Are you trying to tell me you played the cv9040c recently?
And i’ll call that guy idiot to face MBT head on with light tanks on their own no sane should have pull something like that
I’m saying that I’ve played auto lights enough to assess them based on their speed, ammo, and size characteristics.
Begleit, HSTVL, 2S38, VCC-80/60, and soon to be the Strf series as I’m at 8.7 Sweden now.
Yes, I played 8.0 Sweden until I had every 8.7 tank.
Begleit was my first, which is why it has the worst performance despite me fixing its performance [it use to be 0.5:1 KDR, I was absolutely skill-issued in auto-lights].
By the time 2S38 came around I got decent with some tank and videos assisted in my learning, so I was better.
Went back to Begleit and instantly my performance was night and day to the last time I played it half a year prior to playing the 2S38.
Whish you luck getting there maybe you will realize there is a difference between light and Light vehicles
The cv9040 is less Mobile than a leopard 2 maybe even 122 but can’t test that Right now
Turret rotation is also worse
I’m aware, the VCC-80/60 is rather “slow” itself.
I more care about its ability to speed up to 30kph than speed up to its top speed… except the HSTVL on some maps, then I care about that thing’s total speed.
You Will be disappointed in both aspects
The cv9040c has an amazing 19.3hp/ton
Compared to even late leopards 2a7 and 122b which have atlest 23 hp/Ton
The 2s38 also has 23.3hp per ton
And the vcc has 22 per ton and almost twice the turrets traverse rate 57.3 aced instead of 34.9
9040c is just an unfortunate vehicle, the 9040b is a better flanking/light tank, because of the better mobility.
9040c gets like 5 tons of added weight, just from composite screens and not any actual protection. It also gets a better dart which is pretty useless because you play the vehicle the same way with or without it.
I play it without the upgraded APFSDS, way to costly.
had battles where like in the area of 5k SL just for ammo, both Slprrj/01 and the HE-VT are expensive to use.
I would rather use the DNK or the upcoming NLD 35mm versions, their stock APDS pens 127mm, compared to the 131 APFSDS, which pens about double at angle. But it’s free ;P
But these are Belt fed, and get about 25 Hp/t, and the NLD if not both should get KETF ABM munitions against AIR.
I have spaded all the CV90’s in GFAB, where you get even more Hp, but especially the 9040C needed all Modification related to Mobility, to become bearable to say the least.
i agree with this, it while the HSTVL has more pen it has less fire rate and ammo, 2s38 will hammer you every 0.5 seconds until they magically find a hole in your armour
being able to target aircraft does seem relevant, otherwise they wouldn’t have lowered the br of the CV9035NL after removing its IRST
Targeting aircraft is relevant for the BR the ground vehicle is to the BR of the aircraft, not to other ground vehicles.
CV9035NL is not in the game currently.
DK is, which never had IRST and was always the same BR.
direct no, indirectly yes
It can do things that others cannot do, and it can also do things that others can do. It has strong downward pressure, and still performs well at high BR, so why not increase its BR? Otherwise it would be unfair to other vehicles in this BR
So M247 to 11.0 cause it applies pressure?
You also replied to the wrong person as I stated it should be 10.3 because of its cross-analysis conclusion.
And no, every single SPAA at or slightly below 2S38 is superior to 2S38 in the SPAA role.
The argument makes M1A2 SEP 12.0 and 2A7V 11.7 which is evidence enough that it’s a bad argument.
well M247 is a good spaa but thats it, it could go on a higher BR but thats getting off the point. I was only against your point as the targeting aircraft ability relevent not to other vehicle, but now I have more to disagree on.
what about Gepard?the only two advantages for it are radar and missiles. I do believe 2S38 could do its spaa role better than some spaa
Gepard 1A2 is 9.3, not 10.0.
On top of that you mentioned it: Stingers.
It also has a search radar.
SPAA is irrelevant to ground BR balancing as SPAA BRs are based on aircraft BRs except in cases where AP rounds exceed its anti-air capabilities.
you were saying? did I misunderstood?
Also, there werent so much of different on how effective between gepard and 2S38, gepard have rader and 2S38 have thermal, surly a rader could see a bit further but gepards weapon cant reach that far.
so yeah, only thing that makes gepard any better is stingers, and no more.
yes, and now you got a 2S38
I don’t get what he is saying anymore
Guess he believes the m10 should be at a the Same br as the M18 because the things that matter armor and firepower are equal(actually the m10 has more Armor)
And all the added bonuses the M18 has (power to weight Ratio turret rotation) do not Matter
See his 2s38 and cv9040C comparison which he thinks are exactly the same and should always have the same br
Would be interesting to see if HSTV-L gets a BR raise since its getting HE-VT (and supposedly aircraft tracking too but not sure on that one)
EDIT: If that does happen, then 2S38 really should go to 10.3, at the very least
one has:
*better mobility, in almost every metric;
- better ammo against both ground and AIR;
- has IRST to “lock on” to AIR;
- All ammo is 1st stage, so will never need to reload the 1st stage;
- crewless turret;
- side can be 50 called, but not many non US tank have those at that BR;
the other:
- high RoF, which depletes 24 round (1st stage) within 5 sec;
- but replenishes it at 1 round every 2 sec;
- total ammo was lowered to 120 rounds, from the other cv9040 248 rounds carried;
- can tank 50 cal, and some AC at range;
both have about the same size:
6.8 x 3.2 x 2.8 for CV9040
7.14 x 3.2x 2.4 for BMP3 Chassis, 2S38 is a little higher;
l x w x h
yea the cv9040c is just a sufferbus compered to the 2s38 and pretty much any other cv90 in its br range