.50's deserve a buff

.50 cal is gonna mess up a fighter jet, certainly not a peashooter. They are basically unarmored and have lots of fragile components. Stuff like A-10 and Su-25 will have more resistance to it, but they aren’t immune to it. Even helicopters like the hind will have trouble against .50 from a machine gun, it’s a very potent round. 20-30mm is used because in the short time-frames of having a firing window in jet combat, the maximum amount of damage must be inflicted upon the target.

  1. The 20mm is pretty accurate as is

  2. Yes, if you want to come complain about a subject that you aren’t willing to be open minded or learning about, you are not only uneducated on the subject, you are biting the hands that feed you knowledge on the subject

  3. Yes; the explanations were indeed factual, you can also source @Laserdestroy_1 to second that, again.

.50 caliber isn’t a peashooter, but when compared to 13.2mm, 20mm, and 30mm, it absolutely is.

The fire rate of the aircraft mounted .50 caliber (M3, the model which is mounted on aircraft) has a fire-rate of 1200-1300. The M61A1 Vulcan of the 20mm range, fires 6000 RPM. The M/75 AKAN on the JA viggens have 1350 RPM, and the Mauser 27mm on the JAS and Alpha jets have a fire rate of 1700 RPM. All of these, having a higher fire rate, also release larger rounds in a second. Notably, the M/75 is nearing the M61 is KG/S, just because it has 10 extra mm diameter and size.

lmao bro thinks 1 single 20mm destroy a bomber is accurate.
Som1 plays too much Germany

This video does a good job compiling research the British did.

It takes more than one 20mm shot to kill a bomber unless it’s a pilot KO. I’m not even a German main; I’m a Sweden main.

The 30mm “Grenade” launcher Mk.103 and 108 were designed for ground attack and bomber hunting, not air attack, but it’s still a large explosive mass, and actual mass, which means it can be effective.

look who didn’t watch the video

Sweden, oh gosh that’s even worse.
Also I guess I should have specific it takes 1 shot to destroy the tail/wing of a bomber, mb.

Yea, that’s what they said about the ATGM/Missiles too. Greeeeaaaaaaat for gameplay…

Glad you think that making it take dozens of HITS to take down a plane is great gameplay. I’d rather not have to fight desync even more to shoot down another plane. This would also make SPAA even worse in Ground, which is definitely needed. 0/10, would NOT recommend.

holy cope Text

Says the one who doesn’t like the current status quo. Waaaahhhh Daddy Gaijin, planes do soooo much damage in this video game, please make everything weak and tedious so I can feel better because “realism” is more gooder than enjoying the game.

lol som1’s been playing a lil too much Germany.

Seems like someone else has been getting smoked a little too often by Germany.

dude you’re simping over 20mms as if they’re underpowered.

They are especially Russian/Chinese guns after WW2.

Probably T-160/M39 has same issues as well?

Nah, I’m shooting down another “realism improvement” to prevent the game from becoming worse again. Like what happened with the missiles.

Sorry; I just woke up.

So, damage models for all weapons are high, I saw a bunch of images of damage spots from each caliber and mm size, their entry damage and exit damage.

I just like incendiary rounds it don’t matter what kind

You’re shooting down a basic balance change that literally anyone could figure would be good.