Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Ah, yes, of course.

Germany made under RBSL LEP program Black Night and 3TD, both in British TT.

But same case cheli 130 for some reason is should be in Germany TT))))


  • Made by Rheinmetall, not RBSL
  • Not part of LEP

But access to hull they have through RBSL.

No RBSL, No hull, no chally 130

Goes both ways,
No Germany, no access to a uparmoured jagdpanther :)


i only interested in chally 130

I think I’d rather let the Stingray I stay exclusive to Thailand, as giving it to the U.S. would substantially reduce the significance of seeing one in battle. Like I said, there are plenty other light tanks that could fit in at American top tier, so a replacement shouldn’t be too hard to find.

And +1 for Ki-43-III Ko, it seems odd to create a new vehicle for a foreign nation that the producer doesn’t even have.

I wish for them to finally fix the Puma tracks blowing off when ammo is hit.
I wish for Spikes/PARS to be fixed.
I wish for a new AA that can reliably counter AGMs.
I wish for a new helicopter, one with reliable AAMs/AGMs and a nose turret.
I wish for KH29Ts to be removed from the game.

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i wish our flarakrad gets its real reverse speed and the extra two missile launch tubes

😭 whyyy theyre the only TV guided missile germany has at 11.0


Also i witsh ahead completely fix

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Yeah, just used it again on the 10.3 puma, just using dart is still better, unless you’re shooting drones.
There’s a report in for more fragments, but the real issue is that the fuze doesn’t work properly, so it doesn’t work when a target is going away from you

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Plus the fragments don’t go nearly as far and despawn too soon

I make report myself. But after 7 month no reaction, except “accepted” from Smin


my apologies, I wish for KH-39MT to be removed from the game.

mistook the 29s for the 39s on the Su-34

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add in a radar than can actually track things that aren’t going straight at you and we’d have a deal.
maybe throw in a couple 20/30mm cannon on that bad boy

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only thing AHEAD is able to kill are the damn recon drones

It sucks AHEAD isn’t fully working (pls snail i beg) still not having the ability to deal with enemy drones puts you at a major disadvantage for positioning.

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64 fragments instead 162 also wrong spall cone and fuze time

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It can’t even kill drones reliably, the spall cone is pathetically small and don’t even bother to shoot it down if it is doing that stupid snake pattern when a drone becomes unattended.


Its better than nothing… thoigh i await when the snail actually fixes it…

Well 7 months since my report