Would you play a tank only mode? How do you feel about CAS in ground battles? [(POLL)]

The tiger should not be 5.3, idek what sort of crack they were smoking when they decided to move it down

CAS fundamentally unbalances ground battles because AA simply isn’t effective enough in the majority of BRs and its actual function IRL (IE scaring CAS off as opposed to destroying it) simply isn’t effective because there are no real consequences to you if your plane is destroyed. The way it’s spawned also typically rewards the team that’s already doing well.

This also doesn’t touch the absolute cancer it is in Arcade, where it is completely free and literally has no downsides at any point.

A Tank Only mode in addition to a Combined Arms (as much as a game without infantry can be called that, try enlisted if you’re actually looking for that kind of stuff) would have at the absolute worst no downside other than queue times increasing slightly.


Srry but this is so wrong. If you play LT or something that can be strafed, they are way more likely to go after you, especially open top.

Yes, but that is not to do with the killcam, they are just easier to pen. I don’t deny some will make use for “revenge”, but I feel kill cam removal is mainly suggested so certain players can hide in cheeky spots and abuse the 1000s of less knowledgeable players who will never work out where they were shot from.

I can’t presume to know the intent and reasoning of every foes actions, but I think it is wrong to automatically think every other player is out for revenge just because you might be.

Another problem with this poll is it sits in “Game Discussion” and so is not as visible as it would be in “General”, though is this due to it being a poll?

I think it’s good there, it’s facing IS and other things that can pen it easily, the fact that light tanks struggle against heavy armour seems just right to me. But then don’t overcomplicate the task of flanking with flying kamikazes and overly stupid Pe-8…

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I dont have any inherrent issues with cas. But its not uncommon for enemy aircraft to be un challenged. There is often little value to bringing spaa at the start of a match and even late game, no guarantee that spaa is going to be needed. Combined with drones giving players easy 2 kills without any effort. There are definetly issues. A skilled CAS can change the outcome of an entire match and bad CAS can be a total waste of space and do nothing but harm the team. Rarely much of a middle ground.

Value of CAS needs to go down. Value of SPAA needs to go up.


So we need a map rebalancing instead of using CAS as a bandaid?


They will never be happy and will never learn, so they just prefer unbalanced air to solve all their problems


I think 90% of the problems in ARB, GRB and NRB could be resolved with map improvements.


the balance of both can be improved, but that just sums up every game

Buff AA instead. Make planes actually almost impossible to use in a battlefield if there are AA’s waiting for you, just like in real life.

Or buff AA rewards so players would be incentivized to actually play AA’s.

Regarding Helicopters, they should be fixed or removed from GRB antirely.


and how exactly is this a problem

Bumping to remind people, no matter their opinion, to vote. I would like to see the highest number of votes possible by the one month mark. (the 22nd)

Sadly some people no matter how many votes You will gather will still try to undermain the results of the poll because they don’t support what they are saying.


Just remove CAS from ground arcade. Problem solved.

Or make a proper poll, not some confusing mess with no clear goal. And don’t have a poll with two completely different questions. What someone might want done in the current modes to alter CAS is very much separate from whether TO mode is wanted (or modes since OP completely ignores the majority that is AB). I’m sure the majority of players in ground modes would love more options, as many appear to like the idea but not fussed to get behind it.

But hey, we can lead a horse to water but we can’t make it drink.


Getting into a plane is too easy! That’s the real issue here. Increase the spawn cost for planes by just 30-50% would’ve solved to overwhelming CAS problem instantly. The number of planes in a game would be reduced by 70% at least when they need more than 1 kill or 1 capture point to drop bombs on people. Revenge bombing would be less of a problem when the idiots that got killed don’t have the points to immediately get into a plane to fuck with you.


There is nothing more infuriating than dying to CAS in spawn or right out of spawn two to three times in a row. Why not “one death leave” the game if it saves your repair cost SL if you’ll be spawn-killed by something you couldn’t prevent anyway?

In my opinion this is more than just a CAS problem, I believe CAS has its place and sometimes can greatly add to the match, but many times it feels unfair or ruins what would have been an otherwise skill based conflict. Despite this, I think this is a spawn protection issue even more so. I am so confused as to how spawn protection works. I am of the understanding that if you are in proximity to the enemies spawn, they will have a longer invulnerability time, and inversely, if you spawn in and begin firing at enemies your spawn protection goes away quickly. However, on some maps, like Ash River, I have done nothing but hit W for less than 5 seconds and gotten sniped from across the map in my own spawn. I think that spawn protection needs to become a much more fluid issue, not hard time limits that can easily be learned and therefore played around.

Spawn protection against CAS should last much, much longer, in my opinion, save for SPAAs who are supposed to engage aircraft in the first place.


I’d say that is a more reasonable adjustment than the usual throwaway “double it” comments.

I feel a problem is games can last very little time and a lot is shoehorned into the first 5-10 mins. If we all had the patience for longer matches the slower release of aircraft (not talking heli BRs) would be more acceptable.

It might be rose-tinted but from memory weren’t aircraft a bit harder to get into before the major Spawn Point overhaul years back?

IMO, the major problem with CAS is the skill of the AA, if any. I rarely see any AA on my team and I understand why. I never spawn one myslef because it’s boring and sometimes there are just no planes to shoot at.
However, it’s not rare to see a single Ostwind in the ennemy team anihilating all my teams planes with one burst each at more than 2km of distance. Skill matters a lot in AA and that’s why CAS is a problem because the team with the best AA will have a huge advantage in the sky