mange to sneak into the thread?

I’m all for Heavies getting a buff since they are in such a bad place.

I’d like to see the Maus reload come down to 12-14 seconds.

12-14 would be a bit too fast since it has the 75mm for self defence but 15-16 would be fine.

Panzers reply wasn’t anything that I would get upset about ,he says it how it is that’s him.
Too much flagging and crying on here to be honest.
There are some real trolls about but they seem to get more support form the moderators and forum members rather than taken off so who can say.

I suspect it has plenty because I feel the same way to be honest. The game is becoming a comedy of anime pillows.

I was thinking about this and maybe that is the source of the disagreement.
Panzer said HEAT in the last few I read and yes HEAT is random. HE is random but could be poor use or just a miss.

Back on topic and ammo to me is one reason why the Era overlap is so ugly and why going to 7.7 just feels so vey off and uncomfortable for me as a WW2 armour enthusiast.

Its not just looks its whole gameplay.
Trying to get a line up as Italy in 6.7 was just terrible I gave up.
USA is OK so long as I skip the uptier and that is ODL sadly.

I hope I am not off topic but 7.7 seems to be just a BR most pass through as quick as possible to get to top tier.

US WW2 people hate it and those who are traveling to the M1 and T90 have no interest either. As a casual player its a real mess ,so few takers it seems.

I have it as a 6.7 German player and skip it on the uptier as I said. Just no place for me there in 6.7 armour.

Maybe reducing reloads might help with it all.
Its that odd realism vs Game play tradeoff we have on here.

The biggest problem heavy tanks have is the BR spread of ±1.0 if it was was ±0.7 a lot of the issues heavies have would solve itself. However the 7.7s aren’t even strong in a downtier and still have to try a very passive playstyle to be succesfull. Unfortunatly Gaijin will NEVER implement semihistoric matchmaking so we have to deal with it this way. A reload buff is the only short term solution to the 7.7 problem and especially the Maus and IS-4M need it as they are a complete joke in any 8.0+ match.

Trying to get a line up as Italy in 6.7 was just terrible I gave up.
USA is OK so long as I skip the uptier and that is ODL sadly.

Well lineups are terrible for most BRs and sadly they’re not interested in adding any new WW2 content that isn’t copy&paste. USA has some of the most uptier proof vehicles at that tier with their small size and HEAT same goes for Italy. However if you want to play WW2 you’re out of luck.

I hope I am not off topic but 7.7 seems to be just a BR most pass through as quick as possible to get to top tier.
US WW2 people hate it and those who are traveling to the M1 and T90 have no interest either. As a casual player its a real mess ,so few takers it seems.

The worse it gets the less people play it and it will be even more unpopular so the cycle continues.

Panzers reply wasn’t anything that I would get upset about ,he says it how it is that’s him.
Too much flagging and crying on here to be honest.
There are some real trolls about but they seem to get more support form the moderators and forum members rather than taken off so who can say.

This guy just blamed his poor performance on game mechanics and accused me of gaslighting. You can’t argue with someone who only brings up personal experience and doesn’t elaborate further.

Idk maybe he is that dense but I explained why Gaijins decompression wouldn’t change anything (they will never move the M109, M51, M50, … to 8.0+) and he just ignores that and brings it up again.

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The just doesn’t pack enough punch. I’ve fired it at barrels and nothing happens.

12 is probably pushing it but I feel like 13 would be fine just because how screwed you are if you miss the first shot.

The Maus is one of my most played vehicles and the 75mm does more than enough damage to destroy barrels. Just set a keybind to select you secondary gun so you can aim easier.