Squadron Toxic Behabiour

Within the past months the increase of hate spech, teamkilling, anti gameplay and toxic behaviour coming from squadrons as increased greatly, attempting to play a air rb or ground rb match in a plane to be hunted down by 4 teammates in a squad all from the same squadron just because your a member/have related names to per example the furry community or have a different sexuallity has made matchs extremly dificult to enjoy. i bring here foward one of those squadrons “[BOWL] Brigade of Warmongering lemmings” where the owner it self incentives the members of the squadron to teamkill and be toxic to people.
this is a example coming from one of their members, i’ve received messages from more but proceeded to delete and block the said people.

Ouch, Yeah i get that a lot as well

its actually disapointing being that even with these types of communitys being more accepted now awadays and even within the war thunder community makes me laught but still its nothing to laught at when this starts to influenciate the gameplay. if someone wants to be toxic write it in chat message it or smth . at least we have a quick solution to that aka mute n block. but getting teamkilled i feel like there should be a ingame vote or smth players could do to kick that person from the match for tk

I usually just ignore them. Then it’s their talking to no one

yeah i just report and blocked them, proceeded to report the squadrom aswell for the behaviour
its not worfit my energy to respond to this 10yo ego boosted kids

Just turn chat off …simple


That’s not the solution, and this needs to be handed to the game masters.

I had this situation happen to me where I DARED to contradict a squadron leader who then got their and another 2 squadrons to mass report me, and hound me in chat for a month.

Turning off chat doesn’t fix this, and it doesn’t address this. It needs to go to the GMs, and they need to actually act on the situation because if it isn’t, it can escalate and continue without anything to stop it.

I got mass reported, and every time I said anything in chat some pleb would jump in making out anything I said was nonsense…


If that’s the commanders/officers behavior, that’s the squadrons behavior. However, if that’s a random private behavior, i don’t treat it as the squadrons behavior.


Hello all. We don’t have to accept that, we’re playing at same game so it’s totally out of normal gameplay. (Just 30 minutes ago in PvE helicopters) I had to report a squadron player because he started to order to the rest of players in battle to left last convoy vehicle alive to generate tank battlefront instead of artillery.
I ignore that, so he started to insult to me, (being covered by squadron mates) meanwhile the rest of normal players went out. I tryied to dialogue, asking why he was insulting me, so he started to make racists jokes about my nickname (he said I’m “indian” combined with racist insults). He finally rammed me on purpose, so it was battle ending and not worthy to spend 11K SL for 3-6 minutes of gameplay.

THIS is the raw deal that I’m not agree to accept in this game. PLEASE GAIJIN stop that, isn’t worthy by far.

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The fact that racism and hatespeech are increasing is a clear indicator that the measures in place by gaijin are not working or alt least not working as well as they used to.
A lot of the time you’ll see people using “clever” workarounds (smoke if racist/you hate gays, calling people miggers as opposed to white and so on) and i get that its not straight forwards to handle that, though i don’t think it should be all that hard either.
But other times you still get “go kill yourself”, “subhuman”, “jew” and so on and its not just new accounts either.
Obviously consequences are insufficient to stop that kind of behaviour.

Now there is a question to ask here, and its an importand one as it speaks to what kind of company Gaijin wants to be: is Gaijin unable to stop this toxicity in their game or is it unwilling?

I personally hope its the former and I’d be happy to talk about what can be done.
Sad as it is if no good moderation system can be found I think we need to put measures up to disabling chat for everyone (again) on the table. Among other issues peoples mental health is on the line here and on that topic I’d always rather err on the safe side.


Another one I’m seeing is people abusing people in other languages, often not thier own… So they either have these quotes stashed and ready, or they merely know them by memory.

Report them, and if possible do a translation to help point out why it’s an issue.

Just needs to be done.

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I already spend way too much of my gametime reporting this.
To be blunt, I want to enjoy the game I pay for, not do free labor for the people making money from the game.
Especially when I get the feeling the feature is there more for me to feel I did something about the issue than it is for Gaijin to actually curb it. I encounter the same people writing the same dehumanizing shit time and again

Just turn chat off.I wonder how anybody can even play the game when they spend most of it chatting and most of it is insulting useless BS and racism or the arm chair general with zero kills.

I really do wonder what some enemies are doing when I creep on on them in my 40 ton noisy tank ,now I know.

Do you mean the ones complaining about racism in chat should turn chat off or do you mean turn off chat for everybody?
Because those two options are very different in their implications. One is surrendering the forum to people spreading hate and the other is deciding to not offer that forum in the first place

I mean the individual.I dont hear any hate as I turned it off after about two days of playing.

I fundametally disagree with that “solution”. It does not solve the problem: there are people spreading hate in this microcosm belongign to Gaijin.
Even if you leave morals out that can’t be what Gaijin wants.
A pleasant social experience is part of the appeal of an online game and draws people in, in other words its good for business. On the other hand a toxic community drives business away and has in the past contributed massively to the death of games

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Yep, players shouldn’t have to turn the chat off and resort to the blacklist to ignore the issues of the ‘community’…

New players turn up and see this sort of thing, turn the chat off and then become incommunicable. Then people complain about teams that don’t listen.

It’s actually so concerning that I had to report a squadron with a racial slur in it’s name for 2 months to get it removed. (And whilst that was a year back, it’s a genuine factor in what the issue is)

I dont care about what I cant see to be honest, its a game and if I can flick a switch and lose the morons then that is what I will do and what I actually did. No racism in my game.

I am not on a mission to change the human race.

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There is only a problem if you want to create a problem.

  1. If gaijin would care about toxic language in wt they would have implemented multi-language filters and hired enough staff to punish people which are violating their “Community guidelines” almost in real time.

  2. The fact that such things are not implemented is proof enough that they just follow the general trend in censoring communication as there is legal pressure from totalitarian governments (aka as “democracies”) to control language - and therefore indirectly thoughts.

  3. Just a reminder: This is a shooter - the whole point of playing a shooter is to kill (virtually) other players - so it is all about virtual violence. It is therefore kind of a joke that players complain about speech, which is by definition non-violent.

  4. This whole debate simply avoids the core issue: This game is designed to earn money with minors (with access to credit cards) - that’s why the game shows no blood and has a PG 12 rating.

  5. Most of the guys which like to be offended by everything (weather, climate, CO2, etc.) simply forget that they complain about a bunch of kids which have zero clue what they are talking about - and even if they know what they do: Nobody is enforced to be offended by a text from a random stranger.

  6. And nobody is enforced to play a SJW feeling the need to follow a “higher call” to play chat mod - they simply forget that it is gaijin’s responsibility that their rules are enforced. So it is up them to ask gaijin why they allow speech outside their rule set.

  1. Unfortunately not - if you play long enough you reach very fast the limit of blocking as you can only blacklist 100 people.

  2. I do agree that the in-game all chat shows a hell of extremely toxic language - as i do not want to be enforced to read this stuff i block them - but i have to delete an older entry first as i have always 100 guys blocked.

  3. Imho we need an increase of the limit of 100 players to 2-300 - and the possibility to add an attribute like “chat clown” or “team killer” in order to distinguish blocked players.

  4. And even if you block certain players, quite often you can still read their nonsense in all-chat; had this yesterday…

I got your point (and there is nothing wrong with this approach) but imho the in-game chat is in 2-5% of my matches really helpful (i play Air RB only) - you can make a difference in tight matches if you can communicate and coordinate with others.

And giving some support regarding target prioritisation or just sharing tips regarding tactics or strategy is often appreciated by newer players.

And you get in touch with other players, there are a hell of really good, smart and polite players active in wt - i really enjoy exchanges after a very decent match with team mates or enemies…

Jeez - some of your views are really mature and smart, but seriously? Mental health of guys which might be offended by random strangers whilst playing a game trying to simulate the raw and cruel violence of war?

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I play X Box I cant type anyway so off it goes and its no big loss.I could run discord and join a squadron if I was into direct comms. The PVP game in its self is as much interaction as I want with people outside work : ) I appreciate air and ground may be different.

Chat breaks my concentration and for me that concentration is key to this game ,maybe just maybe the preoccupation with chat is why the USA sucks at top tier.Too much typing/chatting and no concentration.

I die mostly to what I didn’t see,I can complain about BR and balance all I want ,much of what kills me is in my own hands in GRB.Last thing I need to be doing is typing abuse to people.Half of them dont even look at the mini map never mind the rage induced tirade of abuse I might fill chat with : )

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