With the J-35XS facing fox-3s and AIM-9Ms in ARB, it's time to address it's long backlog of bugs (R-13M, EEGS, AOA)

Two of these reports have sat “acknowledged” for months now, and my report on it’s lack of AOA hasn’t even been looked at yet.


So many aircraft have a load of outstanding bug reports that so deeply affect balance that BR changes are nearly.impossible to do fairly. Gaijin really need to do a mega update to fix the problematic aircraft and then br change them accordingly

(Sea Harrier FRS1 is on my list at the moment, Current modeling, barely 11.0 worthy, 100% faithful to IRL. Could be a good 11.7)


What could be so different about the sea harrier flight model? It doesnt seems like it would be any better than the gr 3 as its just heavier with a little bit more thrust.

Sea Harrier FRS1 (SQV)

HUD (has been bug reported)

IR signature - could make itself immune to IR missiles (Needs game overhaul)


RWR - Equal to that of the Torando (has been bug reported)
Radar Gunsight (has been bug reported)
(Possible radar performance increase) (Waiting on sources)
Smokey exhaust removal (has been bug reported)
Aim-9L flare resistance increase (Needs game overhaul)


i had forgotten about the fact that missiles couldnt see the exhaust from the top due to the wings lol, gaijin on the other hand think its hotter than the surface of the sun.


Yep, it would be near enough as good as IRCM. would basically mean that you didnt need flares and the flares we did have would be a LOT more effective.

Also the Gr3 had a Phimat pod. I dont think the SHars ever used them in the end (or if they did it would be a rather obscure document) but being same airframe essentially, its possible but that would be 216 large chaff for it as well.

As I said. 100% faithful modeling, I could see being a “good” 11.7

does each separate exhaust still count as its own engine, i heard this a while back and i recently got the AV-8B+ and its been sometimes hard to flare non IRCCM missiles even when flaring and defending.

No, its this:

So either throttle down when flaring or try and keep a high speed via diving when flaring (or both)

The main problem being the engine and how they model ir signature. We are in desperate need of an overhaul, especially as we come into the modern era with better and better ir missiles. A whole heap of jets would be effected by this, such as the f5 with the engines no longer acting as sub zero stealth tech. Would also cause the a4s with the shrouds to actually have an effect in game.

Also, a phimat pod for the gr 1 would make it far better as you could actually climb as most missiles at those brs dont use mono pulse so you could chaff them with one puff, althoug using it on the gr 1 has made me realise it doesnt fix a shitty fm…


Yep, couldnt agree more, IR overhaul would totally throw the current BR balance out ofwhack and it would do so much for the health of the game

It would explain why some jets simply cant flare a missile at high speeds, such as the f14, as they actually gain more thrust at those higher speeds (where as my tornado just loses it lol, cant complain as it does flare quite easily even with the bols massive nerfs, which are only true for the chaff where as the flares on it should be some of the best in game as they burn quicker and hotter but dont last as long).

Yep, it does

R-13M is inferior to AIM-9J.

not in range and flare resistance

It’s identical flare resistance, and the further you fire away the worse the flare resistance.

idk why you’d want a downgrade missile but sure

Situational usage I guess. But I kinda wished they added sidegrade (or even outright downgrade) loadout options to more stuff. Even if you’d rarely ever use it, if its modeled, why not have it as an option

(Like I really wanted and we finally got the 540 on all 7 pylons on the Gr7, rarely would you use them, but for dealing with things like naval convoys in sim, they are perfect)

Limiting payloads because of redundancy is pet peave of mine as well. Simulating different wars with varying payloads would be cool. Plus stuff like the 540s are actually quite usfull for grinding as they allow for an extra base to be taken out compared to the 500s.

Plus, a major one is the aim4 which could be given to the drakens if im remembering. Would give them bvr capability which would actually make their br even somehwat make sense… add them and then 11.0 would be “reasonable” (it wouldnt but would be a whole hell of a lot better than the 11.3 its sat at now.

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It would be nice to see the XS with falcons, or maybe even a tech tree 35F2 or 35J with them.