Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

I was waiting for you to post it but haven’t seen it so I figure I might try to do it myself

@Ghostmaxi @Armen_Lozone
Yup, rejected.

it takes a while for suggestions to get screened and accepted

think of it like publishing an article on the forums. hence they have to be of a certain standard.
you can check other suggestions to get an idea of how one should look like

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It’s my very first topic I started so I expected it to be rejected

Some word of advice, always back up your forum posts in a notepad before you post them in case it gets denied for any reason.

You can message a suggestion mod and they should be able to tell you what happened and they can give you a copy of your post.



Because they take time to write and accepted. And unfortunately i have fallen ill, overall i only have time on the weekends. I would have made it next friday, there isnt really a reason to go quick anyway.


Oh, sorry to hear that, get well soon mate.

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Probably in Wehrtechnik 3/81


seems like 130mm cannon is coming at least to leopard 2s




I hope so. Havent gotten around to checking too deeply.
Its a cockerill CM 90 turret

I found this “new” AWiSS picture on a Leo2 A4 (the left part):

Most sources talk about two launches with 3-4 charges so unlikely that they will be adding it although it would really be paper.


This is nice!
Wouldve been better before i put it up for suggestion but hehe ill add it afterwards.

Btw its a 2AV

Could be I just found it labeled as a A4 idk but it honestly doesn’t matter as long as it’s a lower br where you actually meet ATGM the AMD1 is absolute blast playing since you actually have a nice feature that is used often enough to make a actual impact.

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Yep. This will make a great tech tree vehicle in the 2k line. Would be around 11.0 if it gets the 120mm

How likely do you think it is for Gaijin to add the MFRL for two additional sidewinders to the tornado IDS considering the F111s at 11.7, the same arb br, can carry 6 AIM-9L?

I can try to suggest it as a modification…
Shouldnt be hard
But as for gaijin goving us that… idk

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