You can fix decompression! Embrace match quitting

Honestly, I was surprised that there are dumbs out there who think that it doesn’t matter if you get a full up tier, because your teammates play better aircraft.

They doesn’t understand what is problem.

IMO, this is why rotaion BR matchmaker is really needed in ARB games.

Part of the problem also lies in the BR black hole caused by premium spam.
Some BRs are getting almost incessant up-tier games, which combined with BR compression in Jet BR is awful.

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What the hell are you on about? About 90% of my jet games above 9.0 are in air RB, and I have literally thousands of ARB games on my account.

I have plenty of experience with it and know exactly what I am talking about.

Dont try to make a pathetic excuse to invalidate my argument because you disagree with it.

You literally get more SL and RP from killing higher BR enemies than you do for killing enemies at your BR or lower.

What are you even on about?

Well tough, everyone has to deal with it. why are you special?

It is balanced, you are fighting enemies at your BR as well as higher BR enemies. And everyone is in the same boat.

there definitely is, yes compression is bad at some BRs but you can still fight them if you play smart.

If you refuse to play against them how do you learn how to avoid them? You still have to avoid ARHs even if you have your own. I dont see the problem here.

Which is it?

I am simply stating that I don’t want it to be that way. I am aware that my wishes don’t align with reality. I wouldn’t be making that comment otherwise.

This is the same way that vehicles are “balanced” using global K/D. Not very balanced. You are also forgetting games where your team has no top tier vehicles but the enemy has 4. Very balanced indeed.

Sure you can kill a higher tiered vehicle, but that is almost always because they made some severe mistake or were wore down by your teammates. Or third partying.

I don’t refuse to play against ARH missiles and I know how to avoid them. The problem is you are forced to go defensive for first 4 minutes of every uptier and even if you survive that you are on a serious back foot. Do you really not see a problem?


No, you don’t. I did check your profile.

That isn’t an excuse. No one should always be forced to fight better planes every single match.

Duh, but threre is a point where it is too much.

Compression is a massive issue, and it desperately needs to be solved. This type of attitude isn’t very helpful.


in which case you would have found I have plenty of ARB games.

so again, what are you on about?