Would you support night battles in Air sim?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Depends on BR
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We had it years ago…

Yes… Big yes!

It has NEVER made sense why they even bother modeling NVGs for aircraft if they are never going to be used in matches. It would be so much fun and especially for the strike aircraft, having to think about sitting on full AB or not due to visual affect would be really interesting.

Im on the fence about whether it should be BR limited or not. On one hand, only higher BR aircraft have Radars/NVGs to reliably cope with night battles on the other. It’s sim. Dont want to play night. Dont join a night match (So it would need to be stated in the room selection)

Like wise with weather. 0 reason why we dont see far greater amounts of weather variety. We have a highly limited map pool. Change the time of day and weather, and you can increase the number of maps 10 fold.


Best way to unbalance more air sim. Just no!