2S38 needs a BR bump

and should you ever be dissatisfied with the spaling aphe exists for the 2s38

which AlvisWisla again doesn’t see has an advantage
or advantages do not effect the brs apparently

Actually it can go up to 10.7 to 11.0 shouldn’t in the same BR at PUMA when i had better power

PUMA makes up for lack of firepower by being better armored and faster.
However, your suggestion to make Begleit 10.0, HSTVL 12.0, and Strf 9040C 11.0 isn’t helpful.

It really unnecessary to put HSTVL any higher (even it does it make no difference anyways since it gonna face top tier anyway)
Strf 9040C really? why? It even need it? it slow and still use manned turret and can’t track aircraft and no CITV and LWS I don’t see reason why 9040C should go up

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Then the 2S38 cannot go above 10.3 or that pushes the vastly superior HSTVL up in BR as well.
Strf 9040C is a 2S38 with 50mm less pen which should matter but doesn’t because Abrams’ turret ring is wrong.

No it not did you even read that

Which 2S38 does have stuff that Strf 9040c don’t
for HSTV-L case it doesn’t it gonna face top tier anyway even put it higher BR result it gonna be the same

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Anti-air is 100% irrelevant. Stop pretending that 2S38 is 9.3 when it’s not.
“There should be American bias and 2S38 should be a dead tank.”
No. Stop it.
Balance > bias.
I’m sick of the Russian myth that Russia made a better tank than the HSTVL when they haven’t.
Sorry, but America built a better tank, they just couldn’t afford to run it cause it’s expensive.

“It can target aircraft.”
What does that have to do with fragging a Leopard 2? Nothing.

Yea the cv9040c is just sad it’s the worst of the high End cv9040s

The bill has the only funktional top down missile which can wreak t90m/t80bvm
And has commander thermals

The lvkv 9040 has search radar and Tracking for air vehicles and can lift it’s gun higher

The cv9040c is just sadness has none of the features above only slightly more penning round which costs sl
And recently got it’s ammo load significantly nerfed

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It is vehicle that can engage more types of target always better than vehicles that can target less types of target in comparison it’s always been this way and i’m not mention that 9040c need to reload after fire all of it 24rounds which take long times

Are you really that imbecile? or you pretend to?

You really must be a troll
You have a Vehicle that is a better spaa than the sidam or m163 and you say who cares??
In particular against Helis it’s a menace

In real life, multi-role matters, the same way cost does.
This isn’t real life though.
BRs are adjusted for the maximum potential performance of a vehicle.
Cost of the vehicle is irrelevant.

This is how you get HSTVL to be the 2nd best light tank in the game and the CV 90120 to be the best light tank in the game despite both of them being commercial failures due to their cost.

And it’s how you get 2S38 to be 10.x because of its anti-tank capability instead of its BR 9.3 - 9.7 anti-air capability, and OTOMATIC being 11.3 instead of its ~10.3 anti-air capability.

Weird of your post to imply that 2S38 is ~7.7 BR when it’s 10.0. Its closest analogue is M247 in the anti-air role, 2S38 just has a better VT round.

Both of your posts resort to insults where my posts have not attacked anyone.

You are sadly just resistant to arguments
And do even Play the same game ?
Multi role doesn’t matter?

It’s literally one of the most important aspect of the game to have a vehicle that can do has much has possible(the opposite leads to situational vehicles which is not a compliment)

Why do you think the sturer Emil is so low in br
It can literally only do a single thing stand and snipe

And its also the main reason to play the top tier puma
It can both do ground and limited anti air work
Same for the Gepard or more so the British 7.7 aa which I forget the name of Right now

Also F4 phantom and p47 are lowed because they can multi role

If multi-role mattered for overall performance why is M1A2 SEP the same BR are the less multi-role Leopard 2A7V? @meki98
You haven’t even attempted to answer that question cause I hope you’re trying to still think about it.
Of course you know the answer cause I’ve said it: Multi-role for tanks does not matter in its overall performance.

Sturer Emil is another example that proves my point.
Why is M10 Wolverine a lower BR if it’s better at multi-role than Sturer Emil?
I can bring up a case mate too if you want.

Becouse the 2a7 has better armor which the Abrams doas not so they equalize each other which the 2s38 just doesn’t with the cv9040s

The 2s38 is alot better than the cv9040c even wen only looking the base stats

Do you also think the ka50 and yah64 deserve the same br?

Also let me tell you secret the same tanks the 2s38 suffers from Heavy mbts in particular Russian/Chinese/Israel are also extremely hard to kill in a cv9040

It’s so bad people stop see it’s a cv9040(unless it’s a Bill) and just start pushing becouse they know they are safe if they are not driving around in an Abrams or ariete

While the Ka-50 lacks thermals, it makes up for that with the Vikhrs.
And while YAH-64 lacks some self-defense equipment [Stingers], it makes up for that with thermals.
Thus both are fine being the same BR, one is not really better than the other.
AH-64A for example being obviously superior to both YAH-64 and Ka-50 helicopters.

2S38 when facing another player of equal skill in any MBT will die to that MBT, just cause MBTs are just a superior platform to auto-lights.

“I can get kills in M22 so it should be 10.0.”
2S38 should be 10.3 because cross-analysis dictates that’s what its BR should be.

And now your posts are claiming Swedish tech tree players hate Sweden… easily seen as a troll attempt.
You’re also claiming you hate Soviets…

Maybe he is just one if those players who just hates anything swedish (ps TOP TIER) becouse he gets stomped by them sometimes

I also had a game with Single swedish tank that killed my entire team
It was a Strv 121 it was just a normal 2a4 played by a Very skilled Player

Are you trying to tell me you played the cv9040c recently?

And i’ll call that guy idiot to face MBT head on with light tanks on their own no sane should have pull something like that

I’m saying that I’ve played auto lights enough to assess them based on their speed, ammo, and size characteristics.
Begleit, HSTVL, 2S38, VCC-80/60, and soon to be the Strf series as I’m at 8.7 Sweden now.

Yes, I played 8.0 Sweden until I had every 8.7 tank.

Begleit was my first, which is why it has the worst performance despite me fixing its performance [it use to be 0.5:1 KDR, I was absolutely skill-issued in auto-lights].
By the time 2S38 came around I got decent with some tank and videos assisted in my learning, so I was better.
Went back to Begleit and instantly my performance was night and day to the last time I played it half a year prior to playing the 2S38.

Whish you luck getting there maybe you will realize there is a difference between light and Light vehicles
The cv9040 is less Mobile than a leopard 2 maybe even 122 but can’t test that Right now

Turret rotation is also worse

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