Would you guys like if WT increased the max Player level?

Basically title. But to explain. Most player’s end up at level 100 for 1 nation’s worth of grinding more or less.

Should we bump the max level to around 250-300? (or up to 500)
Mainly just to give a little more information on who your fighting and possibly give (Some) rewards for the higher end levels?

  • sure
  • nah
  • idk, im hungry
0 voters

A better way would be to have a prestige system. Could give special decals or titles for prestiging too.


I voted nah.

From my time playing FPS games like CoD / BF, I really disliked that constant pressure to chase higher levels / prestige etc, and I really disliked the way people at those higher ranks tended to look down upon those beneath them in an elitist manner.

This game is already far too grindy in too many ways. Don’t want another thing to feel pressured to keep on top of. I think Level 100, and the 14.5m RP it takes to get there, is a perfectly reasonable thing to maintain as max rank.

Whilst yes i’m sure there are some people who have been stuck at level 100 for years and want to go higher (Heck, i’ve been stuck there probably for half a decade or more now), I do also think it’s important to keep reaching that highest level somewhat realistic for new players. If it takes for example 50 million RP to reach level 250, it just gets inconceivably daunting to newcomers to try and catch up, and obtain that all important sense of ‘completion’.

(We already have medals and titles like ‘God Of War’ for those who truly want to flex better than increased levels ever could)


Agreed, level 100 is enough, the lack of progression in that sense can be made up for in features of the new profile customisation screen, eg:
Profile banners
Fancier profile images
Exclusive unlockable segments (like favourite tank round/AAM, or favourite time period, something with a bit of flair)
A fancy ring surrounding your profile image that represents total matches/kills/wins etc

Point being that there are tons of better ways to incentivise acitivty without raising the level cap


So what does lvl do in game other than give a ball park figure what br a players had arrive?

Prestige style overhaul would be good. Don’t expect any additional reward past 100 but some easy way to identify the player in game time/experience would be good.

Nothing, which to me is why it’s a good thing. Never once have I cared about my character level, and once you cap at 100 you can never tell skill disparity. 100-200 with player time would mean a huge difference in player. But you can’t tell because they’re all level 100.

I think it’s a good thing and I have never once thought about what level my character is. Just the ground for Vic’s.


This suggestion has been passed to devs:


I dont check profile of players I play against so I give zero fucks about their level.

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No bigger flex than The Old Guard or the Air Forces Tester tag in the old forums.

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I would like to see what level I’d be now if it didn’t cap though.

Since levels are entirely based on RP, if you’ve never used convertible RP (or can remember how much you have), that total (minus the 14.5m it took to reach level 100) would be a good way of gathering a rough idea.

I have 64,478,607 Convertable Research

So… level 460?

more achievements and can help show progression but it will make the level 17 german teammate look even worse next to the level 500 that’s been playing since before little timmy was born

I was just about to check to see what it’d roughly be, but sadly, it seems new wiki has killed the link to the chart which plotted all the level RP costs lol.

It’s not as simple as just multiplying the 14.5m RP the first 100 levels take to find out what level 200 / 300 etc would cost, because the levels increase in cost the higher you go.

I.e Level 1 → 2 costs something like a thousand RP, whereas level 99 → 100 costs something like a million RP. (Those figures almost certainly aren’t accurate as I can’t find a way to check but you get the idea).

Assuming those costs would scale at the same rate, it really wouldn’t take long before the levels cost more RP than the RP cost of all the vehicles in the game lol.

If they did it like a prestige system, where 100 → 200 cost the same as 1 → 100 then I think it’d be somewhere in that region.

The old one still works for now:


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Ahhh cheers.

That’s a goof on my part, I wrote “old.wiki” not “old-wiki” in the url lmao.

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The only thing I can know from lvl is if a player hacker which worth my time to watch replay or a really good player which also worth my time to watch replay LOL

Either way, worth my time lol

I get RP for levelling up, and then I get more.