You can fix decompression! Embrace match quitting

Match quitting is my newfound solution to enjoy the game again.

Crew lock? You have 9 other nations! With multiple crews each! Say no to Gaijin Compression simply by having fun with all your other crews.

I am at the point where I am high tier in all but 3 nations, and usually, I prefer to play 12.3-13.0 jets.

In the last few days I’ve been grinding the F-16AJ and the french F-16A.
Both of those are already in a very bad position facing F-15a and flankers just 0.3 above (same br in the case of the overtiered french f-16a), which I don’t mind fighting but it feels like a full up-tier already. If I see any 13.7 fox3 slinger in my lobby (which is very often) I immediately quit and play another.

Even if I get a crew lock in, let’s say, the F-16mlu at 12.7, I have another 4 F-16’s in different nations/crews ready to go at similar BR, not to mention a bunch of other jets I like to fly at similar BRs.

If you have about 3+ options you enjoy, crew lock won’t be an issue for you.

Probably some will be condemning this, but I don’t care. I play to have fun, not to be an rp pinata 80% of the time. So I vote with my playtime. Till gaijin decompresses the whole game.

Warthunder for its many issues, is still a great game. Be smart, have fun!


Why not just do decompression instead of embracing something that shouldn’t be considered as often as it is.

Plus, not everyone has other nations they can play at the BR they want to.


Because I personally can’t decompress the game myself. But I can quit a match. Gaijin won’t decompress, it’s been like this since ever, and this is the alternative.

Grinding just one nation is a choice, people want to rush the grind and fall prey to the predatory grind system.


I just call this “Picking my battles.” I use it for GFRB, mostly. I’ve asked many times if we could get battles set for smaller margins, (say .7 BR difference, rather than a whole point between best and least in a fight) but never have I seen even a test of this. Fights closer to fair get labeled, “Boring” by the devs. While I won’t go into details on how much I disagree, let’s just say that I do.

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For ground you really need to have many nations, since you would be using entire lineups. And I’m sorry for whoever is grinding ground nowadays in higher tiers, since rewards are a joke.

Also, gaijin doesn’t like to decompress because “muh queue times”

I have had many a day playing crew lock thunder.

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Who says I grind just one nation?

It isn’t really my fault that it takes forever too just to get stuff, plus unique vehicles exist.

No one, you said that not everyone has other nations, I said it was a choice to main a single one. As you can see I never addressed it for you specifically…

If you just want to play a specific thing, well you gotta bite the bullet. But for many people they have an active interest in playing a variety of vehicles at similar or different BR brackets.

What point are you trying to make?

I just want to bring some awareness that you have a choice in partaking on an extremely unfair matchmaking. Because even I “forgot it” for a long time. Just leave it and try again with whatever options you have access and enjoy.

Edit: I only do this when I am playing in very unbalanced brackets, some are okish.

Honestly I cant believe how childish and pathetic some people are when they say they do this, and also encourage others to as well.

They only want easy mode, to farm people in lower BRs rhan themselves. Im sure they’ll have so much fun if everyone else also does it and leaves like 5 players per team at most in each game. Yep that sounds like fun gameplay.

Never in for a bit of a challenge, to actually learn and figure out how to fight higher tier enemies so you no longer care when you are bottom tier.

I genuinely rarely pay attention to whether im top tier or not, I literally just shoot the enemies. They die the same no matter if Im +1 or -1 BRs to them (or more).

Honestly anyone who says this just sounds absurdly pathetic to me. What a waste of time on loading screens and queue times when you could just… Play the game.


Most are like that unfortunately…they complain rather than learning how to play, what to do next, how to outplay etc…

I’d agree with you if uptiers weren’t guaranteed at some BRs.

I just don’t want to face objectively better planers (by a fair bit) every single match I play.

The frequency of the challenge is what is the worst part.

What BRs do you play the most in air?

Gaijins MM and balance is what’s pathetic.

I’d love to play a balanced game where I don’t face vastly better enemies every single match at some BRs.

@JuicyKuuuuki learning is one thing, being forced to fight planes that outclass you in nearly every way isn’t very fun.

I would leave most full uptiers at most BRs, but then I would never get to play. I haven’t had a single downtier at 10.7/11.0 since they redid the BRs. All 40+ matches in the F-104G were 11.7 or 12.0 games, where I faced planes that were better than my own at the same BR. Even in the Mig-21bis, it’s a massive pain to face stuff that’s just better than you every single match. I’d sure love to face mostly 10.7/11.3 planes at 11.0, but I end up facing Mig-23ML/A/Ds and other 11.7s that outclass my own aircraft in many ways.


Then just dont play those BRs. If every game is going to be an uptier at some BRs, you aren’t going to play them anyway if you just leave on spawn, so why bother even clicking battle with that plane?

At the moment, ~10.0-13.7, In prop tiers which I haven’t played much of lately I usually play around 4.7ish.

Frankly I think Gaijins MM is mostly fine, It cannot help it if a large percentage of players are queuing at one specific BR, it has to fill those matches, and so people that are playing at -1.0 to that BR are going to get dragged up a lot. Its part of the system and happens in every game, World of Tanks had the same issue.

Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some improvements that could be made, but Everyone is stuck with the same MM to deal with so I don’t consider it to be unfair.

theres only a few BR brackets where that is the case. If its really a problem, just don’t play in that bracket.

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You are being very shortsighted.

Still, if everyone would do that, gaijin would finally decompress the whole matchmaking.

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Because I want to be able to unlock planes that I need to research using the planes at those BRs. I doubt I’ll play much 11.0 once I spade the Mig-21bis and F-104G.

Personally I disagree with leaving after every uptier, I think (atleast in air) that it isn’t needed. I only do it in ground if I am fed up, or get a full uptier+bad map.

WT also desperately needs decompression above 6.7 too.

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I think you are the one being shortsighted.

I doubt it’d cause gaijin to do anything about the matchmaker or decompression. half the players in the game already leave early in ground games and it hasn’t been changed.


I’m glad this game caters to all kinds of folks, but I certainly don’t agree with your stance or motivations. When I join a battle - downtier, uptier, bad map, bad team, late spawn, whatever - I am there til the end. I will try work with my team, and I’ll keep spawning vehicles until I no longer can. Some of the best battles I have had have come in games where it looks like there is no hope, heck some of them I’ve been quickly nuked by the enemy and then I hang in there and turn the game around for myself and the team.

For example - had a game the other day, stuck on a team with a whole bunch of newly-minted Maus, who were uptiered to 8.7. Not surprisingly, most of our team chose to hang around the Maus and entirely neglected the other flank. I went the other flank and got absolutely destroyed in my first and second spawns with hardly anything to show for it. I then went on to kill 15 of their vehicles in a tank I didn’t even like to use (M48A2 G A2) and we ended up winning. I ended up dying 4 times and still made bank in SL and RP. I could have easily just given up on the game, but it ended being a really good battle in the end.

People who 1 death leave, and people who just give up on games are the ones ruining this game. Not Gaijins balance. Not Gaijins matchmaking. Not Gaijins economy. It is you that is the problem.


Did you compare to a flanker?

Russian mains telling you it’s shit and you suck incoming in … 5 …

That said, my shit talking above, I agree. Win or lose I’m there till my SP runs out.

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Gaijin should make crew lock be longer and longer the more times you leave at 1 death in a row


Playing a 6.7 WW2 heavy and get put into a 7.7 game? Leave.
Playing 3 unstabilized lights at 7.7 and get put into a city map against stabilized 8.7s? Leave.
Playing top tier air and get small spain/ small afghan/ city? Leave.
Playing 12.7 and get 13.7? Leave.

Prevent upteirs by leaving them.