Tarkov and Rust got skill based matchmaking? Lolwhat?
but it lacks esports features like removal of crew skills
Can’t disagree here tho
Tarkov and Rust got skill based matchmaking? Lolwhat?
but it lacks esports features like removal of crew skills
Can’t disagree here tho
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SBMM is the only way…
if you want to play SBMM you play if you don’t want it then go play normal GRB…
like why is SBMM bad if there would be still unranked GRB?
All arguments are bad against SBMM if there would be an option play ranked or just llike now unranked would it change something for someone who does not want to play ranked? NO…
you dont like to find 70% of your team to be gone in 2 / 3 minutes leaving you alone!!??
This would have a lot of problems, i’m not sure if you mean balance by PERFORMANCE during previous battles or by levels.
If by levels, this would be a problem because waiting time for new battles would be increased in low/mid-tiers, and even slightyly at high tiers because of pack premiums would face only other pack premiums of similar levels.
And not to mention there is some significant different between someone that just got to level 100 and someone that is playing for ages and got level 100 in 2016 or before, it’s the Syndrome problem “When everyone is level 100, no one will be”
If by battle performace, this COULD work theoretically to a small deegre, but i don’t think it would work: “Why?”, battle performance is mostly inconsistant, imagine you get a very good battle and stay until the end, next match you face tons of experienced players, get a kill or two and die to CAS, and upon spawning again there is already 3 enemies spawn camping you, so you quit the battle, next you face average teams, i don’t know much about coding but i think this would make queues longer and the overhall enjoyment would be reduced.
My proposal goes to the root of the problem: “Why are we punished for staying in bad teams? and why are they not punished for being bad?”, so here it goes, people that leave early, that don’t contribute to the team and just enter the battle to get one assist and die 3 times, feeding the enemy team precious SP for them to spawn CAS, these are the problems of bad teams, and these people usually stay in the bottom half of the scoreboard, and players that try to win until the end and perform well don’t get much reward out of it compared to just leaving and going to another match to hope for a battle team.
My proposal involves Penalty and Reward: the bottom 1/3 of the team (ex: last 5 players of both teams when both have 16 players total, or last 4 players in a 12 players per team match), will receive a -50% (minus) penalty on their SL and RP income for bad performance, and the top 3 players of both teams will receive a +30% income of SL and RP for good performance, this would discourage one death leavers, bad teammates, ragequits, while encouring people to stay until the end to either escape the bad performance death pit, or getting that juicy +30% bonus by staying or securing the top 3 of the team.
An alternative way, would having a small penalty to players that make less than 800 mission points, and a bonus to those that go over 2000 mission points.
Sorry for bad english :)
… you just posted someone thats getting more kills than they are dying and then you’re saying its their fault?. are you serious???
K/d is not the most important factor lmao, 31% average team position means he does almost nothing of value in these games regardless of his piss poor k/d which btw 1.1 KILLS PER SPAWN is baseline average for someone with a functioning brain. I will remind you that the server average for kills per spawn is like .9kps so rofl. Anyone can camp like a bot and get 1.0 k/ds it does not prove anything.
There’s no official data, but the average player doesnt get 1.1 kills per spawn. (according to statshark)
damn its even worse than I thought. My point still stands.
I propose an ELO system like in other competitive games…
Few lost matches won’t do much specialy if you get the performance ribbon (the things that go gree blue or red sergant stripes for more xp per battle) this would make you lose less ELO in a lost match or not lose any since you performed well
while players who don’t perfoms as well will lose elo and in the end drop from lets say llvl 9 like on Faceit in counterstrike to lvl 8 and so on.
your proposed penalty system won’t change much since a lot of 1DL are players with a one tank setup they don’t care about 30% less xp or SP and still would make team less baalnced since a lot of 100 lvl players still suck at the game they are just here long enough so mm would still be unbalanced
Just rewarding someone for killing won’t change the outcome since the enemy team that would stomp the other team before the bonus added (like it is now) would earn 30% more with the bonus not chaning a lot since the skill difference would still be there.
And your idea would punish someone who just wants to chill so he takes tanks has a lineup but plays badly because of lack of skill etc this is punishing someone for being IDK 40 years old has a familiy and just enjoying the game for an hour or two daily.
That is why having both SBMM and normal GRB would fit right in between players who have top skill and want to play the game as intened vs GRB where you have casual gameplay just like it is now you chose what you want to play.
Yesterday I had bad consecutive loses it was 1-11 looooool
This one is an ARB but I think its relevant since the abysmally trash team problem is not unique to GRB.
But let me just say this if I (the not world champion player) is at the top of the team with a fucking CUM-BUS 2000 which is a horrendously outgunned, and over tiered plane. And the entire friendly team (with one exception) was incapable of getting ONE SIGLULAR FUCKING KILL. Yeah… you know at that point that this game has massive problems.
Agreed the balancing is in a seriously bad state br balancing is one thing but we seriously need team balancing ASAP if not well… I am getting fed up with this game and might one day just not launch it because it is too frustrating to play sometimes
In which part do you think team is losing if only 5 players left or the entire battlefield is dominated by CAS?
This game has a balancing mechanism and you can read it from any server replay.
Most people wrongly assume that the balancer selects 32 players of similar level for the battle. IT IS NOT.
Both teams are supposed to be SIMILAR.
So snail takes your average position in the team from your in-game profile and creates 2 teams based on that.
The range of each team is in some specific pool, so if team A has a total of 900 average position in the team, team B will get players with a very similar score.
So those 900 points must be divided between 16 players who will be put in the team, so if 2 very good players go to team A and team B does not have 2 more good players in the queue to put them opposite, team A will be gifted with 2 vegetable players
The problem is that: the mechanism is probably much more complex than I present, it takes into account a lot of other factors that cannot be verified in any way because everything happens on the server side.
In other topics regarding MM I have posted many screenshots from random server replays which clearly show that both teams are balanced, even in the most one-sided battles it is visible to the naked eye.
And no, I do not like this mechanism. Unfortunately it has been in operation for years and most people do not even bother to check if it is actually so. And a random replay, write down the data from the profiles of 32 players and a summary is enough. The more server replays you check, the more doubt you will gain in relation to the official position that “everything is a coincidence”
That is why a similar mechanism like ELO points is a good option in a ranked gameplay ^^
You feel sick and don’t want to focus? Play random ground realistic battles
Feel like playing and not trying to get angry about bad teammates? play SBMM
That is the way to satisfy all sides of this discussion and making the game more acceptible by other potentialy bringing in new players.
you’re just forgetting one thing. It’s a f2p game, which means their main income is your lack of patience to grind new vehicles and modules. The game is not supposed to be fun, the game is supposed to irritate you and give you the false hope that once you have it, it will suddenly become fun. They make a lot of money on that
On the bright side, having a worthless team increases the chances of you having a fun time clutching a game by yourself.
The way I see it, it’s fewer people to share kills with :D
All depends more people and competetiveness would add more money for them to earn ;)
right now people even with premiums take a loong time to get to top tier… now imagine not only wanting to go top tier but to be a bit higher in the ranks… guess whos gonna spend the money ? :)