2S38 to 11.0



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And russia isn’t?

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That’s hilarious.

Sir, the fact you think reality is fantasy isn’t a good sign.

Soviets have never been an OP tech tree.

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It’s certainly not 10.0.material. I don’t know about 11.0 but even just 10.3-10.7 would be huge


its a light tank with very good survivability for a light tank having one bad experience with it dosent inmediately make it a bad tank

agree 11.0 its too harsh since its gonna get stomped by much more armored stuff at top tier 10.3 seems good as it would fight 11.3 at max

I see quite noticeable difference between “lend-leased” tanks (actually was in service and fought in battles) and a tank, that was somewhere on trials and never was accepted into service.


Both of them technically not owned by the operator of the vehicle. It was operated, just not in combat. So by his standard, it should be there anyway.

I think there are a few things wrong with your analysis.

First it doesn’t matter what the player skill of the vehicle is, it’s a premium so naturally more new players who might not be as good at WT will play it. That doesn’t change it’s inherent power. It’s a good light tank.

Second, survivability isn’t the only metric used for classifying a vehicles BR. It’s a light tank so it shouldn’t be hard to destroy. Incidentally I bet it has about the same armor profile as the Leclerc when being fired on by any top tier APFSDS

Also third, there is a lot to say for it being classified as a SPAA in which case it should get reduced number of APFSDS rounds, like the Otomatic.

At the end of the day Gaijin is keeping it low so it sells well. They don’t care about balance when compared to profit.

The 2S38 and the BMP-2M have been undertiered for ages now. I play a lot of 12.0 and I see both those vehicles on every Russian team every game. If they couldn’t compete at 12.0, people wouldn’t bring them.(except a few memers here and there). It was even mentioned in the recent BR adjustment thread by Gaijin that one of the reasons they moved the Type 81 SPAA up was that people were using it successfully at higher BRs… but that logic doesn’t apply to these 2 RU vehicles for some reason…($)


Leopard 1 can pen it too, should it be 11.0+ from that?
Realistically it’s classified as gun platform.


A lot of the people that paid for these tanks will argue till they are blue in the face that they aren’t OP, because they don’t want their investment devalued. Everyone can see they are too strong for their BR, but everyone has just accepted there are times where RussianBias™ and pay2win combine to create these monstrosities, and there is nothing we can do to make GJN change it. Same with the Su-11 being 7.0 for years.


Oh so on rare occassions and only as event or premiums, while almost every other case is TT?

Still is a mistake to add.
Only countries that need these should get that.
Sweden had other choices.


Armor is not the only factor playing into a BR, but its mobility, gun, fire rate, and penetration. If it has multi-capabilities, and ripping everything at its BR, and higher, it would go higher. But guess what, it’s a premium, a Russian premium, so it won’t change.

CV-9040s and Begleitpanzer have similar things, yet 2S38 is the only being complained about, why?
Because you fight it the most often.
People often compare it to HSTV-L but often forget HSTV-L uses much better basis.


Eh, no? “Technically” it was owned. Unlike vehicle, that was just on trials. And trials arent equal to “operation of vehicle”. And no, t-80 shouldnt be there


Then Russia shouldn’t have Obj. 279 and Obj. 292

Than by thta logic no in game prototype should be in game, and unlike Objects, Sweden never put a thing to develop T-80U.
Objects were developed and trialed by USSR, all while Sweden only trialed T-80U for a short time and it’s smh enough, same with Mi-28A with only having any russian pilot but just few Swedish soldiers being weaponry operators.


Okay, so let’s replace T-80U with the KRV, partial built, partial paper. A development never entered to service. Why don’t we have it? Same with the Swedish AMX-13

Edit to remove flag: Wtf, how is this off community guidelines? And why would you flag this.

You can see such cases have only been removed, german WW-2 paper SPAA is example of that. Additionaly Gaijin was just searching for options and they can be lame at that.

By any case, they will not be removing T-80U from Sweden, same with Mi-28A.

He is a Swedish on copium, thinks trialing for 2 hours is same as owning 1000 Sherman’s from lend lease