LaGS: I like lasers

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No aircraft? No problem… I can go for a tank


This one likes lasers…

With the rise of the new generation of IR guided air to air missiles, the Aim-9L, once the best short range air to air missile, has been suddenly left to collecting dust in the storage hangars of different air forces around the world. Deihl BGT, a military defense contractor with scores of experience in maintaining and upgrading the class of air to air missiles, has taken to modify and reuse these stocks of the Aim-9L for air to ground missions. All that is required… is to switch out the IR seeker with a Laser seeker and service the GCS (guidance control section).
This program was undertaken especially for use with the Luftwaffe Tornados and Eurofighters in mind.

In essence, this is just an Aim-9L with a laser seeker head and by Deihl BGT’s own words, it can be used by any platform already compatible with the 9L. In game, it does not even require a different model as the live fire tests used the same color missile head as the regular Aim-9L.


All it requires is a laser designator and you can utilise the full 18km range against ground targets.

Testing and verification

Carried out in Vidsel
Footage of live fire testing from the Gripen platform, 3 missiles were fired with 100% success

Technical Specifications

Exact same as Aim-9L
Missile characteristics
Mass 84.46 kg
Launch range 18 km
Maximum speed 2.5 M
Maximum overload 30 G
Missile guidance time 60 secs
Explosive mass 4.58 kg TNTeq

Extra information from websites

A Diehl BGT official told IHS Jane’s that the company has now completed a series of successful captive carry tests of LaGS on a Panavia Tornado IDS to demonstrate the SAL lock-on capability. - Janes

The LaGS retains the DSU-15A/B Active Optical Target Detector laser proximity fuze, which will be de-activated for detonation on impact. - Janes

LaGS can be carried on all platforms and weapon stations cleared for AIM-9L series weapons. - Janes

The product brochure explicitly states


Hence the Tornado IDS ASSTA.1 in the German TT can receive it immediately and even the Gripen can get this missile.

Visual References

LaGS on Tornado IDS (German) (fins removed for maintenance)

WTD 61’s fully instrumented Tornado with tail number 98+79 during test and evaluation of Laser Guided Sidewinder

Renders by Deihl

Missile at Expo, next to IDAS

LaGS on a JAS-39 Gripen

There exists an image of the LaGS on an F-16 but this is an edited photo as can be seen by the photoshopped seeker head.


Thanks to @BagelIsMyWaifu for his works




finally accepted lol

If this is ever added and anyone is killed by it, saying they died because of lag would be a very solid excuse


That is hilarious, instant +1


Since everything except the laser seeker head is an AIM-9L, would the ability to aim at ground targets really amount to much? Aside from against unarmed vehicles, that is.

lmao true

well overpressure has a way of sneaking through crevices but yes, it will get germany at least, rid of the pesky pantsir spam.

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So, Sweden gets this weapon?

Technically every one that uses Aim-9L’s with a TGP can use this weapon.
But since it has currently only been mounted on a gripen and a tornado ids…
Only those two should receive it and i would say sweden doesnt need something like this because they have good enough CAS.
There is no source stating that sweden plans to purchase this weapon.


Well, knowing how Gaijin treats Sweden, them just testing it is enough for them to get it.

True sigh.

I’ll include a poll for which nation should receive it first ig?

So this thing has the same exact warhead as the AIM-9L? I figure it will only be useful against thin-skinned light ground vehicles. Still a +1, seems like a very quirky weapon


Like a laser guided Zuni rocket. Which is ironic since the Sidewinder was developed from the Zuni.


One problem, based on the way the Aim-9L’s warhead is currently modeled in protection analysis, it wouldn’t be able to destroy anything with more than 30mm RHA equivalent protection where the missile strikes.

No, by all means if the Tornado IDS can carry it too then add it.


best thing is the 18km range

  1. use TGP to spot Pantsir at 20+km
  2. launch at 18-17km
  3. turn around while guiding this bad boy in
  4. enjoy!

yep, thats why this is a SEAD or DEAD weapon instead of an Anti tank weapon


you wrote this suggestion for germany. Including another nation would be out of place.

Despite that sweden didn’t buy it. It should go to the producer country (like all prototype vehicles). Else germany should get the triple mounts for the F-4 aswell


I agree with this, about time we had some unique weapons for our tornados