Yak 3U Overpower!

Can someone explain to me how a yak3U can be very fast after climbing and making a small turn against a BF 109 K4 at 5km, while at 6km with 405km/h I couldn’t catch it???

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Not only 3U, whole yak3 family ingame are OP. this is how a russian company do for their own vehicles, take it.


Alternatively the Yak 3 simply outclassed all German fighters of the era, which is why LW advised pilots not to dogfight it.


The Yak-3U was a post war improvement on the basic versions, increasing the effective altitude to 6000m, but did not make it into production due to the end of the war and advent of jets.


that’s why it should be put at a higher BR, but gaijin never made any adjustment over the years


At 5.7 in AB/RB is is OK - it lacks firepower and armor compared to most at that level, and the airframe is quite weak.


And the Yak-3 faced mostly 109 G-6s, not K-4s. The 3U is widely known for being better than the already very powerful Yak-3 VK107 (only built VERY late in the war and in postwar period).

Besides, if the Yak-3 was so superior to german fighters of the era (109 G-6s, 190 A-5s to A-7s), then why does it sit at a lower BR (4.3) than the G-6 (4.7) and late A-5s (4.7)?

If it truly is that much better, then it should go to 5.0 or 5.3, or these german planes (which again, it outperformed) should be moved down. Same with the 3U.


Yes… and??

Define “so superior”?

Probably it’s anaemic armament has to do with it in WT, where we get several orders of magnitude more kills than pilots got real life, plus the cost of hte aircraft is insignificant vz real world considerations.

It was considered more manoeuvrable - the instruction was to not DOGFIGHT - nothing else.

Dogfighting is not the entire game, and your problems indicate you probably haven’t figured out better tactics yet.

ETA: Perhaps you should read the wiki articles on these a/c that note their shortcomings - eg Yak-3U - War Thunder Wiki

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Its wooden wings rip easy

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See your comment further above. “Simply outclassed all german fighters of the era”. Again, if it “simply outclassed” them, why is it lower BR than them?

And what else were they supposed to advise? Run to the airfield and let the AA gunners take care of it? The Yak-3 IS faster than a G-6 at low alt as well, so that’s out of the question, and it’s just barely slower than a 190 A5 at low alt. They also got UFO-like energy retention.

Yet the Yak3U and LF Mk9 are two of the best 5.7s in the game. And with 16 players per side, you need to end every fight as fast as possible before the next enemy shows up, and there’s no faster way to do that than just turning and instantly getting on someone’s 6.

I have. I simply switched to Japan where every Yak or shitfire that starts turning instantly signs their death certificate, something they love doing. That’s probably why the japan air tree is so overtiered, after all.



This “advice” was afaik first published post war (late 50ties) without citing any primary sources (actual military documents/orders). All others are just referring to this book about WW2 fighters.

Without an “official” document from military archives it is just the typical hoax, like the claim a P-47 killed a Tiger with bouncing 0.50 cals from below, or that the Germans lost several hundred tanks at the battle of Prokorovka (12.7.43) whilst they lost based on more accurate and current research actually 5 and killed roughly 200…

Btw - i can’t imagine that any central or even local LW HQ would have published such an advise / order - an official acknowledgement of superior enemy weapon systems seems to be unthinkable with regards to the nazi ideology and looks like a perfect recipe to meet a firing squad.


Imho not relevant in the historical context as no service in WW2.


Because WT supposedly uses performance in the game to set BR, rather than any real life characteristics.

Well how about that - there are apparently fighters that are better than them in their BR rage - who’d-s-thunk-it??!!

You statement lacks any primary references, so is not relevant to any discussion of Yak 3’s vs Luftwaffe fighters.

Sorry man - you came up with this “dogfight” myth/hoax and you can’t cite any primary source which would support your claim.

In addition you claimed:.

which is just a personal opinion. This is objectively seen not the case; i might agree with “outperformed” below 5.000 meters, but the terminus “outclassed” is reserved for the Me 262 - at least if you would accept Eric Brown as reliable primary source.

So i am not really sure why you are referring to missing primary sources in my response if you can’t support your own claims with reliable data…


Eric Brown might have been a great pilot but some of his claims are incredibly biased. In a british test of a 109 E, he made the following claim:
“at 400 mph with 40 pounds side force and only one fifth aileron displaced, it required 4 seconds to get into a 45 degree roll or bank. That immediately classifies the airplane as being unmaneuverable and unacceptable as a fighter.”
Meanwhile, under the same conditions, the Spitfire required 57lb of stick force. This test was done on a damaged airframe by the enemy. Finnish tests of a G-2 provide much lower numbers.
The german chief test pilot Heinrich Beauvais tried to get in touch with Eric Brown after the war to discuss that (since he had flown more 109s for far longer than Brown ever had or would have), but Brown refused. Make of that what you will.

As for the 262, there’s no contest. Its optimal climb speed is at ~500kph where no piston engined fighter can manage any substantial climb rate.

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They either “simply outclass” or they don’t. If real life performance is not significant, why bring it up?

This is like claiming an A6M5 is a better 5.0 than a P-51D30 because the P-51 decided he wanted to turnfight and lost… something they also love doing.
I’m capitalizing on the enemy player being overconfident in their abilities. If they think they can turnfight me, they will turnfight.


i found this page where there is information about almost all yak.
I quote from the page: “On the basis of the Yak-3U, a machine for a different purpose was created - the Yak-U training aircraft”

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I have yet to find away to engage yak 3u’s in a conventional way. I either have to attempt to reverse them, which normally fails or… wait thats it… Cannot out run it. Tho, I mostly play the p51d30 at 5.0, it makes sense it’s better. But it’s faster at altitudes which matter, it turns better, it climbs better, its easier to control (better shots). It’s just GGs, like okay? I loose? What could I have done better… used my allies as bait more? I don’t know how anyone can have fun by playing such a busted plane. I know it’s not an OP plane. I’m just coping, but I had to say it. It’s incredibly frustrating to play against.

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This is a wonderful source, the information it has about soviet planes is easy to digest and is readily available.

I’m not a fan of low to mid tier planes but last time i go against it (like 2years ago) i find that Spitfire are very effective against them I don’t know did they change that now