it is 9.3, its peers are 9.7 and its worst peer is 10.0 somehow (missiles are next to non functional)

CAS is spammed to hell you could have pantsir at 1.0 and it would still be problematic
All the shilkas enjoy this preferential treatment ill spoiler to not derail
standard shilka is 8.0, its peers are 8.3

It puts more pieces of lead downrange so has a better chance of shredding the late ww2 aircraft it faces while they have no warning but a string of tracer before they can think of evading.
SPAA shouldnt be doing anti tank work at all.
thats a whole other problem dont get me bloomin started.
Maybe, but my general experience is that the stingers are next to useless outside of extremely forgiving shots. (They definetly need their 20G pull modeled.) At which point its hard to justify why the Gepard is higher when the same gun is found on the Gepard at 8.3
shouldnt have its APDS, take that away and place at 7.7 as Britain NEEDS spaa there
Because Shilka is a horrible SPAA in its own right
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But the overall system puts shilka in the shitter, it’s quite a horrible gun SPAA
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But actually the Shilka is exactly where either should be. It’s slower than the 8.3s with substantially lower muzzle velocity and a generally poor radar. It has a higher burst mass but low accuracy limiting it’s range to only around 2.5km. Additionally, it has next to no anti-tank capabilities unlike vehicles with the 35mm Oerlikons or similar.
The same applies to the M4- Iglas are more or less equivalent to Stingers, with a worse seeker and agility but slightly higher dV. But the chassis is just plain worse.
And yes the M163 is undertiered, America mains gonna America main.
It has a really fast shell velocity learn to aim.
Dude the ZU-23s are literally worse than the Oerlikon 35s, I’m not even factoring in the Arty Tractor chassis, the combined search/track radar
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All this writing for nothing,
I’ll be honest with you, if you have no experience (reads match played) you’re the last person to have logic for suggesting a battle rating change,
ZSU-23-4 is at 8.0 compared to the other primarly due to the short range velocity auto cannons and radar performance.
Why? Since it’s a SPAA, M163 is a very effective short range SPAA just like ZSU-23-4, except it has poor radar lock (TV locking method).
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Stormer AD is a false equivalence fallacy.

Also the fact your post implies Gepard Soviet is wild.
All of its peers are 9.3, not 9.7. There is not a single peer at 9.7:

As you can see here, all of these are superior to every 9.3 posted above in either search radar or missiles:

And you prove that Shilka has no preferential treatment, you just want to be unkillable in CAS.

The fact your post implies M163 is Shilka, as well as implying WZ305 is Shilka… wild.
bro there’s the chieftain marksman at 8.3 no its not. top speed doesn’t matter to an SPAA either.
the others arent much better but the less shots downrange balances that out
I don’t think they should have anti tank shells at all, they are anti air not anti tank. if your teams lines broke its your role to plug it
America mains are a sight to behold, the gun of a 10.0 SPAA at 7.3, great accuracy and a perfect string of death but cant even hit a prop bomber
1A2 still is a better platform than M4 for both air and ground, while Stingers definitely aren’t worse than 9M39.
This is why it’s higher in BR.
The M163 and Shilka are not under-BR’d.
It appears I have to fight the CAS mains that want to be unkillable today…
With a vastly superior search radar.
bro legit used the tracked rapier as a peer when it got added non-functional
where on earth did I say this? Im not seeing anything where I called a flakpanzer russian
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Let’s not forget how awful Shilka’s radar is.