Would War Thunder be a better game in the hands of the modding community and away from Gaijin?

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The poll was penetrating shots in the crew compartment to be sources of minor fires:

The third way is additional sources of fire in the fighting compartment, where damage to internal modules in this area may cause them to start an internal fire. Several things can burn and smolder inside a vehicle: crew clothing, wiring, machine gun ammo, plus rubbish and oil on the floor. In this case the fire can go out on its own, unlike an engine or fuel tank fire, and the damage it causes will be less than the damage caused by an engine or fuel fire.

The new modules are actual sources of fire:

However, some of the modules planned for addition to equipment can be (and are in reality) real sources of fire - for example, a battery or a hydraulic drive system - so they can cause a fire when hit as currently happens when the engine or fuel tanks are damaged.

War Thunder’s economy wasn’t balanced to allow free to play players to play top tier until it was. Changes take time but they are possible given enough feedback.

Free to play players have to be playing from the mental asylum to get to top tier, complete and utter insanity and by no standards is that balanced for f2p, absurd.

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Maybe once wt is offically dead and the server are shut down, gaijin would give us the entire game to tinker with, pretty cool sandbox game idea ngl. But other than that i would rather not have the community decided game balance or features (too many bias and idea that nothing will be done). Comparing bugthesda game with wt is also kinda stupid, a singleplayer rpg vs an mmorpg?
Also also how would that even work? Like everyone have their own fork and ur gonna pick and choose which one to play? If so, who would paid for the server cost/ 3d modelling/ staff/etc. It just not economically viable.

As a free to play player with 4000 hours on the game, yeah.

I timed my French Chinese and US grinds. I had US to Rank IV it took 6 months instead of 7.

Both China and France took 7 months to reach 11.7 what is now “Rank VIII”.

Sure, and did you account for the fact you have 4000 hours more in the game as people who are just starting and won’t be progressing nearly as fast as you are, who lack fundamental understanding of the game, who don’t know about all the maps, how to optimize RP gain etc etc.

And all you did was measure how long it takes you personally to grind a tree, it has little to no relevance on anyone else and certainly is not a baseline.

If someone wants to skip the grind they can instantly unlock a Rank VII vehicle be it air or ground for $70.

$70, 7 months. What time would you like to see as far as grind is concerned?

7 months for you, yes.

It’s $70 for anyone to buy a Rank VII, what is the equal amount of months of work you would like to be skipped?

7 months? 3?

Are we discussing the value of premium vehicles or the viability of F2P?

lol… This is just getting stupid.

F2P is viable for the average player. It’s whether the average player is interested in investing the time.

It’s viable for you based on your time investment and experience… 7 months for you is 14 months for someone who gets half your points, and 28 months for someone who plays half as much, which means there’s 280 months of grind for ground forces alone, or 560 months if we assume air is the same… which is 50 years of grinding.

Again, how many months would you like to see it take to grind to Rank VIII?

Don’t know why you’re changing the subject. The amount of months means nothing.

If the grind doesn’t matter then why do you care about it?

Not even remotely what I am saying.
I’m saying measuring the grind in months is completely arbitary as someone who plays twice as month is going to complete it twice as fast.

Removing the variation of skill how many months would you like a player to have to play to grind a tree in War Thunder?

The grind should be measured in hours, not months, real world time has no relevance, someone who plays 5h a week vs someone who plays 20h are clearly going to have a vastly different time requirement.

How much RP is required for a tree, how much RP does the average player get in a match and how long does a match last.

It is not problematic… Gaijin has the “Revenue Share Program”… which means player made content is added to the game… Content needs to be posted on WT.Live for the possibility to be added to the game if the Devs like what they see and they could use it

The whole point of WT.Live is so that people can have fun customizing the game, trying new models made by players such as a B-2 Stealth Bomber… a B-52 bomber and even Bi-Planes… Cars, tanks and trucks etc… trying new maps made by players… trying new missions… control layouts… gun sights… sounds…

The Whole point of War Thunder Live is to have fun creating something to share with other players and if it is something that the Developers can use, then it may just end up being in game

I have spent the last 10 years making skins for War Thunder… I must have spent the equivalent amount of time making skins as most Airliner Pilots have in flying hours…

Thats right… you “never know” unless ?.. you try…

Gaijin has the Revenue Share Program… I am a content creator… I am a part of the program, a great many that have posted content on WT.Live are also content creators for War Thunder and part of the Revenue Share Program…

I was the First member of the Player Development Corps for another game way back in 2001

But Gaijin has the Revenue Share Program for quite some time now, where fan made items are made official in game

The HE-219 was among one of the first, where I helped finish the skin for the model that is in game right now

Can read details about it and the guy that made the model here

That is part of the War Thunder Revenue Share Program… it also includes, Maps, 3D Models, Locations… other possibilities are Decals, Sights, Sounds and list goes on…

What happens here with the Revenue Share Program, is that Players support other Players content creations

So, thats what is soo great about it… you support other players making content like models and skins and really the list goes on…

It doesnt… so “Fake News”…

Staff are very smart… they know of all of the tricks, they know fake content when they see it…

But anyway… I think this Thread has run its course, it is starting to just be personal disputes and misinformation…