Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Remember this.

And same for the Koelian.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
We only got the Gripen this update. The MiGG is still a great jet and the Italians have an F-16. They still should get the AIM-9M though.

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first of all i only started last year, 2013 was looking into the game on the playstation never realy touched it

secondly specialy because of that minor nations get sub nations because exactly that reason, they wouldnt need them so what you are saying it bullshit

so take away britains Grippen as well, good idea hypocrite, they wouldnt “need” it either by your defnition

which is a long as time away, germany would having completly nothing for a year

literaly multiple weird additions that would fall under that yak 141 is sketchy, british grippen is sketchy F-16AJ is sketchy, germany has multiple trialed vehicles that would be possible and even got further then the F16AJ even with special german camouflages for testing, or adding other smaller nations like switz F/A 18 that otherwise would not be added at all into war thunder for representation.

There is always a way to better the game for everyone what you are saying is just a back of shit

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problem isfor the future mig 29g isnt fox 3 compatible and will useless once those get introduced

italians would get the Aim 9L(I), those are the ones they actualy used, basicaly the same except the Aim 9L(I) has smoke

Germany will get the Swiss F-18, why would they rob the British Tree of the best Hunter in-game otherwise. The Alpha jet could’ve filled the spot that the Swiss Hunter fills. IIRC its the first swiss vehicle in the German tree and its probably so you get an option later.

For now the MIg-29G is very very much competitive with the best missiles in-game but admittedly less than the SU-27.

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unless italian museums count as property of the army… i dont think so.

should is another matter.

That reminds me, can we add the Swiss F-18 to the list?

that ones completly on gajin realy, we never wanted a copy paste hunter and would have prefered the alpha jet together with france just like you said, additionaly gajin could add a better hunter at any time for britain

again for now yes, we are speaking future once fox 3 gets introduced then it will be irrelavant and the f4f ice DOA

there is a certain amount of origin that a vehicle must share with another nation to be able to be part of that nation.
i mainly base that on turret and hull origin countries

they dont understand that we dont even support the otomatic addition for germany

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dont forget the T-90 bishbosh in UK


I agree its on Gaijin, but up until this point Germany never had a Swiss vehicle, so there was no reason for Germany to randomly get a Swiss F-18 later on, but now they have a Swiss Hunter, they can later get it. And yes Gaijin could add a Hunter to Britain and really they should’ve added the Omani one before the Swiss one.

But thats not relevant to Germany. You see my point though? The Mig-29G is fine for now until the Swiss F-18 is added for Germany later. Its basically guaranteed.

and i was actually insulted with the italian leopard bofors even being suggested lol

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what even was the bigger cluster duck addition? swedish hunter or T-90S

The biggest insult was the kf41

eh not necesarily, gajin could realy easily do a F-16AJ, difference being we actualy flew them as well and there is german camous

i think we should wait a while. as of right now…
all the above vehicles have some origin in germany (the one exception being the Su-25 of the xxxxx regiment but even that was in service in east german territory during the GDR days)

yeah thats the bishbosh lol

Rationally the Bhishma, its not got anything to do with the UK apart from former colony. Whereas although the Swiss Hunter has nothing to do with Germany, it opens the door for later additions which would be good (although yes the Indian stuff like the SU-30MKI do open doors).

However I think for Britain players the Swiss Hunter was the bigger slap in the face because the UK has the worst Hunters in-game, for example the UK has the Hunter F.1 at 9.0, whereas Sweden has a Modified Hunter F.4 with 2 extra AIM-9B’s at the same br. And then the UK gets the F.6 with gimped missiles putting it mega high and at the same br is the Swiss Hunter which is a modified F.6 but much better.

Whereas with the T-90S, Russia has better variants and the Turretface where the ERA additions are is already impenetrable by anything but BMP-2M missiles so they really didn’t need it and can always get the Iranian version which is mostly the same.

Its all perspective really, I play Britain, germany and sweden so I can see most sides,

dont even get me started bro, that thing was supposed to go to germany from the start.
if hungary employes german vehicles, the vehicles go to germany esp since hungary isnt in game and might not ever be
like a wise man once said:

“the snail moves in mysterious ways”