WT players abusing players, WT not doing anything about it

I ain’t wasting my time pulling out everything you said, but ignoring people doing this, is what leads to more peopel doing it as it becomes more widely accepted… And maybe you think it’s fine, but many don’t, and everyone shouldn’t.

Ignoring the issues, don’t make them go away. Turning yourself off from them, doesn’t make it better, it just makes you deaf to the situation.

Cool, all your posts are spam and hot-takes.

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Sometimes I just hate my team, I hate basebombers bot-players and I hate when the Game itself helps the noobs.

No one gonna insult you at the top tier. Everyone there received a permanent chat ban. It’s like a medal for a good service.

It’s a competitive game, PvP, not Team vs Team, it has to be toxic and it will be.


Funny how the story changes when you get the full chat log…

Turns out he was telling a damaged team mate to J-out and pull a new tank…


An argument is rarely thoughtful and less so polite, especially on the internet. A “conversation” could and should be. Part of the problem is many people have poor communication skills, basically they do not know how to “talk” to other people, so a good many conversations are doomed before even starting. People tend to react rather than respond. And you speak of those that are “thin skinned” when in fact it is generally those that are ranting, raging, swearing and name calling that have this condition more than the ones offended by these outbursts. And then there is this:
schadenfreude -

  1. Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
  2. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.
  3. delight in another person’s misfortune
    Another thing oft overlooked but as old as time itself I would guess. Not to mention how the also classic “bully culture” that we have today has been overblown by the same lovely internet and electronic devices we all use on a daily basis. People aren’t that nice now, if they ever were . . . lol
    Being dismissive about such things isn’t really helpful, nor is desensitizing these types of issues really.
    We are all responsible for our own behavior, and in part for others here. That’s why we need to report such things. Making us much like a “beat cop” to a degree. We can choose to turn a blind eye/look the other way and ignore it, make valid reports so that such things are recorded and taken care of properly by those assigned to do such things, or as some do, get all emotional, angry and hell bent on revenge/justice and get out the pitchforks, tiki torches and rope . . the choice is up to the individual.
    There was this one book I read a long time ago, had some good/decent stuff in it . . on of my favs
    “All things in moderation” . . it actually works pretty well and makes life easier.
    And folks need to remember, a conversation is not a debate or a battle to be won or lost, it’s an exchange of ideas to create a better understanding of each other . . . that’s all . . save right or wrong for math class . . where it might actually matter . . .
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During a game the other day, dude in chat was openly talking about wanting to have relations with a child and saying double digits is too old for them, and about trafficking them. At this point i’ve turned off chat as there is nothing good that comes out of reading it.

And yeah, looking at it, that intent does not seem to be “ill willed”, but again . . . poor communication by using a well known internet meme term suggesting “self harm” is still there. Whole thing could have been avoided had he just said “just “J” out man and get another vehicle & get back in the match” . . but as we all know, once you hit that “Enter” button, it’s out there, “Right in front of God & everybody”

Wouldn’t the game be so much better if we could lose this childish element altogether and have a separate game for adults?

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yeah sure . . but part of “Adulting” is . . . dealing with youngers, it has always been this way . . . this IS the way . . . “Teach them Senpai”
(I say all that living alone with my dog and rarely interacting with other people . . of ANY age)

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Yes I hate people too : )

Interesting though so many complaining about the game yet they spend most of it chatting and not watching out,then we all have to see the game altered to cater for these dumb asses.

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Please do not use the forum as a way to report users, especially when encountered within the game.

Instead use the ingame report tool or server replay so a Game Master can properly review the situation and take the needed actions toward the offending users.

Thx !