Xi'an JH-7, History, Performance & Discussion

Obviously I wouldn’t blame them for holding the missles back a bit so they don’t totally outrange everything, but yeah I would like too see some of these options in game so China has something too use that’s a Kh-29 equivalent

There is photographic evidence of the KH-29T on the JH-7A. (Also posted above)

KD-88 also isn’t out of the bound of the game, considering we already have KH-29TD & PGM-2000, both of which are also range capped by render distance.


As a side note, I’ve seen a few people mention the JH-7A having potential for PL-12s or possibly the ability to guide PL-11 with it’s radar- but I haven’t seen enough people posting about this bad boy 😎😎😎

The JH-7A was used as a testbed for PL-17, and thus could technically receive what is quite possibly the longest range AAM currently being fielded. This is way cooler than PL-12.


Wait wheres the evidence of it carrying KH-29s? I don’t see them anywhere in this thread unless I’m blind

Never heard of it before, what’s the performance?

Anti-AWACS/Tanker, 6 meter long Fox-3 with an estimated range of 400 km when fired in good conditions. The missile would be limited by the radar lol- its intended to rely on friendly AWACS datalink to guide it to the target. Wouldn’t be able to maneuver too much, its essentially just fast and long range.


Look at the post you replied to.

I did, and that’s definitely not a KH-29T, I’m not familiar with the names but that definitely one of the domestic Chinese missles
Edit: I might be even more blind than I thought, the orange fins were throwing me off

Any chance we can tell what specific variant of the 29 that is?

We need to make sure it gets the ability to carry pl11 (aspides) as well as thats the only thing lacking here aam wise

The Targeting pod found for the JH-7A

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Sy80 radar is loaded on J-7GS in Sri Lanka.


This aircraft is something i am incredibly excited for, a long awaited modern Chinese aircraft. Fully indigenous with plenty of the advancements you see in NATO aircraft!


kinda disappointed with the status quo, why no KD88 😔 SEAD in general especially against pantsirs would be a struggle

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It is clearly missing a variety of armaments, even including some that are already in game. I wouldn’t get yourself too despondent yet.

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  1. There are several other AAMs the JH-7A could receive, namely PL-12 & PL-17, + other variants of the PL-5 & PL-8
  2. There is very little evidence the JH-7A can field PL-11. Unlike any of the above missiles, there is very little in the way of literature or visual confirmation to prove such claims. In fact, there is a sizeable chance that the plane entirely lacks the capability for the type. While the J-10A also possesses a JL10 radar & is PL-11 capable, that doesn’t necessarily translate to the JH-7A. It is highly likely that, much like the J-8F currently ingame- the JH-7A’s JL10 lacks the capacity for terminal SARH guidance. Considering the rough time table of the JH-7A, it stands to reason that they would not attempt to integrate a prior gen AAM. Unless it can be definitively proven, I wouldn’t count on any Fox-1s, whether PL-11 or R-27R.

R-27 series, unlike PL-11 does not require CW transmitter. It is always guided on a form of continuous wave- “interrupted” waveform. MiG-29 and other aircraft that fire R-27R have no dedicated CW transmission device.

It does a pulse of guidance, followed by a pulse of mid-course update transmissions from the STT lock. Requires STT for mid-course updates, at least on MiG-29.

In any case, they would not have retrofit PL-11 capability to JH-7A. It would be totally redundant and pointless.


You are correct, I simply threw R-27 in there without thinking about it. That being said, I don’t think that will ever come to the JH-7A, chiefly because I don’t think it’s ever been fit to the platform.
I have much more interest in the PL-17 being added, while there isn’t very much info on it, the idea of an unflare-able lance that can spear targets from ridiculous ranges seems like fun, even if it would force the plane to 12.3.

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Yeah, I see a lot of people jumping too conclusions already, even tho it seems pretty obvious that what we saw was just a glimpse of its development in the files. I’m still surprised something like this can fly under the radar in the files until last minute basically

JH-7A of PLAN North Sea Fleet Aviation launching PL-11 SAHM.
Source: 北海舰队航空兵演练超视距引导突击等高难课目 (http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2009-01-10/1307538257.html) which cited 解放军报
This is from 2009.

Update: Nevermind… It’s a photoshop.