Would War Thunder be a better game if they dropped Free To Play?

Because my friends play it. Ever since I reached top tier I only enjoy this game with friends… and you’d take that away from me just because I don’t want to pay $40 odd a year?

If everybody paid it would or should be much less than that.

Do you not see my point?

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I see every point made on here ,that is the idea of the discussion

not to be nihilistic but i feel like war thunder even if it wasn’t f2p would end up the same way it is now with excess monetisation

just look at the rest of the gaming industry for example

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I’m not pushing an angle or defending Gaijin or even attacking them but when you take the Console issue and the loss of the casual player into consideration you see a company that has to offer a game for free and therefore has to raise cash in other ways even if those ways can appear silly or over the top.

So it does raise the question that if many players cant pay or wont pay then can we attack Gaijin for what they do? Is it greed or desperation? The other issue is numbers. Always told there are millions of players but so often the “fragile player base” is the excuse for not doing so many things with this game.Its a little confusing

I never meant to sound rude so sorry if it did, just not having a great time so I’m a bit blunt. I just hate the idea of having to pay for games after already playing them for years and years, and hate subscriptions completely. I might be open to it if it was more, its $5 to make a gaijin account now or smth, as that would cover every one of their games yk?

I would be a fine one to criticise others for sounding blunt and coming across as rude on here.In writing it’s easily done : )

Yeah I agree about everybody paying a small amount but we all know with Gaijin it’s unlikey to be a small amount.On top of that we do have console issues as Bombay stated. It has also been said the the game would collapse without Free to play players dropping in.Its a numbers issue.

Might say on the reverse side I could say that we need to ODL premium guys and the silly Auction maybe? I mean its unpopular reality possibly?

With Gaijin its always two things.Good ideas done badly and little thought of repercussions to actions taken.They dig themselves a hole overtime.

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I don’t know how old you guys are, but every subscription game I’ve played has ended up having to fail or go free-to-play to survive in the end (including the likes of Pirates of the Burning Sea, Star Wars:TOR).

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No one knows what happened behind closed door for sure, and I bet it ain’t cheap to use all the real vehicles name and model and it’s 2500 vehicles we are talking about, how much they are paying for the licensing? Pretty sure it’s not a one off thing, and other games I’ve played have to do things like removing some music because they couldn’t afford to renew the contract anymore.

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yes war thunder is one of like 7-8 games that have multiplayer without Xbox live, if it was payed you would have to have live because it would no longer qualify to have free multiplayer

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