Yak-141 should have his real payload

No, it should stay 12.7 where it’s competitive.
It already has a historical loadout.

Play the SMT if you want BVR.

War Thunder’s Yak-141 is upgraded compared to its IRL counterpart.

Lockheed Martin. The financial reports are public knowledge.
On top of all that the Yak-141’s center of mass and VTOL information was directly used for the R&D of F-35B. Hence when it uses a lifting fan.

No, stop trying to ruin the Yak-141’s BR just cause you don’t like facing it.

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Bait used to be believable.
It wouldn’t be “ruined” if it got Thrust-Vectoring IRCCM AAMs and ARH AAMs. Honestly R-73s would be absolutely amazing on this platform given the aircraft can thrust vector itself… that would be quite fun to see now that I think about it…

As for the BR, it would be far from “ruined”. It faces ARH regularly anyway, and giving it a standoff AAM would allow it to hold its own relatively easily. It’s not going to be ruined, it’s still going to be very much viable at 13.0-13.3 should it receive these two missiles it was planned to use. Not to mention should R-77s receive their much needed drag buff it would be even more viable (but they’re still 50Gs regardless and have spectacular close range performance with their tight turning circle).

Except for the fact Yak-141 only has 60 countermeasures, and dogfights as well as an F-16C.

It doesn’t face AMRAHMs regularly, and just cause 13.3s are under-BR’d doesn’t mean you should move the Yak-141 to 13.3 with them when it’s inferior in every way.

Nah, I really doubt that, they’re just too different, and setup was already in place when they went to examine the aircraft. I think the info they got was more about the limits of the said setup and small moments that require to be taken into account for development acceleration. Nonetheless the soviets stole the technology and tried to rewrite the history via propaganda once again, at least in ru media space, which leaked out afterwards as we can see.

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The center of mass, lift, and top speeds of Yak-141 and F-35 are all within margin of error.
They are not different outside improved shell design. Brick vs supercruise-capable.
Also Yak-141 comes is a deviation from Yak-38 which itself was a massive deviation from Yak-36, a 1963 test platform.
All confirmed via “Western media” reporting. It’s not hard to find the documentation.

Of course the engines would be difference, Lockheed was always going to focus on 1 engine rather than 2 - 3 engines, and of course PW would choose the most efficient technologies possible to get the fuel efficiency as down as possible.

You can’t call “deviation” a completely different design that copies the exact arrangement and to some extent technology of the design coming from a different country. They might have used their experience with VTOLs, which is a given, but other than that it’s kinda similar to telling that SR-71 is a design deviation of U-2. It’s all a matter of intelligence and soviet urge to do the same things the West was doing. All. The. Time.

That said, I’m not a fan of F-35, I think it’s an ugly and overhyped plane.

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Careful, you’re getting close to an Elon Musk take.
F-35 is a stealth aircraft that costs as much as an F-16 to produce while being far more advanced and capable.
There’s a reason it’s being purchased en mass.
So much so that even SAAB allows license production.

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SAAB has nothing to do with F-35?

They’re a competitor, that’s the point.
F-35 disrupted the export market so much that companies that would strictly forbid license production now allow it.

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ah ok, misunderstood

Don’t worry, I’m not telling anything about it’s capabilities. Because it obviously is a very capable bed. Strictly talking about looks - I’m not a fan. A bit cruel for you to compare me to him though, this is the first time I feel abused on the internet :(

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Yes the VAAC harrier was basically the entire FBW VTOL control system test bed for the f-35.

The yak 141 has an unrealistic ability to VIFF and the harrier should have a greater twr at most airspeeds.

New documents have also revealed the harrier can generate a lot of pitching rate with VIFF angles as small as 30 degrees.

Example: at 200 knots 30 degree nozzles will generate 10 degrees a second to pitch rate. Allowing the harrier to reach much higher AOA.

Yak 141 players should stop complaining


My guy he’s not claiming the abrams was made in 1984, he just posted a video of a russian claiming they made something they had no part in as a response to a russian claiming they made the F-35Bs VTOL system since they have a history of trying to claim everything great as their inventions.

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Also wasn’t it britian with the first VTOL you know the Harrier? I am gonna double check this. I am correct.

I don’t see R-73 and R-77 on pictures you’ve shown

That’s the funny thing. The Yak-141s real payload is no payload as it was canned before they gave it any sort of FCS or functional hardpoints. All they ever did was hang some dummy missiles on it. It was never throughout it’s entire development history able to use any kind of weapons. Hell, the radar and IRST are incompatible since they take up each others space, only allowing one of them to be mounted at once. But of course Gaijin broke the laws of physics for this one plane.

??? I shared a meme video clowning on vatniks bud.

My bad. There was no context so I just jumped into it. Just deleted it.

No VTOL was expirmented long before the Harrier. It was the first production though.

Why is British main coping here about the Harrier=F-35… Its pretty much well know that the F-35 use a system like the Dorito thing someone post early or Yak-141. Not gonna said that they copy the Yak-141 but some solution on both are uncanny.

X-32 use a system like the Harrier for Vtol.
X-32 JSF VTOL engines