Some time has passed after some public discussions on the best top tier MBTs (which are like 3 years old, not a lot but the game has been growing quickly). Everyone used to bless Germany and Sweden with their Leopard 2A6 and Strv122 and blame China and Russia for being the worst, but I believe something may have changed?
I haven’t done any deep research on absolute top tier vehicles (and that’s the main reason I’m asking for your opinions - I know that top tier and squadron tanks are insanely different) - only did on Abrams AIM, Leo 2PL and Leclerc S1. Leopard seems to suck at both having greatest mobility (same speed limit and not entirely different power/mass ratio between Leo and Abrams, and absolutely disgusting against Leclerc), protection (armor is indeed more efficient, but weakspots and ammo placement seem to be much worse than Abrams’), and ammo is just beyond both (although newest Leopards and Strv122s seem to have up to nearly 600mm of penetration, same for squadron Abrams, which is insane compared to poor 2PL’s ~500mm. Polyak is much older in game terms but still stays at the same BR as aussie counterpart…)
And a lot of people seem to be complaining about Russian and Chinese tanks having funnily overpowered kinetic protection of their reactive armor… But not that I know much about it, just whining complaints.
So, are germans and swedes still kings of protection+firepower+combination just like few years ago, or americans/russians/someone else eventually took their spot?
From what I can tell, Sweden and Germany dominate top tier (especially now since Russia/USSR and China have the longest reloads and every other nation can reload in 5s).
Last I checked, their (Ger. and Swed.) had the highest WR. USSR is up there too, and the USA is performing awfully (probably due to Clickbait players)
I’ll link the website to the WR stats because it seems to be broken for me at the moment unfortunately.
that’s probably the point - websites like this show info based on any - good and bad player’s skills. I believe Abrams is great, just players must be bad with it because of wrong expectations. The question is, is there anything better than it in the same player’s hands?
In a conversation about top MBTs, someone brings up team skill.
So what if Sweden and German players are more skilled in your opinion?
This is a topic about the tanks themselves.
All the top tanks are competitive to relative degrees.
Ariete’s gonna be the weakest, and its ammunition will still carry it.
I’m known about Ariete being bad at most things, although Italy received a hungarian Leopard too… which brings up german tech again, seemingly superior looking at these winrates, but thinking of what other tanks can suggest with equal skill…
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“better” in terms of mobility, firepower etc?
yeah, either combo of these or each one, although even each will need to be separated, because you cant just rely on firepower’s penetration (I believe this one would be Obj.292) or aiming (any tank with best gun depression/elevation and turret traverse), protection’s armor thickness (I believe Strv122?) or weakspots (I believe Abrams), mobility’s speed or handling (prob both Leclerc series), thats a difficult topic
Yeah, you’re right. I admit that I don’t play top-tier myself, but having a balance of mobility, protection and firepower all play into the capabilities of a tank, no matter who is using it.
so what vehicles could it be? Combining best of the best into one
I think its still Strv122, mobility of a Leopard, insane protection level and good ammo… remove most of it down to 15 shells and you’re practically invincible, something you need for your tank in the first place I believe. I bet all electronics and aiming properties are great too, considering its something very modernized
From the gameplay I’ve seen, the Strv 122’s and Leopard 2A7V are most likely the best top tier vehicles right now.
Thats true.
If I had to sort all Rank VIIIs, it would look like this;
I won’t include Chinese MBTs because I don’t have first-hand experience with them yet.
1- Leopard 2A7V, Leopard 2A7HU
2- Strv 122B+, Strv122B PLSS, Strv 122A
3- T-80BVM, T-90M, Type 10, TKX
4- M1A2 SEP, M1A1 AIM, M1A2 SEPv2, Challenger 2E
5- Leopard 2A6, Leopard 2 PSO, Leopard 2A5, Leclerc S.XXI, Black Night, Merkava Mk.4M
6- Leclerc AZUR, Leclerc S.2, Leclerc S.1, Challenger 3 (TD), Merkava Mk.4LIC, Merkava Mk.4M
7- Ariete AMV
It’s not whining complaints the era will absorb shots it is not supposed to. It’s complete RNG, and annoying when it happens. Same with an autoloader acting as protection for the ammo.
The ammo placement for Leo’s isn’t any worse or better than an Abrams. If you don’t bring all the ammo you can, you won’t have any hull load.
Leo2a__ and Strv 122b + are both a cut above every other tank right now.
If you were to have 12.7 as the top tier, they’d all be 12.7 and the rest would be at at max, like a t90m, 12.3. If you gave the Leo’s the armor people want to add, as we was just being discussed in another thread and what the Leo mains are asking for. They’d be 12.7, while the rest would seriously still be at 12.0.
That’s why they’re so good, and such space between them and the next best tanks however you decide to rank them based on what you prefer.
why Leclercs so low? underpowered protection yeah, but 12 RPM is amazing firerate, gives a lot of second chances no?
its just you need around 15-20 ammo for most of the western tanks, while Abrams can take a lot more, 35 shells I think? I remember doing a full research on it, probably lost over time though… I really gotta start archivating some stuff
I think yeah it’s around 34 or 35 rounds yeah, but I mean I bring like 14-15 with t series when I played them and I bring 17 with Japan. This is more than enough for a game. Sometimes I do run out, it is what it is. Still more than enough for 6-10 kills most all the time.
fair, 15 would be enough to get to resupply point anyway, unless you start camping
It’s not even worth it most of the time unless your team has run of the map. I just use my tank to distract or try and cap then. Unless you’re already close to the cap in which case it’s worth it, otherwise you’re most securely gonna get shot moving large distances with no ability to offensively defend yourself.
I used to put them higher in the past because of the reload advantage… but since now almost everyone has the same reload, it’s no longer a relative advantage hahah.
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and what is the main advantage of Leos above Strvs? the cannon?