Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Diehls upgraded Kinetic Defence Vehicle would be a funny little SPAA like the M163:



But its only 7,62x51mm so kinda useless against most things.

It’s a .50 cal on the upgrade one as shown on the picture. Even the lower rank SPAAs with the 50s are very good if you get a few hits on the planes and with a target indicator and 1.500 rpm it shouldn’t be a problem.

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Oh ok, my bad, i missread then.

Man tf



I think it seems fair.

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How? It’s a German upgrade to a captured armored car from France. It should at least go to both.


The German variant is also a premium while this is tech tree ;P

Event vehicle specifically. Also im pretty sure the event version has a shorter barrel and the turret armor is misisng from the back of the turret. Been a minute since i played it.


Yeah, your right on the gun and armor

Yeah its slightly different, im more curious as to the ammo on the new one.

I guess this is their way of being fair looking at the DF-105 if that is what it is called

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But it was a joint project, I wouldn’t be surprised if they add the one with the 20mm. I honestly also wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to add these kind of vehicles only in one tree.

If you’re referring to the DF105 then you can at least be assured that leaks point to the CLOVIS prototype going to both Germany and France.


Just some random F4 stuff from the WTD 61, hopefully if they implement it it won’t be as bad as the others and actually unique.

They also had the BAT 100 so the Alpha Jet could also get it.

Also there is the MW1 on a F4


aside from the MBB Jumbo, all can be added

Why? its a tv guided long range missile similair to already existing kh29 afaik

afaik (i researched into it for a while) it wasnt made to a usable stage. only mockup (possibly) although i have little to say that it is a mockup


Isnt orange used for test ordinance to be easily tracked and spotted when it crashes? if it was just a mockup it would have probably been colored normally. Also you can see instrument cover ribbons on the tips, meaning the missile had instruments for flight