Xi'an JH-7, History, Performance & Discussion

Some source states it can equip pl11 and pl5e, which are much better.

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Do you mean PL-12? To my knowledge it has never fielded a Fox-1. As for PL-5E, thats a subvariant of the PL-5 I mentioned earlier.
“and the PL-5 might be rear aspect only depending on if Gaijin adds new ones or not.”


You are right. It should be pl12 and r27er.


JH7A should not be able to use R27ER, it is the same radar as the J10 later stage model and can guide PL11 and PL12


Regardless, I hope that if they are gonna put it at 11.7, they give it atleast more advanced versions of the PL-5 with ECCM to help it stay somewhat competitive in air RB


Here I find a paper which showed the development of JL-10A, the radar of JH-7A. And I‘d like to show some significant details from it.

Fig 1 and Fig 2 illustrated that JL-10A has the ability to fire “A弹”, A-Missile(aka Aspide, also called PL-11 after it got nationalization by Chinese ordnance enterprises).
Fig 2 also showed that JL-10A has TWS mode and ACM mode.

Fig 3 showed that after JL-10A has developed it was tested in “A飞机”, A-Plane (at that time it was
Hope this info makes sense.


Bad premonition …
I didn’t see 1000kg of weapons or kd88.


what is this image?

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I think there still working on it’s loadout alot behind the scenes, but it’s encouraging too we that pylons are being worked on at all. Hopefully before the update we get too see it with advanced guided weapons, because there’s no reason too pick the JH-7A over the base model except for it’s more advanced ground strike capabilities


From what I can tell, the PL-5C has better close range abilities, so it should be more responsive off the rails

Should be identical to the PL-5E except different fuse, PL-5C is the name for the version used by PLAAF and PL-5E/EII for export purposes

So similar to AIM-9L but much faster accelerating like PL-5B

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Isn’t JL-10A radar same as SY-80?
Specs of SY-80:



Hmm, do you have a source for that? I unfortunately know very little about Chinese missles, but from what people told me, the PL-5C is just the B but with better close range prefromance, so still rear aspect and all that

these are good reads in relation to the PL-5C/E development

Something worth pointing out is the PL-5B ingame has a PL-5C/E visual model, the PL-5B IRL did not have double delta control surfaces but had control surfaces akin to the AIM-9D/G/H Sidewinders and R-13M



Nice article, though not something I would expect from 6park :P

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unfortunately i have too trust google too translate the article, as im just a silly American who only speaks Burger, but the article still didnt make it clear too me what the performance of the PL-5C is, or even the regular E for that matter. It discusses how the EII model has all the features of a modern missle, like ECCM, but it states that the PL-5 is equivalent too the regular E model.
“The PL-5EII air-to-air missile is an improved version of the PL-5E, and the PL-5E is the foreign trade version of the PL-5C”
at no poit does the article make it clear too me that the Pl-5C has an improved seeker over the PL-5B so its hard for me to take this as definitive proof, im sorry. maybe something isnt translating right, but even if the article did say something about that, i dont think this would be sufficient evidence for Gajjin.

PL-5E should be handed out more if my Q-5L is gonna go up against AIM-9Ls and R-60Ms


true, but now im just confused on what the exact capabilities of the Pl-5C and E are. Obviously the EII would be an Aim-9M/R-73 equivalent in terms of flair rejection, but im not sure if the Aim-9E/C have the same seeker as the pl-5B or not.

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Where is this picture from?

i believe one of the discord server Gszabi is in, im asking him for clarification on the rumor thread