Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

10.0 or above because spike. Devs love to do such

Damn i was hoping without spikes

No way.But instead of strikeshield it can have some nera.

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Is this at eurosatory? I haven’t looked st much from there lol, also what chassis is that?

Yes. 2018 as i know.

Kf-41 prot. For eurosatory (MCO pack maybe)

The first image made the chassis so short and stubby lol. Also cant wait for the skin to not be added to the tank unless you get it from the market.

I just can’t wait for these lynx in German branch

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10.7 if lucky, but 35>30 so 11.0 is just as likely.

Nothing changed for me. I use puma at 11,7

TAM 4 is not a substitute for the TAM 2C. TAM 4 would be 8.7 at most.
We need to look for another alternative. Does Switzerland have any LT at 10.0?


As I have said several times, the first TAM A (TH301 early) could be 8.3 (semi-stabilized, Marder engine, worse optics) and the TAM 4 (TH301 late) could be 8.7 since, compared to the standard TAM, it only adds NVD for the commander and gunner, the rest is cosmetic.

The 120mm TAM 4 could be at most 9.0. It would use the same ammunition as the L1 L/44 but does not have TVD. There is only one source indicating that a prototype was built.


edit: this image is fake.


Yeah sorry i realised too late that TAM-4 was basically a TAM lol.
Switzerland does have some good options yes especially for 10.0.
Ill look into it



Switzerland also had Rafael in the tender)))

In case of stable financing, 22 new fighters can be adopted by the Swiss Air Force by 2017. SAAB (JAS-39 Gripen NG), Dassault Aviation (Rafale), and Eurofighter (EF-2000 Typhoon) companies applied for the supply of new aircraft to the Swiss Air Force. These aircraft were tested and evaluated during 2008-2009, but the decision on choosing a supplier was postponed to the end of 2011.

unless switzerland is added as a subtree… but even then… im more in favour of the swiss f-18 than this

Any aircraft will be helpful with our situation.

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Waffentrager Ardelt 1 2



Wiesel 1 HOT when

My mistake ignore unless context hunter

eheh small correction

this is the Wiesel 1 (A2) HOT

the picture you shared is the Wiesel 1 UTM-800



