Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

unfortunately yes…

theres a post for IRIS-T (air launched) as well ^^

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i think i included your works up there somewhere 😋

Seen today on the open house of the German Ministry for Defense, the Marder 1A3 Mod is
used as the so-called “Systronic Demonstrator”. Basically the same vehicle as the Marder 1A3,
it is fitted with a drive-by-wire system, usable from three stations inside, a remotely controlled
weapons turret for guns and missiles (still fitted as mock-up only) and new sensors. Additionally
a training system and a close range communications and data transmission system for the dismounted
infantry is integrated. The vehicle has six flexible configurable workstations and is meant to be used
in network-centric theatres.

Marder 1A3 Mells



is the last picture a marder 1A5 MELLS or a Marder 1A3 MELLS?
because ive seen both models?
or do they both exist?

1A3 Mells and 1A5 Mells


Marder 1A3 IFV with APS system.

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my suggestion on the new forums.

my suggestion on the old forums

also F-4F ICE was passed… again… something i also suggested on the old forums and was passed back then. just end me already…

please @gaijin gib us pzh 2000 and F4F ICE, WE KNOW YOU HAVE AMRAAMS… GIMME!!!

What about the Fuchs with milan and another one with a rh 202 cannon

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lemme find some sources for it and ill add it to the list

added the milan one

You forgot this one:

Leopard 2a6ex


yep lol. it seems i did…
adding it now

The Su-25 was intended to substitute the MiG-23BN of JBG-37, which were planned to be sold, but since there was no other state found to buy them and due to the demise of the GDR, this plan never materialized. Because of this it’s highly probable that the Su-25 would have been operated by JBG-37, not JBG-77. This latter wing operated the Su-22.

@Godvana @ЧВК_Вагнер
What do you think?


I think it’s fine so long as there are primary sources or strong secondary sources.

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Su-25 ‘Frogfoot’ of the 368.OShAP at Tutow airbase, Demmin, East Germany with Sukhoi Su-25 strike aircraft.
This takes place during the time of the GDR.


Tutow (Demmin) Air Base, Germany - Military Airfield Directory
Prisoners of the 'Red Army'
AirHistory.net - Sukhoi Su-25 aircraft photos
Su-25 | Su-25 'Frogfoot' from Demmin with extra fuel tanks t… | Flickr

Su-25s were also stationed with the 368 ground strike air regiment during its tenure in GDR.


the rook is now added