Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

They also had them on a 4x4 UAZ 469


I think this and the Lo-1800 are prime examples of how to implement more East German representation in a way that isn’t straight copies of Soviet equipment.

Where Russia has many purpose-built SPAA that demonstrate their attempts to provide mobile air defense to attacking troops, while heavier static AA batteries and missile emplacements defend the borders, East German-made SPAA such as these show the opposite; a mobile anti air defense to protect the country from invading forces they believed were inevitable during the cold war.

A good show of how adding unique vehicles and equipment can help diversify playstyles between nations by putting players through the problems and solutions that were present during the era that other countries may not have experienced.


yes, much more useful and unique than things like copied T55s and other tanks

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You can make a decent subtree for the GDR without adding direct Copy and paste vehicles. It would just start at 8.0 tho.

T-54Z (8.0)
T-54AZ (8.3)
T-54AMZ (8.3) (folder with T-54AZ)
T-55A(P) (8.3)
T-55AM-2B (8.7)
T-72ÜV-1 (9.0)
T-72M1 (9.3)
T-72S (9.7)

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no, these much vehicles are no help except making the German tree a USSR tree.
they are kind different, yes, but basically same. I’d call them soft C&P.

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still contribute to the TT


contribute to the TT X
create a super mixed op TT so players can crash others √
this kind of addition should only limited to necessary, not collecting any possible vehicles to make TT stronger. some Germany stuff can be better.

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bro thinks adding a few T-54/55s will make a TT op lol.

germany could even use the GDR Osa-M so yeah. im all for it.
they were east german vehicles. no reason to hide from history


GDR Mi-24D
could use this boy with night fighting capabilities AND TURRET!!!



GDR MiG-21 being inspected by pilot and engineer


Any progress with DM63A1?

apparently not. although tbh im more interested in the incendiary core for DM53

The T-55AM-2B is probably the one I would be most excited about

I think one T-54/T-55 would be enough. Together with a east german pt-76b to fill that light tank gap in rank 3 (if no other light tank can be found). They should add the unique vehicles like the truck anti airs though

Else I rather have west german vehicles or maybe vehicles from a subnation (like switzerland or argentinia)

Personal opinion:
I think adding the entirety of the East German ground forces is necessary if War Thunder is to be a game claiming to be historical.
These vehicles and the division of Germany is a historical event, it would be an injustice to not add those vehicles and not represent that crucial period of time in history.

It will never ceize to surprise me how so many German mains will ask for more (practically) C&P despite their tree still having an unreal amount of unique vehicles left.

Genuinely the only people who do that.


i dont think criticising wants is any good.

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I mean, there’s just no point.

The German tree is already so large in the areas where the T-55s and T-72s are requested and the vast majority wouldn’t add something we haven’t seen elsewhere.

Jung Jungental would be nice and AM-2B would be fair, but other than that there is literally no point.
Some copy paste options like OSA would be fair too, as those would fill actual gaps, but regarding other light vehicles or MBTs it’s just pointless.
I’d much rather those recourses go into something more local, which tends to be of Western character.

Honestly, other than those aforementioned and few other exceptions, it’d be a waste to invest recourses into what is practically DDR copy paste over more BRD stuff. Not only because of what was said previously, but also to prevent another tree from having a fun western character into something mixed that it doesn’t have to be.
Not every tree needs to be half Soviet, they already fumbled that for Italy :/


Not me. Over 90% of my over 140 suggestions are unique german.

That’s why I said “so many” instead of all of them

I have been wondering though, where do you find the time or motivation to even write so many on a consistent basis?