I don’t care about anything that happens in this specific forum other than people being toxic. That is why I haven’t posted much recently because no opinion is safe here. None of these posts in Game Discussion really matter for much, and it shows. I have quite enjoyed scrolling through the forums during this pre-update time while I’ve been recovering from my surgery, because once you take a step back from being so dedicated to changing hearts and minds, you can enjoy the craziness that happens on these forums every day.
When it comes to your opinions, I know where you stand on quite a few things and disagree with how you go about things, but what I think doesn’t quite matter, does it? When you start making suggestion threads that get approved, then I will start to care about what opinions/ideas you have as it will begin to have an effect on Warthunder. For now, I must return to grinding away at this Harrier and finish my spreadsheet so I can submit the suggestion thread. Until we meet again.