16v16 is too much for air rb

6v6 sounds good to me.

Ok, Air RB is now completely unplayable. Thanks Gaijin.


I was hoping to se this issue addressed in this update, I was a fool


Yeah Air RB is even worse now.


It becomes even better when you’re in a stock vehicle (like the F-16AJ) and have to use 9Ps lmao. 16v16 on the current maps has been such a garbage change ever since it was a thing and the fact it’s still around is atrocious.


vote here to get rid of 16v16: Reduce the amount of players in Air RB matches in top tier


Just did and voted for 10v10. IMO 8v8 is a little too low, especially for top tier where some of the maps become quite big. I’m fine with both but a mix of 10v10 or 8v8 would be fine with me and would definitely be a massive improvement over 16v16.

If they were to actually ever do 8v8, I hope the rewards are adjusted accordingly.


I imagine 8v8 for the smallest maps and 10v10 for bigger ones would be a nice option

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I seriosly dont understand how 16v16 with these top tier planes with these armaments with small maps we still have, HOW IS THIS STILL NOT COMMON SENSE THAT ITS TOO MUCH? Do you even play devs? Its really mind bogling how we still have 16v16 for air rb in top tier. Seriosly its rediculouse


64x64? 64 4th Gen fighters are a catastrophic loss for even the best air forces in the world. 128 lost 4th Gen fighters have a higher price than most countries’ whole GDP. Germany has 68!!! Tornadoes in service. You fail to realize that tossing your entire air force a la line infantry battle to establish total air supremacy over a region is in no way realistic. It is something the US could (but would not) do against nations like Iran, but definitely not peers like you see in Warthunder.

This is akin to saying “Abrams is made to cross trenches.”. Aircraft haven’t been that cheap or pilots that disposable since the Spanish Civil War. Even the 16v16 is essentially high fantasy in setting.


Another really annoying thing about 16v16 matches are AI planes. AI planes and real players aren’t differentiated on the map radar thing on the top right which makes it really annoying having to constantly 360 check if it’s a real person or not. If you could set them to a different color it’d be a nice QoL change.

Also I find it hilarious that props have a chance to get 6v6 or 8v8 matches (not really necessary) meanwhile top tier is only 16v16 lol. Whoever is making these decisions is something else.


we need 128v128

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i just want the chaos of 128v128

then play customs, there are plenty of such matches there

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I hope your trolling…

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Not to mention that the larger maps are a complete waste of time because so much is spent flying to the combat… so that we can have the same gameplay that we get on the smaller versions.


This was my suggestion that I tried to apply to suggestion tab but it never passed the moderation, you can see some obvious mistakes here that I made regarding the br’s even tho I probably shouldn’t have even wrote about them as that was against the suggestion’s rules and maybe may be a reason why this wasn’t posted but it is what it is.

Whoever gets mad over the BR’s of the vehicles take note that I just slapped vehicles to lower br’s then intended as I wanted for this to actually come out during dev server.

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I’m trying to post suggestions like that aswell, but they seem to never get approved by moderation for some reason

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The game at top tier is hostile to learning and hostile to individual players.

When you die, it’s hard to think of a way to avoid it. You can only defer your death for 5 or 10 seconds; if your team crumbles that’s it, you lose. Only the meta jet players can influence the direction of the match, and that’s not because of better skill, only better weapons.

It’s frustrating and punishing even after you spend tons of time learning how to play.

Top tier gameplay is bad.


I think 16x16 is great for lower BR’s that don’t have great missiles, but at high levels it’s really insane, but the problem with high BR’s is the low scale of the maps for fighters with such powerful radars and missiles.

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