Wishlist for Germany (WIP)



the whole chassis is german, you cant change that lol, you cant change its origin or deny it

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As much as I’d like the frogfoot in the German tree, I’d rather have the alpha jet. All the Frogfoots stationed in the GDR were operated by soviets


Okay, so the M48 Super as an example, should go to the US tech tree?

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that goes in circles same with hungary and the usage of panthers, tigers etc only being in service of germany and them not actualy owning them, at least for the panther they didnt own at least 1 currently

what about the F4F ice? goes immediatly to the usa

Sub nations exist because they don’t have enough vehicles to be their own trees but have enough of an importance to be added to the game. That has no relevance to me saying that not every nation needs to be relevant - assuming by relevant you mean having a meta/capable vehicle every patch.

The SAF Gripen was added due to being a British colony. Other South African vehicles have already been added to the British tree like the Rooikat 105. Same as Germany, all they had were Tornadoes until the Typhoons in the Air Defense role.

As it was in real life. Unless Gaijin want to start adding more paper planes, this is how it will be.

Yak-141 was a prototype that existed and was meant to be a replacement for the Yak-38. Pretty sensible addition given there wasn’t any other naval jets to add until we start getting into the navalised versions of the Fulcrum and Flanker.

British Gripen makes sense.

F-16AJ was explained by the Devs as being an exception as they acknowledged, much to the point I am saying, Japan didn’t really have anything that was on par with current aircraft performance to add to the game. It was that or nothing.

We’ve all seen the F-15s with Luftwaffe markings, I doubt that will come to the game though.

Sweden will most likely get Hornets via Finland who operated F-18Cs. They don’t get the F/A designation as they had agreements with other nations not to have a A2G capability in their airforce so their hornets didn’t get the avionics only until very recently.

Until the Typhoons, all Germany can get really is AMRAAM equipped Phantoms. Unless they do as you say and add proposal aircraft which no one can really predict until they do it.

You mean the ones Hungarians used? I’m pretty sure someone already found evidence of that.

The ICE was a localized upgrade meant solely for the Luftwaffe

Yeah, Italy and Germany worked together with America on the joint arms artillery project in the 70’s the hull was completely German built, the Italian forces adopted the chassis. It (OF-40 is a (yet again) Italian built leopard hull (just like my statement on the Swedish Leo 2’s))

again it is valid suggestion, you once again are confusing sth, i will say it again so that you are understanding it as well, I DO NOT WANT THE OTOMATIC CRAP IN MY GERMAN TREE!!! THE SKYRANGER IS BETTER , with that being now said we are only saying the suggestion itself is valid 90% of the people here do not support or want the vehicle in the german tree, but you dont get that in your head

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not for the panther

they didnt, but it was in service in GDR territory and not as an occupying force

If there was a case of GDR pilots being trained and using frogfoots, I think that’d fulfill the requirements

I don’t get why ppl are crying about an OTOMATIC on leopard the OTOMATIC already exists in Italian TT Italy don’t need OTOMATIC on leopard if they don’t get it the next most obvious TT to get it is Germany so what this salt is all about

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yeah, that was just a mere exaple to those germans that want an otomatic in theyr tt.

yeah, but it is not german

i see logic doesnt work with you…
you have let your emotions consume you…
so i say this…
takes one to know one

and dont mention PC and me in the same sentence lol. im the guy who says the most racist stuff and gets away with it

so no… were staying here… this is a germany wishlist.
your wtv main crying a*s can go back to where you came from

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there is no south africa air tree

britain doesnt need south africa sub tree, many britains abhor the sub tree because it denied gajin adding their own lights earlier

which wasnt finished equipped with weapons or half their stuff with Irist being specualtion

it isnt necesary at all, naval jets arent a need or prerequisites

yes britain didnt get a fighter until grippen either, great point

i can show you plenty other, if i remember there was a nice F-16 with german flag, and F/A 18 as well


Yes, I know that, just like how the Swedish Leo 2’s are not objectively German, they are Swedish, I understand that, but the majority of the design is German for both. Also, have you just never heard of the SP-70 project?