WTH with the 45000 score?

The problem isn’t gonna stop with this specific event…

This whole new event schedule is designed to milk the playerbase and make gaijoob as much money as possible. We’ll have to wait until we’ve gotten past this first cycle to see if they’re gonna keep offering up unique vehicles on top of everything.

The game should not attempt to make you a no lifer. They can drive a lot more engagement with a lot less effort required. 40,000 to sell the vehicle? Sure. 15-20,000 just to get the vehicle is a lot more feasible. Especially with the frequency they are claiming this will occur.

This right here! If we’re gonna have such frequent “events”, if you can even still call them events when they’re basically permament, the effort and prizes needs to be a lot more accesible than they are for this one.
It’s different when it’s every 6 months and you can kinda go “okay for the next 2 weeks I won’t have much of a life outside the game” but this is gonna harm the entire community, and especially smaller content creators who will have to choose between keeping up with the constant stream of new vehicles or actually be able to continue making good and varied content.


Agreed, the amount of score required is getting excessive gaijin, its getting greedy in my view.

45k per 2 days, okay, so averaging what, 3k every 10min. 150 min, 2.5 hours. Round up to 3 hours for connecting, time not seeing stuff, a couple bad games, waiting in line. Not great imo but “okay” annoyed but okay.

750k to sell the vehicle though? same 3k every 10 min, so thats 250 games if games avg 10 minutes for that score, 2500 minutes, 41.5 hours… plus down time between games, plus waiting in line, plus loading into the game, plus disconnects, plus bad games when you just didnt get your best in there times. Round to 45 hours.

45 hours to be able to sell the vehicle over the span of about 2 weeks, bruh moment. That is ofc based on 3k every 10 minutes which in my view is what a good player can do, average and below players, especially those that are new to the game or dont want to play top tier and sit at rank III-V are going to suffer a lot.

This is just taking the mickey mouse.


Mabye you dont have any issue on social life, but for most people they have this is unfair. Overall, this event was aiming at those chinese player, because they will have spring festival for 15 days.
I cant imagine what will the top tier be like.
(hackers are everywhere)

Then they can focus on their social life and not get it, or take a pause from it and work on the event.

You either get your game time, or you socialize. This is something you learn in your early teens.

Most Chinese are significantly busier than you may anticipate during the Spring Festival, haha. There are many family members and relatives visiting.

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Yup, i only got few friend in my real life, because i didnt in a same game with them. Most of my friend were on warthunder.
Sometimes my parents would forcibly pull me out, like having dinner with many strangers(for me), and it often spend my whole night.

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Similar things do happen in Singapore too. :)

Bruh,as long as there is a visit, this kind of thing will happen.

Overall, the game planner said that this event was a relative burden reduction. But I don’t think so, because the ground rb is the most laborious mode(naval rb are sleepy). It will cost a lot of time and energy to something else. Continuously playing same mode for 19 days, It doesn’t feel like going to a detention center for a half month.

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“Make the event easier.” Said gaijin. Yes, I know gaijin make it 75000 to make sure it’s price in Maket. But it’s toooooooo much, same as 45000 for the vehicle. It’s better to keep it same as old event need, this is real “easier”, not make a much harder event into pieces to make everyone work like slaves for months.

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Games are a hobby and a past time, not a job or a career, they should never interfere with real life and is a chief reason why Gaijin struggles to grow. Every player whether casual or hardcore should have an opportunity to get these.


Is this anything other than a hobby / pastime?

And it doesn’t. It hasn’t before, and it isn’t now.

Gaijin had 17x more players than all ED games combined, whether it be the FC series, LOMAC, or DCS.

There are 10x more players than WoT.

17x more than WoWS.

20-25x more than Armored Warfare.

Do you know of any other games that rival this? There have been over 200k players at once before, and I normally see anything from 110-160k.

You don’t quite get the concept of merit, do you?

If you play well enough, consistently enough, you get the vehicle. If not, you don’t. Simple as.

Yeah, because people had time to do it when everyone was stuck at home because of Covid. Back in the normal world, people have a job and family, or even without those two, a house/apartment to take care of. No one has time, I amend we go to 20k, 25-30k max, that way you can get the vehicle, because 45k every two days for a Non-premium vehicle, is a pure waste of my time, I’d only play during events for the grind of a tech tree, not the event, issue is, everyone else is grinding for the event and being a little tryhard.
Say whatever you want in response, but everyone else knows, you included, that’s the truth.

Edit: Oh, By the way, your claim seems you really supports gaijin’s choices, do they pay you? Do you want the grind to be 53.3% more difficult?


When they want people to put in the equivilant of £500 worth of minimum wage hours to get a coupon to sell on the market in 2 weeks, arguably going beyond that lmao.


Absolutely it does, I can’t get vehicles because I took my family on a vacation. I can’t get vehicles because I have a family that dominates my time. I’ve played this game since beta, I have some unobtainables that shouldn’t be unobtainable and serve no purpose unused in a game. There shouldn’t even be a choice.

Dude those games you listed like WoT have 10x MORE than warthunder ( millions a day). Warthunder generates in a year less than what WoT does in a month. Any decent MMO has significantly more numbers, warthunder only creeps up from the gutter when another game dies before it’s replaced again.

And while a sim like DCS might only have a fraction compared to warthunder they generate as much revenue because people actually like their content. Their only limitation is the skill ceiling to play.

Not all of us are broke teenagers who have days to spend online and I have a greater understanding of merit given it doesn’t require a time limit or specific window of time.

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The entire point of raising the bar of the sale coupon is to make less people obtain it.

If you see that as an invitation to sOuLlEsSlY grind it, that’s your time you’re deciding to waste.

Missing the point I made completely. My point is that the bar is now stupidly high, greed level high.

Defending it as “well you dont have to do it” invites more aggressive anti customer actions in the future. Pointing out it is bad and should not be implemented as such points to the devs they are going too far and can help them to stop damaging their reputation in the eyes of the fanbase.

Again, minimum wage, IE the lowest legal pay, £500, on an “average” wage they want you to put the man hours in for nearing £1000, or $1250 or so give or take. Again, bonkers.


The changes were implemented years after Covid and lockdowns hit, for summer of '22.

Heyo, 6 figure income, house with 3 pets, great family to hang around with… I’ve grinded / sold the F2G-1, Matilda Hedgehog, Centurion 5/1, T55E1, M6A2E1, EBR '63, Detroit, LVT-4/40, Beaufighter 40mm, PT-76-57, Su-8, Turan, M64, Cadiz, F-6C, Zippo, A-1H, Churchill Croc, BV-155, Obj '248, AMX-50 90/930, 109 F-4, Cent mk2, J26, Pr-183, B7A2, MC-485, Strikemaster, and the Gay Archer.

As for actual events, I’ve grinded / sold the T-72M2, I-180S, Obj '279, Sd.Kfz 234/1, A-7K, XM8, Su-25BM, Leo 2AV, Maxim Gorky, P-59A, Mississippi, T-80UM-2, Pr '201K, MiG-21PFM, LVT ZIS-2, and IL-2 M82.

Funny, I still have a house, my job has only gotten better, and I’ve only lost 4 family members so far.

Funny, dozens of people never seemed to have an issue with more of a grind for the last… 2 and a half years? I’m all for this, as I can finally get all 3 vehicles with less effort.

A talisman is 18GJN.
And as I’ve said to many other people, it’s your time. If you don’t want to grind it, don’t grind it. If you didn’t have an issue with it for the past couple of years, why start bitching now?

Unless you don’t want to admit that you’re another bandwaggoneer…

I’ve only ever seen delusional people insist that what they say is the truth, and that they speak for all.

Yes, actually. 300 GJN.

So again, how does this interfere with your time?

World of Tank’s peak player count was 225k, and that was almost 4 years ago now. Yesterday’s peak playercount was 38k.
I’m seeing 160k on War Thunder, and primary shift in the west isn’t even over yet.

They generate much more content, because the only F2P aspect of the game gives you a low fidelity aircraft and a glorified trainer. To have any semblance of playability, you have to pay $80-$120 for a single vehicle, ignoring maps, the hundreds of USD needed to have the proper controls, or… and god forbid…
A second vehicle.
If I wanted another vehicle on a new account for WT, give me 30 minutes and 2 Reserve matches.

Not all of us don’t know how to manage time or priorities. If you feel the need to grind this, and you’re sitting here having a meltdown because it’s 1/3 the grind of the previous years, you may need to rethink them.