2S38 to 11.0

Okay, that’s fine. What’s the big deal with it anyway?

Lend lease = borrowing tanks then paying them back at the end of X

Trialed = borrowing a tank or tanks then giving them back at the end

So what is the big deal, I see no issue with it if other nations got these as well, because that could lead to the Sherman VC, Church. III, Panther A, Tiger II (P), T-72, Scorpion, and Schimitar.

Besides, you started this.

Gotta love when the 2S38 empty mass is more effective than the helicopters empty masses. This thing definitely deserves 11.0 and there is no reason it should be there as Russia’s high tier premium. Technically a upgrade to any owners since raising it should allow for a increased rewards multiplier and increased maximum researchable rank. Not to mention the proxy, higher capability gun than the HSTV-L, Proxy rounds, and more. Only drawback it has is the first stage reloading. Ridiculous ammo pool too unlike the HSTV-L.


Mb then USSR get this?


Sure, just not as a Squadron vehicle, because Russia already has 3.

As you can see people are against it, even though it’s fair vehicle exchange.

I wouldn’t care what form it appears in, it’s just that usually such vehicle is squadron

Event vehicle, yeah, Squadron, no, being the fact, as I’ve said before, already having three squadron vehicles, they have no need for more, but as an event vehicle yes. They need to focus squadron vehicles to nations that don’t currently have one or two.

Eh, but they are literal owners of them. Just like any other existed prototypes.

That’s fair.

People are against it not at all because it’s a squadron. They want to preserve the situation when other countries steal vehicles from the USSR tech-tree.

At the same time, they do not create topics for the removal of the T-90S, T-80U or Mi-28a

Agree. They are a total rat of a tank and ruin that BR bracket. Quite frankly, that entire USSR wallet warrior lineup is busted. TURMS, 2S38, BMP2M, and Su25 at 10.0.

2S38 is one shot. It would be a glass cannon, but the cannon is not even that good.


Should be 10.7, but not 11.0 imo. Nevertheless, agreed.

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What? I have had maybe a couple bad experiences fighting it. The rest is just one shotting it without much thought

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yeah and its a light tank normally a good play would be stay hull down flank and check before moving to not get killed its main weapon its mobility

23.3 HP/t isn’t really anything special at ~10.0.


well its still good mobility and even so normally you flank on it

It’s still pretty decent mobility, I won’t deny that.
But as you said, it’s a flanking vehicle which means it will often meet other flankers that are more mobile, thus you’ll be beat to a spot. For those vehicles going as fast as possible and hiding as much as you can is paramount to survival, considering their armor is paper.

altough this is true it has an advantage on survivability and having an autocannon but this dosent make it inmediately op against everything since it can struggle with some vehicles even if they are light such as the PUMA

It would be strong if it wasn’t for 80% of the dudes using it being absolute zombie on sleeping pills. I’ve seen more skilled player using the VBCI and taking way more advantages of the unmanned turret at 10.0.

my friend sucks with the 2S38 he plays way too aggresively