What BR would you even want it at if you gave it r-73 and r-77? It would have to be 13.3 minimum because its at least as good as the 29SMT…
Did you call me a British main? Also They have two diffrent VTOLs Also the Dorito actually has smaller engines inside to provide the VTOL unlike the Harrier and F-35 that use the Exhaust thrust as the VTOL.
The Harrier and the 35 are 2 different VTOLs.
The closest thing I can find in relation to them is BAE provided FCS1 for the 35 but I haven’t found a real source for it yet.
Still closer then Dorito.
As I already mentioned before the VAAC harrier was legit the entire program used to create the F-35 VTOL FBW set up. It was the most influential component to making the F-35 VTOL and do it safely and smoothly.
That is giving it too much credit. The FBW its not that important. At most it help accelerating the dev cycle. But saying that it Influence the F-35 or that The F-35B its a derivative from it, is stretching it really hard. One of the main point of the F-35B VTOL system its the shaft-driven lift fan. That the Harrier don’t use.
Ohh you mean the system that Rolls Royce developed???
Its not giving it too much credit slapping a fan on the front and making the rear swivel is the easy bit. What isn’t is where to have the puffer ducts, when to have them actuate, how much control authority is needed to actuate them, what is the desired commanded output for a specific input, what stability assistant should be incorporated to meet desired safety standards. So the list goes on.
More specifics would be in the yaw, pitch, and roll moments created when different jet e-fluxes and intake moments meet.
Not the Dorito or Yak-141?
No the Yak-141 had 3 engines my guy.
Seriously this is not funny anymore man… That its like saying. Mig23 its not the same as F-14 (variable sweep wing) because it only have engine.
For example Soyuz AMNTK R579-300 its the newest Russian engine with an Option for a Shaft-driven life fan. It still don’t even have a fan…
Terrible analogy to be frank.
The Yak-141 is less like the F-35 than what the F-35 is to the VAAC Harrier. Not only in RCS function but also in FBW control.
Yak-141 is closer to Yak-38 as that’s what it was developed from. Both aircraft where dangerous simply for having more than 1 engine. 1 engine had the tendency to cut out resulting in a unrecoverable nose dip.
Besides the soviets did not even have enough Yak-38/Yak-141 to even accumulate the necessary flying hours to gather the relevant data to calculate proper control for VSTOL operation. The YAK-141 was practically only linked to the F-35 in the way the engine swiveled and that is final.
A program its more importan than the Hardware…
All cars have wheels… so therefore my Ferrari is the same as your Vauxhall.
Or is a Ferrari more like a McLaren as it shares many similar systems developed for racing and also both have a hybrid power system with advanced PROGRAMING and testing.
Rolls royce developed the engine and lift fan that Lockheed had patented back in the 90s.
There is no correlation to the harrier.
Patented, but developed and designed by rolls Royce.
Saying there is no correlation to the Harrier has to be the densest thing I’ve heard today.
The Harrier is the only successful VSTOL fighter (before the F-35) it was the only platform that data could even be gathered from.
All the Yaks did was show what not to do.
Rolls-royce contribution to the 35 they made the new turbo fan. Harrier fanboys OMG it’s just like the harrier.
The primary contributor to the design as stated by lockheed is the convair 200.
You are crediting an airframe that never even flew, to the development of the F-35s VSTOL control?
No lockheed is.
Sure lmao. The convair 200 a design that was deemed not feasible due to excessive hot gas reingestion.
Sense you don’t believe me.