16v16 is too much for air rb

That test was 7 or 8 years ago. The game was very different back then. Also Gaijin just copy-pasted Sim EC in Air RB which isn’t ideal.

I wish they would use the spawn point system like they do with Ground RB in an EC mode. Maybe you could still spawn into the same plane again but you should have to earn it. This would probably require some sort of reserve low cost vehicle but maybe they can either do this with lower BR aircraft (than the match BR) or provide a reserve drone near the front line.


Air RB EC would literally just be sim EC in RB. Otherwise it’s not EC.

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Hmmm I wasn’t aware that you were the arbiter of the term “Enduring Confrontation”.

Enduring Confrontation in War Thunder can mean whatever Gaijin wants it to mean. Air Sim EC and Naval EC certainly don’t behave the same so i wouldn’t get all nitpicky over definitions here. We were just having a discussion of how Air RB EC could be implemented properly.

EC is just a game mode that Gaijin could do whatever they want with…


people kept complaining top tier match were too short.
Gaijin decided to add more planes into match.
Not understanding the problem is actually having too many planes.
It’s less tactical, less skilled and less fun overall.
And the more it goes the worse it will be.
You already have a taste of how it looks with R73 and 9M.
Imagine a the near future then every single plane will have those.
This will be unplayable and most of the serious WT youtubers talked about this already.
As always Gaijin just does not listen and they will complain again when it will explose in their face.


I completely agree, you speak the truth, although i still have hope that Gaijin will hear us.

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If 16x16 is a chaos for you, that mean u suck. I hope 20x20 so i can kill more guys

16v16 absolutly too much… maybe 96 rocket in the air at same time… maybe the 8v8 maximum 10v10 more better way in toptier air rb. Or just put the sim maps like denmark etc… with more spawn locations and the 16v16 its okey.


16v16 sucks at any tier, even in props. Yeah the planes are slower but that also means you can’t play to your strengths as much.
If you try to play for speed and energy it’s way harder to succeed because there’s gonna be aircraft EVERYWHERE. If you’re trying to get some cool dogfights, you can’t because someone is always around to be the 3rd party.

With smaller teams, say 8v8, you could also put the airfields much closer to each other, reducing the initial flight time that many complain about. It would also make individual pilot skill matter much more as ‘carrying’ against 3 people is doable, but against 7 or 8 you’re shit out of luck.


Air RB EC existed in the past, it was a very cool gamemode. Wish I had played it when it was around.


The problem is that Gaijin gave the intern 2 unpaid hours to develop Air RB EC, then people pointed out some broken elements of the mode, like AI planes flying into mountains, and Gaijin took one look at their emaciated intern and said “nah” and put him back on developing new premium vehicles and loot boxes.


individual skill doesnt matter as much since when you get into a 1v1 dogfight, someone always comes to counter since the amount of players are too large


In the beginning it was
Lobbies were full (32v32) and it was fun
As I said before, last few Air RB EC test were empty, 5v5 real player on huge maps

I don’t know why they dont just copy paste this WT league tournaments thing and make a seaprate gamemode out of this, technically it is already in the game so it shouldn’t take much effort to edit it if it is necesary, since this year we had those props “tournaments”. They could just make 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 or 8v8 out of this.


1 v 1, 2 v 2, and 4 v 4 will just be taken over by very competent squads and will be essentially dead lobby’s. 8 v 8 is probably the lowest you could go in an ongoing PVP mode without risking domination by squads.


That is true but doesnt neceseraly have to mean that it will be like that, there are also multiple options for players to comunicate in game, as well as in game voice chat which probably no one uses but for this mode it could be requirement, and 4v4 might also have a requirement to have a premade squad while 1v1, 2v2 and 8v8 can be random matchmaked players. Its not like there are no options, there is but since marketing team makes more money than development team we’re probably stuck with no changes or any other possibilites for new gamemodes.

12v12 is honestly very good imo, but they really need to tend more towards the full sized EC style maps like Spain EC, Afghanistan EC, and to a lesser degree Vietnam EC, particularly as missile performance improves and high performance Fox 3’s are soon to be seen in-game. Most WT maps just dont work well for top tier, and will get even worse in the future.

Id argue that as it stands, Afghanistan is the best top tier map, followed by Spain EC, and Vietnam EC, with the next map being Pyreness. After that, most maps are trash mid or trash.

  • Golan and Sinai are way too flat and aren’t really that big despite Sinai “seeming” big
  • Non-EC vietnam is the same as EC vietnam except it funnels all planes into a small area, which leads to furball garbage (im also 99% sure the map is slightly smaller than EC version, but this might be just a placebo from the furball)
  • Small Spain is WAY too small, particularly since the entire fight gets funneled over the river area between the hills/mountains
  • City doesn’t use 2/3 of the map since there’s no reason to go over the sea or the mountains on either side of the city and the mountains act as a sort of hard barrier as well. There’s usually 1-2 players that go and fight in the mountain but then whenever the winner returns to the fight they realize the games already over.
  • Rocky Canyon and Rocky pillars both have the exact same issue of funneling the fight into a single area leading to the maps feeling a lot smaller than they actually are.

These issues are accentuated by larger team sizes and higher performance weapons, and I think gaijin adding the new high performance IR missiles (9M, R-73, and to a lesser degree P3) and increasing team sizes from 12v12 to 16v16 is starting to highlight the cracks in their maps and map designs.

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Yeah, it’s also important to make sure the players are well spread on the map. As it is right now everyone just rushes for the furball in the middle of the map, so no matter how big the map is, the outcome will always be both teams figthing in a furball in the middle of the map.
We need more airfields and more objectives, spreaded apart on the map.


I find the EC maps do this pretty decently quite frankly. Obviously not perfect, but a step in the right direction. I find EC maps tend to start off more spread out and the match will finish in a dogfight between ~5 players or less on each team near the end due to the natural flow of BVR players who cranked to either side or base bombers who went to strike bases on each side of the map, which I think feels a lot better.

This gives all types of players something in the match. BVR enjoyers get the early game long range missile slinging action. Grinders/base bombers/strike aircrafts can go strike targets away from the map center, and people who enjoy dogfights get to enjoy their dogfight with less interruptions from 3rd parties once they manage to close the distance for the fight.


Agreed, and if you actually actively create an undisturbed 1 vs 1 vs their best player/plane combo by luring your enemy away from the pack (and reducing his energy advantage in this process) you might have a very nice 1 vs 1 - but your team managed to die completely in this few minutes - sometimes there is just one guy left, either repairing or afk.

That’s why i love these small matches 6 vs 6 on Pacific maps as you can actually make a difference with just 1 or 2 kills…

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Also, to help spread the players across the map, all maps that have a sea should include an aircraft carrier to use as an additional airfield. And also include more naval targets.