(Yet another) Cope post on Air RB's seemingly random ticket bleed

Both me and him were the last players alive, after I had worked my ass off to eliminate his teammates (mostly dive bombers, but there was a fighter or two in there). I got a lucky fire after dodging the head-on with the gunners, and was turning back to finish him off with the main guns. Without any player interaction, the tickets suddenly dropped and we lost.

As you can see, both teams only managed one AI unit kill each, with their only advantage being some base bombing, which shouldn’t affect random ticket bleed. That match only lasted for 13min, so about half of the mission timer.

So, with (almost) NO PLAYER INTERACTION, ticket bleed ended a close and up till that point, quite fun match. This shouldn’t happen at all - and by that I’m not saying eliminating AI units should have zero impact, but if neither team is gonna do it then ticket bleed should NOT randomly decide a winner.

Rant over.

P.S.: yes I know this is 2.3, and I’m technically sealclubbing. The Ju 88 C6 is a plane I quite like, and it being quite bad should cancel that out. It’s not like I’m flying some meta fighter like the P-39N that sits a mere .3BR above.


1- It’s not random.
2- It’s not a bleed.
3- It is AI dying, that’s it. Usually to other AI, typically aircraft.


It is random. I’ve seen the tickets go down for only one side several times as the AIs seemingly suicide, as attackers at high tier sometimes do.

It’s a verbal expression. As the match progresses, both teams lose - “bleed” - tickets, even without players doing it.

Which again, re-read my post, shouldn’t happen for only one team at a time and certainly shouldn’t happen as much as it does with no player interaction.


If it’s happening “for one team” that means the other team killed more AI aircraft than the other.
Again, not random.

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Which they did not, because if you LOOK AT THE SCOREBOARD, each team only had ONE AI unit kill. I know ours was an attacker because I shot it down, theirs I’m unsure. At best, they also shot an AI attacker down, which still leaves us even.

And that’s besides the fact that a match ended on tickets just 13min in, despite nobody ground pounding.


There’s also the fact that there are 4 bases destroyed on your side.
I say 4 since you have a team mate the destroyed an entire enemy base on 0.136 damage.

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Bases don’t contribute to ticket bleed. Actually not sure if they impact tickets at all, but at the rate they went down, I don’t think it mattered.

I watched the replay:



  1. There is nothing wrong with sealclubbing at lower tiers. If you wan’t to push your KpB or K/D stats vs absolute rookies and this is fun for you: Be my guest. Have in mind that you had 2-3 times more air rb experience than than the entire enemy team combined.
  2. Every experienced player hates the Tunisia map as you are forced to go low to kill enemy attackers and/or ai planes in order to avoid extremely fast ticket defeats. Match duration of 4-8 minutes in full lobbies (u played 8 vs 8) is more or less standard, you find dozens of threads dealing with the Tunisia map.

Regarding your rant:

  1. You lost as the enemy team killed 2 bases and your team killed zero bases (one was damaged to 50%).
  2. Base kills (of respawning bases) are worth (depending on maps) around 180-300 tickets; the ticket deduction has usually a delay of a few seconds.
  3. The ticket lead due to the base kills brought the enemy team in front - as nobody (ok you killed one ai plane) stopped the ai planes, they killed tickets on both sides, the ticket advantage was large enough that the game ended before the last guy burned up.

From a neutral perspective:

  1. Your only chance to win was either to kill all enemies very fast or to kill a 3-4 ai planes very fast - so that they won’t be able to win by tickets whilst you are dealing with the last two enemies.
  2. Considering that you were flying the Ju 88 C-6 going low to kill ai planes would have put you in a severe disadvantage whilst staying high would guarantee a ticket defeat - classic dilemma.
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That’s fair, but this match ended to tickets just 13m in. It’s ridiculous, and why I made this post. If my team wasn’t instantly gone, I could have gone for attackers instead of… becoming a Ju 88 ace.

I was playing the Ju 88 because I like it. If I wanted to sealclub and pad my stats, I got far better options. The guns don’t even shoot straight!


Even if you had a point, it’d be invalidated by this game’s AI yearning for death at every step. AI aircraft, which are responsible for most of the bleed on most maps, love to slam it into the ground and will inevitably leave one team at a huge ticket disadvantage without any kind of player input. Many objectives are one-sided, and you can test this by just… loading the map up in a custom game and letting it play out.



I just realized who you’re replying to (eye roll), but among other things, as you convey, geography, RnG and absolutely abhorrent, comically poor AI pathing can absolutely impact ticket bleed on any map.

Unfortunately for us, and for whatever unknown reason, the ticket mechanic is expedited with AI’s self destructing (uh dying?), leading to extremely short matches that leave players unfulfilled and cheated out of additional gameplay or dogfights.

It’s a senseless mess.


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That’s one of reasons why some ARB maps such as [Operation] City is insanely unbalanced for ticket bleeding.

Even if you fly AFK for 25 mins (ARB timer) in a custom battle, the tickets don’t bleed equally and one team will win because of AI plane loadouts and they try to pancake to the ground for somehow.

They need to rework AI algorithms and disable auto reload in air…


AI aircraft attack ground targets to ticket bleed, your team didn’t kill enough of them.

Im completely with you though its unfair that you can wipe an entire enemy team but one airfield camper and still lose because your bots didn’t do as well as their bots

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My stance: Get rid of AI attacker aircraft. I’d say remove bots entirely in ARB, but i dont want all the backlash again. Bots should not determine the outcome of a PvP game in any form.

Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

Which is random, i.e. not player-induced. Why do you constantly advocate for garbage mechanics to stay in the game?

Look at scoreboard in OP.

Woo i love diving straight toward the ground targets with a Skyraider and ending the game in 3 minutes before fighters get to shoot eachother!


Well War Thunder was never a PVP only game. It started off as and is currently a PVPVE game.
Also the scoreboard shows the enemy team having bombed 4 bases vs his team’s 1 base.

Except light vehicles maps and legacy maps, base bombing doesn’t bleed tickets so heavily anymore.


I also forgot to account that it’s Tunisia, where the AI is built different and it contains heavy tanks…
There’s also still the issue with the 4 intact enemy bases for 0.134 which still suggests 4 allied bases were destroyed.
~220 score per base, ~880 tickets difference if 4 are destroyed.

The AI in this game is trash. AI in air rb should be made completely passive until it’s fully re-programmed.

The AI planes should not contribute to ticket bleed until they’re reworked. For the time, only players killing AI should contribute to ticket bleed.

Im really surprised that Gaijin hasnt yet addressed this issue. This should be a major Roadmap milestone at this point. Hopefully we see AI Refinement on the next roadmap but i wouldnt hold my breath.