And so goes the average snail reaction to bug reports…
As usual…
Honestly I do agree, the EWR VJ 101 would be pretty nice to have in my opinion as it would give the German tech trees a VTOL aircraft
You may just see a suggestion for its brother soon Hehe
It’s sibling? Unless you’re talking about how similar it is to the Starfighter I don’t know about that, what’s it called?
As a hint, ill just tell you the other name for the VJ101.
It was also called the VAK 191C
Oh the B variant? Just had a look at that and yeah, that would be pretty cool. It could also be nicely placed in the tree just before the tornado potentially
German OV-10B(Z): a german Bronco mounted with a jet engine on the roof. 18 were built and were used as target tugs. I’m not sure about what armament it could carry though.
The truck looks way better tho.
hmmm, shure. Imma do that tomorrow.
That thing looks awesome!
you could
Please give me a link once you done it :D Thank you so much.

(IDR 1991: April)
the real koelian
So i tried to make a suggestion for the Skyranger 35 on MAN truck chassis earlier but no sign of it yet
go to my posts and pending, see if its there
Why did you even bother asking if anyone else could then? Or do you mean a different vehicle?
Seem like I can’t find it
probably rejected then