ZSU-23-4M4 over tiered

What 10.0 spaa has the M61 Vulcan?

Hopefully I just read that wrong, because I hope you didn’t seriously think that the M163 and Stormer AD had the same gun. That would be US main level stupid.


not quite the same gun as its the 25mm instead of the 20mm but I was talking about stormer CVRT.

close enough in function and are general dynamics cousin guns. a load of 20mm is gonna rip a wing off no different to the 25mm in practice

Have you actually used the M163? The thing fckin sucks more balls than the Shilka

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bro it is a gatling gun taking on ww2 jets and props.

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I’d assume, based on most Caernarvon02’s comments when is not related to British machinery, no. Nothing past battle rating 6.0 Germany.

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Do note however that the 25mm HE shell has 3x the explosive mass as the 20mm, and the GAU-12 has nearly double the fire mass of the M168 (not M61 but a lower fire rate variant)

and it still sucks at that, the 30mm Czech copy of the Mk103 on a flatbed half track is literally better at killing jets than it

fair enough thats gonna do a lot. its almost never a single bullet that hits with these guns though. I don’t think I’ve ever only been hit by one bullet from any rotary canon in game ever tbh

Not really keep in mind that the iglas doesnt have a proximity fuze, so even with the better short range maneuverability, it doesnt do as well as the iglas, also the are caged so it is harder to hit planes when they fly low.

And that 25mm is superior to the 20mm and 23mm of the lower BR vehicles.
As well as having more Stingers to work with.

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That’s really the big difference between the two for sure. Impact fuze is obvious but the advantage of an uncaged seeker for the stingers is also rather significant, as you can lead and lob them

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I have to disagree. The Iglas lack a proxy fuse, something the upgraded Stingers get, which makes a big difference.


My general experience is that the Stinger miss by miles and so the prox fuse is largely irrelevant because the missile doesnt get anywhere near the prox fuse range.

This videos sums it up nicely

Ah damn, the videos no longer work

Shilka is fine at 8.0. The 35mm are far superior to the 23mm found on the Shilka. Not to mention the far inferior radar.

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exept that video was made when the shilka keep having the proximity fuze.

Might just be my experience then. Also, those videos are quite old, afaik Iglas were vastly changed, for the worse, since then.
Regardless, the Gepard 1A2 should be a BR step higher than the Shilka-M4.

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Doesnt matter. The video showed the IGLAs hitting targets even when fired deliberately at a bad angle and Stingers missing by miles even with ideal lead.

Even just firing a few Stingers off in test drive, most of the time, they miss

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The amount of times that caged seeker prevented me from launching a missile is in dozens.

The only thing that shows it is that it has better maneuvreravility at really short range, which doesnt make much of a change if you have a gun, and doesnt make up for all of the other short comming of the missile overal, as it keeps being caged, doesnt have proximity fuze and it keeps being worse at longer ranges.


Stingers make me cry. I cant lock anything with a 92K until its so close it cant keep lock with needed lead.
And good luck locking a helicopter of the BR man its just horrendous